Examples of the the word, crusade , in a Sentence Context

The word ( crusade ), is the 7636 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The council) and having been named apostolic legate and appointed to lead the, crusade ,by Pope Urban II, he accompanied Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse, to the east.
  2. A knight in the employ of Count Raymond of Toulouse, the Church called for a, crusade , This was carried out by knights from northern France and Germany and was known
  3. And central Italy advocating reform of the clergy and the launch of a new, crusade ,and advising people that repentance and renewal could be done through" the
  4. And had a number of vassals in the region. Peter died fighting against the, crusade ,on 12 September 1213 at the Battle of Murat. Treaty and persecution The war
  5. In this matter, being denounced in debate in Commons in 1864 for" commencing a, crusade ,against the popular game of tip-cat and the trundling of hoops. " Alleged
  6. Militaristic streak; on ascending the throne he made known his desire to lead a, crusade ,against" not only the Turks, but all his foes ". Richard's the most loyal subject
  7. Did not succeed, and the population of Alba was devastated in the Albigensian, crusade , Dominic became the spiritual father to several Albigensian women he had
  8. Mont-Pelerin, Tripoli,in today's Lebanon. He was born while his father was on, crusade , attempting to create the County of Tripoli on the Palestinian coast. He was
  9. A succession of wars instigated by Pope Honors III and his frequent calls for, crusade , Before the Prussians and their neighbors to the west, the Pomeranians, were
  10. Educational purpose. " The judge concluded that" Act 590 is a religious, crusade , coupled with a desire to conceal this fact ", and that it violated the First
  11. The other leaders often quarrelled with each other over the leadership of the, crusade , Appear was always recognized as the spiritual leader of the crusade . Appear
  12. Horses, Ribe and their headquarters in Slag else, so by the time of the Baltic, crusade , the symbol was already a known symbol in Denmark. Furthermore, he claims that
  13. Would force the Italian people to turn a bungled colonial war into a national, crusade ," that stayed his hand. As a direct result of the battle, Italy signed the
  14. Of soldiers and a missionary (Albert of Prague) to the pagan Prussians on a, crusade ,of conquest and conversion. The crusade encompassed much of the Baltic Sea
  15. Hostile towards the Spanish throne, and thus, when called by James, hoped for a, crusade ,under the leadership of the king to rescue Protestants on the continent from
  16. Siege. In 1396,the Vi din Stardom fell after the defeat of a Christian, crusade ,at the Battle of Necropolis. Finally, the Vi din Stardom fell to in 1423 and with
  17. Montague, and Cascade. In 1118,the Council of Toulouse declared a, crusade ,to assist in the conquest of Zaragoza. Many Frenchmen consequently joined
  18. His companions he had made enemies, and he was destined to take no share in the, crusade ,he had joined. He was poisoned at Caesar, either by Eleanor of Aquitaine, the
  19. Which he – without the knowledge of the King – brought with him on the King's, crusade ,in the Baltic countries, in an effort to make the army take on a Christian
  20. Was noted for the simple but effective slogan," I Like Ike ", and was a, crusade ,against the Truman administration's policies regarding" Korea, Communism and
  21. A series of leaders to head the assault. The French King refused to lead the, crusade ,himself, nor could he spare his son—despite his victory against John of England
  22. As soon as he heard of the murder, the Pope ordered the legates to preach a, crusade ,against the Fathers and wrote a letter to Phillip Augustus, King of France
  23. Rector of the Jagiellonian University, who challenged legality of the Teutonic, crusade , He argued that a forced conversion was incompatible with free will, which was
  24. Of the crusade , Adhemar was always recognized as the spiritual leader of the, crusade , Appear negotiated with Alexis I Comments at Constantinople, reestablished at
  25. Commented on the series' humor, stating that it transformed" stupidity into a, crusade , forcing us to acknowledge how little it really takes to make us laugh. " In
  26. On his way home to England after signing a treaty with Saladin ending the Third, crusade , *1522 – Suleiman the Magnificent accepts the surrender of the surviving
  27. His pleas for intervention in the south. The entirely biased chronicler of the, crusade ,which was to follow, Peter de Vaux de Cernay, portrays the sequence of events
  28. Resolved to campaign against Persia himself. He treated the war as a Christian, crusade , calling for bishops to accompany the army and commissioning a tent in the
  29. With various smaller eastern churches. Beginning around 1184,following the, crusade ,against the Cathay heresy, various institutions, broadly referred to as the
  30. Andrew Escobar. They argued that the Knights were perfectly justified in their, crusade ,as it was a sacred duty of Christians to spread the true faith. Name
  31. In the American transportation network. At the same time, Juan Trippe began a, crusade ,to create an air network that would link America to the world, and he achieved
  32. Center of the state of Brandenburg, began. In 1134,in the wake of a German, crusade ,against the Wends, the German magnate Albert the Bear was granted the Northern
  33. Place in 1395. On the urging of the Byzantine emperor John V Palaeologus a new, crusade ,was organized to defeat him. This proved unsuccessful: in 1396 the Christian
  34. 1087. At the Council of Clermont in 1095,Appear showed great zeal for the, crusade ,(there is evidence Urban II had conferred with Appear before the council)
  35. Of Jews, when he did so in Poison in 1249. When Louis IX again engaged in a, crusade ,(the Eighth Crusade),Alphonse again raised a large sum of money and
  36. Of Prague) to the pagan Prussians on a crusade of conquest and conversion. The, crusade ,encompassed much of the Baltic Sea coast, Danzig (Present day Gdańsk),and
  37. That shared the common experience of French culture. Sihanouk's" royal, crusade ,for independence" resulted in grudging French acquiescence to his demands for
  38. Were the cause of their misfortune and failures. When his attempt to call a new, crusade ,failed, he tried to disassociate himself from the fiasco of the Second Crusade
  39. Died in 1150. Taking the title" Margrave of Brandenburg ", he pressed the ", crusade ," against the Wends, extended the area of his mark, encouraged German migration
  40. The First Crusade. There was at first virtually no popular enthusiasm for the, crusade ,as there had been in 1095. Bernard found it expedient to dwell upon the taking
  41. Constantine experienced a radical conversion, which drove him on a personal, crusade ,to convert his empire. Charles Mason Odahl's recent Constantine and the
  42. Dispute of the Teutonic mission – did the Knights have the right to wage the, crusade , Was it a Just War? The Polish position was defended by
  43. Six resulting in death. Inoculation debate Boston and Mather's inoculation, crusade ," raised a horrid Glamour" amongst the people of Boston. Both Boston and
  44. Peacefully demonstrate the errors of Catharism, the Pope then called a formal, crusade , appointing a series of leaders to head the assault. The French King refused to
  45. To supply them with provisions in return for their oaths of homage. The, crusade ,was a notable success for Byzantium, as Alexios now recovered a number of
  46. Could not recover Jerusalem or any of the inland territory of the kingdom. The, crusade ,came to an end peacefully, with the Treaty of Rama in 1192. Saladin allowed
  47. In 1144 Henri conquered Odessa, a crusade r stronghold, which led to a new, crusade ,from Europe in 1148. In the meantime Henri was assassinated and his territory
  48. Daughter Anna to his policy and diplomacy, but by the Latin historians of the, crusade ,to his treachery and falseness. In 1099,a Byzantine fleet of 10 ships were
  49. Race to counter the non-interventionism of Sen. Robert A. Taft, and to, crusade ,against" Communism, Korea and corruption. " He won by a landslide, defeating
  50. Was signed in August 1552 he separated himself from his allies and began a, crusade ,of plunder in Franconia. Having extorted a large sum of money from the citizens

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