Examples of the the word, litre , in a Sentence Context

The word ( litre ), is the 7641 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Licensing fees were increased by 300 %, and $0.7 duty was imposed on each, litre , of on light oils. In addition to the heavy traffic at times, parking may be
  2. Merlin 72/73 or 76/77 engines. It could carry either two, two 100 gallon (455,liter, ) or two 200 gallon (910 liter) stoppable fuel tanks. In total 90 were built.
  3. Pure water at 4 °C and 760 millimeters of mercury pressure. During this time,a, litre , was about 1.000028 dm3. In 1964 this definition was abandoned in favor of the
  4. Of the word used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures is ", litre ," One liter of liquid water has a mass of almost exactly one kilogram, due to
  5. Age 25) of New Cumberland, Pennsylvania on June 22, 1977. Erosion drank 1,liter, of beer in 1.3 seconds. Erosion approached the challenge scientifically, and
  6. It was known that ammonia was" strongly antiseptic. It requires 1.4 grams per, litre , to preserve beef tea. " Anhydrous ammonia has been shown effective as an
  7. One Cooper. It had a 2.7 liter engine producing 268 bhp compared to the 4.5,liter, 430 bhp engines used by the front-engined roadsters driven by all the other
  8. An equivalent in meters may be shown as well),Milk is available in both, litre , and pint based containers. Most people still measure their weight in stone and
  9. Had cost nature" over a million dollars" per U. S. gallon (US$300,000 per, litre , ) to produce. From this point of view, its use as a transportation fuel by
  10. NY IAS. JPG|2010 – Aston Martin Rapid Pre-war cars * 1936–1940 Aston Martin 2,liter, Speed Models (23 built) The last 8 were fitted with C-type bodywork Post-war
  11. The metric definition of exactly cubic decimeters (also after the, litre , was redefined in 1964,≈) was adopted shortly afterwards in Canada; for
  12. Boxer) models used the displacement in liters. Therefore, the BB 512 was five, litre , flat 12 (a Beretta Boxer, in this case). However, the original Beretta
  13. At folk festivals and in many beer gardens, beer is traditionally served by the, litre , ( the so-called). Bavarians are particularly proud of the traditional, or
  14. And members of his team around Europe to races. In 1959,Cooper obtained 2.5,liter, engines for the first time and Graham put the extra power to good use by
  15. Which is the S. I. unit for volume) is exactly 1000 L. From 1901 to 1964,the, litre , was defined as the volume of one kilogram of pure water at 4 °C and 760
  16. 1,192 gallons which was the equivalent of. A further two 200 gallon (910,liter, ) drop tanks under the outer wings gave a range of 3,600 miles (5,800 km)
  17. By their specific power, which is typically given in kilowatts per, litre , of engine displacement (in the U. S. also horsepower per cubic inch). The
  18. The" Le Mans ", the " MAIN ", its racing derivative, the " Ulster ", and the 2,liter,15/98 and its racing derivative the" Speed Model ". Mostly open two-seater
  19. Are not many filling stations; Petrol in Hong Kong averages around US$2.04 per, litre , of which over half the cost is taxes. It was suggested in the news that the
  20. Irn-Bru and Diet Irn-Bru are available in the following sizes: * 1.25,liter, bottle (Australia, New Zealand, Russia,Scotland) In May 2007,Irn-Bru
  21. This has the result of there being exactly one unit per percentage point per, litre , of any alcoholic beverage. When the volume of an alcoholic drinks is shown in
  22. The gram being defined in 1795 as one cubic centimeter of water. Definition A, litre , is defined as a special name for a cubic decimeter or 10 centimeters x 10
  23. Timeline *1907 to 1914 various forms with capacities ranging from 2.5 to 4.2,liter, The larger cars were based on the 1907 Peking-Paris Italy. *1910 BSA purchased
  24. Used for items measured either by their dimensions or their displacements. The, litre , is often also used in some calculated measurements, such as density (kg/L)
  25. As density (kg/L),allowing an easy comparison with the density of water. One, litre , of water has a mass of almost exactly one kilogram when measured at its maximal
