Examples of the the word, irregular , in a Sentence Context
The word ( irregular ), is the 7639 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Yearly precipitation of only. However, actual rainfall from year to year is, irregular ,and occasionally may be less than, leading to severe reductions in crop yields
- In British speech. * By extension of the irregular verb pattern, verbs with, irregular ,preterits in some variants of colloquial AME also have a separate past
- To buy ": past tense bought spawns bough ten. Such formations are highly, irregular ,from speaker to speaker, or even within dialects. This phenomenon is found
- Saintliness. Because the position of Stand, the archbishop of Canterbury, was, irregular , Sultan sought and received consecration as a bishop from Alfred. Normally
- Moons of Mars, which are probably captured asteroids. These images revealed the, irregular , potato-like shapes of most asteroids, as did later images from the Voyager
- Dallas, Vesta,and Hygiene) are likely to be broadly similar in appearance, if, irregular , in shape. 50-km 253 Mathilde (shown at right) is a rubble pile saturated with
- Quickly disbanded as part of the Americans' distrust of standing armies, and, irregular , state militias became the sole ground army of the United States, with the
- Did not supply the requisite solution. Whether the motion was due to an, irregular ,distribution of the Earth's atmosphere, thus involving abnormal variations in
- Mother Anna Lassen, a wise and immensely able politician whom, in a uniquely, irregular ,fashion, he had crowned as Augusta instead of the rightful claimant to the
- By being able to store four times more energy as fat allowing it to deal with, irregular ,food supplies more effectively. However, it is the lack of eyes that has been
- Be modified into improvised armored cars in ad-hoc fashion. Many militias and, irregular ,forces adapt civilian vehicles into AFIS (armored fighting vehicles) and
- Outlines, one side overlooking the Tweed. Abbotsford’s picturesque and, irregular ,architecture is the progenitor of the Scottish Baronial style of architecture
- Was not cut out for marriage. Camus conducted numerous affairs, particularly an, irregular ,and eventually public affair with the Spanish-born actress Maria Caesars. In
- That differences in the chronology of different antisemitic prejudices and the, irregular ,distribution of such prejudices over different segments of the population
- Or nucleosome units due to the degradation of DNA. #The cell membrane shows, irregular ,buds known as bless. #The cell breaks apart into several vesicles called
- These honeycombs are the cubic, shown above. ) The vertex figure of each is an, irregular ,bipyramid whose faces are isosceles triangles. The C~2xI~1 (∞),4,4 x ∞
- And 190 millimeters in Florence, in only 24 hours. The flow rate of the Arno is, irregular , It is sometimes described as having a torrent-like behavior, because it can
- Of the Catholic Church while sacraments performed by schismatics are considered, irregular , Nevertheless, the validity of the sacraments do not depend upon the holiness
- Is typical for the north of Jutland. To the west the Clifford broadens into an, irregular ,lake (salt water),with low, marshy shores and many islands. Northwest is
- With 1,325,000 active troops and 2,142,821 reserve personnel. By definition, irregular ,military is understood in contrast to regular armies which grew slowly from
- However, pronunciation cannot always be predicted from spelling in cases of, irregular ,syllabic stress. In standard Spanish, it is possible to tell the pronunciation
- Which was revealed in late 2001. After a series of revelations involving, irregular ,accounting procedures conducted throughout the 1990s,Enron filed for Chapter
- The holiness of the priests who perform them (ex opera operate); therefore, irregular ,sacraments are still accepted as valid provided they are done in the name of
- Had only been proclaimed by the federal government sporadically, and on, irregular ,dates. The last such proclamation had been during James Madison's presidency
- The regular forms are somewhat more common. In most accents of AME,the, irregular ,forms are never or rarely used (except for burnt, leapt and dreamt).
- Convention nominated Jackson for President a month later, stating that the, irregular ,caucus ignored the" voice of the people" and was a" vain hope that the
- Free then the pair (m, n ) is said to be regular, otherwise it is called, irregular ,or exotic. If (m, n ) is regular and M and N have I and j prime factors
- Situation on the edge of the steeply sloping banks of a river, is singularly, irregular , The cloister is duly placed on the south side of the church, and the chief
- In the field. Asteroids are single-celled life-forms characterized by an, irregular ,shape. " Amoebic" and" Amiga" are often used interchangeably even by
- Above calculations show how to find the area of many common shapes. The area of, irregular ,polygons can be calculated using the" Surveyor's formula ". Additional
- Whose roles in the production were detailed by Camp. Ironically, this highly, irregular ,policy (along with the subsequent fame of Frank Marietta) has led to the
- Some words (such as smelt and leapt) there is a strong tendency towards the, irregular ,forms, especially by users of Received Pronunciation. For other words (such as
- This leads to a radius of 822 ± 80 solar radii. Antares is a type LC slow, irregular ,variable star, whose apparent magnitude slowly varies from +0.88 to +1.16. The
- Learn, spoil,spell, burn,dream, smell,spill, leap,and others, can be either, irregular ,(learned, spoilt, etc.) or regular (learned, spoiled,etc.). In BRE, both
- Also formed the ocean floor and the islands rising from it. The Atlantic has, irregular ,coasts indented by numerous bays, gulfs,and seas. These include the Norwegian
- Of how he invented a method for determining the volume of an object with an, irregular ,shape. According to Vitruvian, a votive crown for a temple had been made for
- Begun and completed in 1824. The general ground-plan is a parallelogram, with, irregular , outlines,one side overlooking the Tweed. Abbotsford’s picturesque and
- Uses are often considered nonstandard; the AP Stylebook in AME treats some, irregular ,verbs as colloquialisms, insisting on the regular forms for the past tense of
- 20 ". 23 would be expected; Starting et al. (2003) think that this, irregular ,change from to is due to influence from" 2 ". 24 From. 25 Also
- Recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England, on 29 June 1904. *33° of the, irregular ,'Cereal' Scottish Rite from John Parker *90°/95° of the Rite of
- Learnt, spoilt, etc.) or regular (learned, spoiled,etc.). In BRE, both, irregular , and regular forms are current, but for some words (such as smelt and leapt)
- Although it appeared only as a dot, Physical characteristics Adapted has an, irregular ,shape and measures 20×16×14 km across. Its mass can be estimated at about 2 kg.
- Within trees, thereby leading to the development of large lumps of amber of, irregular ,form. Classification Amber can be classified into several forms. Most
- Brightnesses of the blue supergiant Rigel and the red supergiant Betelgeuse, irregular ,variable star (at maximum) are reversed compared to what our eyes see since
- Visible to the camera. The usual arrangement is for the actors to stand in an, irregular ,line from one side of the screen to the other, with the actors at the end
- Of similar latitude. It is always warm, but with sea-breezes. Rainfall is, irregular , but usually dry during the north-east, and very wet during the south-west
- May differ. The name" ablative" derives from the Latin ablates, the (, irregular ,) perfect passive participle of referred" to carry away ". Indo-European
- And snuck is occasionally found in British speech. * By extension of the, irregular ,verb pattern, verbs with irregular preterits in some variants of colloquial AME
- Sense. The first floor, in particular, is rather astonishing with tracery, irregular ,oval windows and flowing sculpted stone work. It seems that the goal of the
- An adjectiveand in formulas such as not proven). * AME further allows other, irregular ,verbs, such as dive (dove) or sneak (snuck),and often mixes the preterit
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