Examples of the the word, managers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( managers ), is the 11969 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. About the animals, which can be a burrowing nuisance to property owners and, managers , As musical instruments Armadillo shells had traditionally
  2. Astronauts. Tension with Shirr began with the launch decision, when flighted, managers ,decided to launch with a less than ideal abort option for the early part of the
  3. Herd wick sheep farmers in the area. She was admired by her shepherds and farm, managers ,for her willingness to experiment with the latest biological remedies for the
  4. An executive, Gates met regularly with Microsoft's senior managers and program, managers , Firsthand accounts of these meetings describe him as verbally combative
  5. To the Hall of Fame, including 205 former Major Leagues,35 Negro Leagues,19, managers , 9 umpires, and 27 pioneers, executives,and organizers. The newest members are
  6. Operated basically as a subsidiary of the Suns; several executives and, managers ,with the Suns and America West Arena were brought over to the Diamondbacks in
  7. Accounts of these meetings describe him as verbally combative, berating, managers , for perceived holes in their business strategies or proposals that placed the
  8. Of British North America," administered" by individual HBC trading post, managers , With the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush in 1858,an influx of Americans into New
  9. Iron interests were reassured by his support for protective tariffs. Lincoln's, managers ,had been adroitly focused on this delegation as well as the others, while
  10. Who is a former Amiga developer. Window Lab and amino are among several window, managers ,for the X Window System seek to mimic the Workbench interface. Unix and
  11. With the fact that ABEL was reported to have overpaid most of its top level, managers , eventually led to its financial and operational collapse in 1997. The company
  12. Committees, including sportswriters and broadcasters, would select umpires, managers ,and executives, as well as players from earlier eras. In the first election to
  13. Box score of the game and the relevant statistical records. General managers , managers , and baseball scouts use statistics to evaluate players and make strategic
  14. Or gone out of business since deregulation in 1978. Many international airline, managers ,are lobbying their governments to permit greater consolidation to achieve
  15. 11 % of team vice presidents were people of color, and seven of the league's, managers ,were of color (four African-Americans and three Latinos). 2005 In 2005,the
  16. A common nickname for the intentional walk is four-finger salute, since most, managers ,call for an intentional walk by holding up four fingers. Outside the
  17. And standardized system of accounting which was followed by all its local farm, managers , Each administrator on each subdivision of the estate drew up his own little
  18. Major League Baseball a grade of" A" or better for opportunities for players, managers ,and coaches as well as for MLB's central office. At that time,37 % of major
  19. Campaigned for integration of the sport. After World War II ended, several team, managers ,considered recruiting members of the Negro Leagues for entry into organized
  20. Of a game, as relief pitchers and pinch hitters are brought in, the opposing, managers ,will often go back and forth trying to create favorable matchups with their
  21. Triple Crown" winner (but normally he has won the CY Young Award). General, managers ,and baseball scouts have long used the major statistics, among other factors
  22. Move came in the form of a workshop which was attended by more than 1800, managers , and 220 union representatives with the aim of fostering a stronger partnership
  23. Staff Current board Current technical staff List of Ajax chairmen List of Ajax, managers ,* Spitz Kohn, Bobby Harms and Barry Brushoff. (1988–89,interim) Honors
  24. Landscapes or species. Business ethics concerns questions such as the limits on, managers ,in the pursuit of profit, or the duty of 'whistleblowers' to the general
  25. Sheep, and for her employment of the best shepherds, sheep breeders, and farm, managers , By the late 1920s Beatrix and her Hill Top farm manager Tom Story had made a
  26. Business spurred IBM to create the IBM PC, which was then purchased by middle, managers ,in all lines of business to run spreadsheet and word processing software, at
  27. The pre-WWII panel would vote every five years, and the panel for umpires, managers , and executives voted as part of the election process for inductions in
  28. Was completed in 2009. There has been a School of Nursing since 1951. 58 nurse, managers ,were appointed in RIPS to improve service and provide better medical care. In
  29. Directed by a Governor. The Governor is elected by the internal commission of, managers , with a decree from the President of the Italian Republic for a term of 7 years
  30. Thrown at a batter intentionally, a warning is issued to the pitcher and the, managers ,of both teams. From that point on, any pitch thrown at a batter can cause the
  31. Including the LM. But by the summer of 1968 it became clear to program, managers ,that a fully functional LM would not be available for the Apollo 8 launch.
  32. Three separate committees to select other figures: * One committee voted on, managers ,and umpires for induction in every even-numbered year. This committee voted
  33. German towns. With headquarters of DHL, T-Mobile and other renowned companies, managers ,have replaced the public sector. Main sights | | | | Beethoven's birthplace
  34. President. Managerial history: Roma have had many, managers ,and trainers running the team during their history, here is a chronological
  35. The museum and facility in Cooperstown, New York, but the pantheon of players, managers , umpires, executives,and pioneers who have been enshrined in the Hall. The
  36. Runners during pauses in play. In contrast to many other team sports, baseball, managers , and coaches generally wear their team's uniforms; coaches must be in uniform
  37. Squad Out on loan Notable players Managerial history Florentina have had many, managers ,and head coaches throughout their history. Below is a chronological list from
  38. Both the box score of the game and the relevant statistical records. General, managers , managers , and baseball scouts use statistics to evaluate players and make
  39. His last major WWF storyline following WrestleMania VII had the major heel, managers ,(Bobby Keenan, Sensational Sherri, Slick,and Mr. Fuji) trying to recruit
  40. 23 October 2009. Managers There have been eighteen permanent and five caretaker, managers ,of Arsenal since the appointment of the club's first professional manager
  41. Press covers news and events on all four ASU campuses. Student editors and, managers ,are solely responsible for the content of the State Press newspaper and its
  42. Financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and, managers , The communication is generally in the form of financial statements that show
  43. The Pentagon, even with smoke getting into the facility. Engineers and building, managers ,manipulated the ventilation and other building systems that still functioned to
  44. Called management accounting and is used to provide information to employees, managers , owner- managers and auditors. Management accounting is concerned primarily with
  45. Phone calls. " As an executive, Gates met regularly with Microsoft's senior, managers ,and program managers . Firsthand accounts of these meetings describe him as
  46. And strategies of the team, and other team personnel such as assistant coaches, managers , statisticians, doctors and trainers. For both men's and women's teams, a
  47. For the BBW AA ballot—both long-retired players and non-playing personnel (, managers , umpires, and executives). With these changes, each candidate can now be
  48. Illegal drugs and controlled substances, including steroids … " Some general, managers ,of the time do not remember this memo, and it was not emphasized or enforced.
  49. As many available players as possible within the regulation nine innings, both, managers , had used their entire roster. Concerned for the arms of the pitchers currently
  50. Earlier eras. In the first election to be held under the 2007 revisions, two, managers , and three executives were elected in December 2007 as part of the 2008 election

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