Examples of the the word, lethal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lethal ), is the 7631 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or rubidium salts. They have also been used to treat epilepsy. The median, lethal ,dose (LD50) value for cesium chloride in mice is 2.3 g per kilogram, which
  2. Since become the central unit in naval warfare, acting as a mobile base for, lethal ,aircraft. Aerial battles throughout history Although the use of aircraft has
  3. Weight. Substances with LD50 above 2 g are considered non-toxic. The minimum, lethal ,dose for humans has not been established, but an intake of 4 g/day was reported
  4. In a variety of common foods. This leads to an unpredictable and potentially, lethal ,toxicity when amygdala or laetrile is taken orally. Ingestion of purified
  5. Ferrocyanide E536,and Calcium ferrocyanide E538) do not decompose to, lethal ,levels in the human body and are used in the food industry as, e. g., an
  6. Effective weapon. There have been fewer injuries as a result of only carrying, lethal ,loads in the shotgun, as opposed to deterrent rounds. State of Alaska Defense
  7. Missile-armed Bradley IFRS and can bring a large concentration of accurate and, lethal ,fire to bear on an attacking enemy unit that uses AFIS. They can be
  8. Within a limited time frame that is dependent on half-life. Though achieving, lethal ,dose with caffeine would be exceptionally difficult with regular coffee, there
  9. Suppressed breathing, and other adverse effects that have potential to be, lethal , Following chlordiazepoxide, diazepam marketed by Hoffmann–La Roche under the
  10. Killing prey and tearing meat. When it overpowers its prey, a cat delivers a, lethal ,neck bite with its two long canine teeth, inserting them between two of the
  11. Weapons may also be useful as area denial weapons. These agents may be, lethal ,or non- lethal , and may be targeted against a single individual, a group of
  12. Calcium compounds are administered intravenously. For example, the oral median, lethal ,dose (LD50) for rats for calcium carbonate and calcium chloride are 6.45 and
  13. As Governor, he oversaw four executions: one by electric chair and three by, lethal ,injection. Later, as president, Clinton was the first President to pardon a
  14. By symptoms of cyanide toxicity or by blood cyanide levels approaching the, lethal ,range. " Some North American cancer patients have traveled to Mexico for
  15. Of technology throughout the world, the population impact is approximately 0.8, lethal , cancers per plant-year distributed over the affected population. With 400 GW of
  16. Or to conclude that there was a deliberate plan by the GOI to respond with, lethal ,force. The Or Commission, an Israeli panel of inquiry appointed to investigate
  17. Infection starts with ordinary influenza-like symptoms and progresses to a, lethal ,hemorrhagic mediastinitis within 3–7 days, with a fatality rate that is 90 % or
  18. Acute overdose has a mortality rate of 2 %. Chronic overdose is more commonly, lethal , with a mortality rate of 25 %; chronic overdose may be especially severe in
  19. The crossbow often has a complicated legal status due to the possibility of, lethal ,use and its similarities with both firearms and archery weapons. Within the
  20. Lumber has caused fatalities in animals and serious poisonings in humans; the, lethal ,human dose is approximately 20 grams of ash. Scrap CCA lumber from construction
  21. In the UK concerned the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko who was given a, lethal ,dose of radioactive polonium-210,possibly passed to him in aerosol form
  22. Were especially affected by DDT due to biomagnification. DDT itself was not, lethal ,to the adult bird, but it interfered with the bird's calcium metabolism
  23. In coal mine waste tips. The great variety of carbon compounds include such, lethal ,poisons as tetrodotoxin, the pectin ricing from seeds of the castor oil plant
  24. Then in the basement of Block 11 and gassing them with Zyklon B, a highly, lethal ,cyanide-based pesticide. This paved the way for the use
  25. Humane alternatives to hanging, but have been almost entirely superseded by, lethal ,injection, which in turn has been criticized as being too painful. Nevertheless
  26. Reported that an AIM-120D launched from an F/A-18F Super Hornet passed within, lethal ,distance of a QF-4 target drone at the White Sands Missile Range. There are
  27. Occurs at approximately ten times normal dosages; these drugs are often, lethal ,in overdoses, as they may cause a fatal arrhythmia. However, tricyclic
  28. Antipsychotics, although it has previously been banned due to its potentially, lethal ,side effects. While controlled clinical trials of atypical reported that
  29. The intense pain of castration, many were inadvertently administered, lethal ,doses of opium or some other narcotic, or were killed by overlong compression
  30. In the mucosa of the lungs to form hydrochloric acid, an irritant that can be, lethal , The damage done by chlorine gas can be prevented by a gas mask, or other
  31. Events that followed: The decision of the Israeli police on 29 September to use, lethal ,means against the Palestinian demonstrators. In addition, the report stated,
  32. A condemned prisoner as the condemned prisoner eventually breathes the, lethal ,fumes. Food additive Due to the high stability of their completion with iron
  33. Organization often opposes executions on the grounds that the present method of, lethal ,injection sometimes goes awry. *The ACLU's position on spam is considered
  34. Suggest the use of medical identification tags. Although these reactions may be, lethal , the total number of deaths due to interactions and dietary concerns is
  35. In closed environments, the concentration of carbon monoxide can easily rise to, lethal ,levels. On average,170 people in the United States die every year from carbon
  36. Of thiamine, such as mature cheese, cured meats or yeast extracts. Likewise, lethal ,reactions to both prescription and over the counter medications have occurred.
  37. These antibiotics work by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis. This has a, lethal ,effect on bacteria, especially on Gram-positive ones. Bacteria can, however
  38. Showed that a single dose of 3800 PCI (4.1 kg of caesium-137) per kilogram is, lethal ,within three weeks; smaller amounts may cause infertility and cancer. The
  39. Inserting it into the rectum. These methods are very dangerous and potentially, lethal ,; if the condom breaks, the drugs inside become absorbed into the bloodstream
  40. Of the campaign, Gen. Buckner was killed by Japanese artillery fire, which blew, lethal ,slivers of coral into his body, while inspecting his troops at the front line.
  41. The case of patients that may unwittingly have mononucleosis) to potentially, lethal ,allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis. However, as with other penicillin drugs
  42. Leading to rapid death. The disease occurs in foals who are homozygous for the, lethal ,BED allele, meaning both parents carry one copy of the gene. The stallion King
  43. To identify the target at long range, and the ability to score a first-round, lethal ,hit at long range, usually measured in hundreds of meters. A dedicated sniper
  44. Abnormal numbers of chromosomes or chromosome sets, aneuploidy, may be, lethal ,or give rise to genetic disorders. Genetic counseling is offered for families
  45. That leads to apoptosis. Since a -/- mutation in the APAF-1 gene is embryonic, lethal , a gene trap strategy was used in order to generate an APAF-1 -/- mouse. This
  46. To hunt the same animals, however,this harpoon provided a more efficient and, lethal ,weapon. This harpoon separated into four parts. The longest part was the shaft
  47. With certain medications. General MAO inhibitors can produce a potentially, lethal ,hypertensive reaction if taken with foods that contain excessively high levels
  48. Consensus of the scientific community is that" breatharianism" is potentially, lethal ,pseudoscience, but some promote the practices of breatharianism as a skill
  49. Designed to detonate about above the ground. These air-bursts are much more, lethal ,against personnel than ground bursts because they deliver a greater proportion
  50. Its citizens on to its streets by dispensing money, intending to kill them with, lethal ,gas. Batman foils his plan, but the Joker kidnaps Vicki and takes her to the

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