  26. The greatest reaction from drivers new to the formula. Engines must be 2.4,liter, naturally aspirated V8s,with many other constraints on their design and the
  27. They were front-engined, with narrow tires and 1.5 liter supercharged or 4.5,liter, normally aspirated engines. The 1952 and 1953 world championships were run to
  28. Of detection; n number of samples; NG/L and NG/kg nanograms (10−9 g) per, litre , and nanograms per kilogram, respectively ): Physical and chemical properties
  29. Word used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures is" liter" One, litre , of liquid water has a mass of almost exactly one kilogram, due to the gram
  30. Name came from Greek via Latin. The original French metric system used the, litre , as a base unit, and it has been used in several subsequent versions of the
  31. The world's the strongest truck with their FH16 700. An inline 6 cylinder,16,liter, diesel engine producing 3150 Nm (2323.32 lb•ft) of torque and fully complying
  32. Consist of a stellar stream torn from the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy Diagram The, litre , ( or liter — see spelling differences) is a unit of volume equal to 1 cubic
  33. The first time in a modified version of the Formula One Cooper. It had a 2.7,liter, engine producing 268 bhp compared to the 4.5 liter,430 bhp engines used by the
  34. New models of the A3,A4,A6 and A8 have been introduced, with the aging 1.8,liter, engine now having been replaced by new Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI)
  35. From 1968 to 1970,Graham returned to Indianapolis, at first with a 4.2,liter, version of the Rep co V8 the team used in Formula One—with which Peter Reason
  36. Import tax, inexpensive maintenance and low unleaded petrol price of B$0.53 per, litre , Bahama Rojas, often spoken by the media and the public, is known as a" mixed
  37. As" Ugly" ). *In Singapore, the Brad limit is 350 micrograms of alcohol per, litre , of breath. Which is equal to grams of alcohol per deciliter of blood. Since
  38. This period, these being known as the" Berkeley cars ". They included the 1½,liter," T-type ", the " International ", the " Le Mans ", the " MAIN ", its racing
  39. 78,depending on the variety. Honey has a density of about 1.36 kilograms per, litre , ( 36 % denser than water). Isotope ratio mass spectrometry can be used to
  40. The Netherlands and Finland, the Brad limit is 220 micrograms of alcohol per, litre , of breath (kg/l, colloquially known as" Ugly" ). *In Singapore, the Brad
  41. Constructors' titles. Coventry Climax were late in producing the smaller 1.5,liter, engine required for the 1961 season and the Cooper-Climaxes were outclassed by
  42. Stretched" in 1966 to become the one-off BT17,originally fitted with the 4.3,liter, version of the Rep co engine for Can-Am racing. It was quickly abandoned by MRD
  43. Days, plus €1,200 fine *In Hong Kong, the Brad limit is 220 micrograms per, litre , of breath (as well as other defined limits) *In The Netherlands and Finland
  44. Cars like Alfa's 158. They were front-engined, with narrow tires and 1.5,liter, supercharged or 4.5 liter normally aspirated engines. The 1952 and 1953 world
  45. This usage has no official approval by any international bureau. The word, litre , is derived from an older French unit, the Litton, whose name came from Greek
  46. That from 1 January 2010 the new unit sale price for petrol will be the, litre , and not the gallon. This in line with the UAE Cabinet Decision No. 31 of 2006
  47. Post-war savior ". David Brown also acquired Agenda that year for its 2.6,liter, W. O. Bentley designed engine, both companies shared resources and workshops
  48. Or strong pale lager may contain as much as two units per half pint. *One, litre , of typical Oktoberfest beer (5.5 % to 6 %) contains 5.5 to 6 units of alcohol
  49. It could carry either two, two 100 gallon (455 liter) or two 200 gallon (910,liter, ) stoppable fuel tanks. In total 90 were built. The Mosquito PR Mk 34 and PR Mk
  50. Or difficult to obtain, solutions can be made. One such recipe calls for 1,liter, of boiled water,1/2 teaspoon of salt,6 teaspoons of sugar, and added mashed

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