Examples of the the word, kos , in a Sentence Context

The word ( kos ), is the 11971 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Indo-European lineage. It is cognate with Persian run" anus" and, kos ," vulva ", and with Greek (author). Tucker relates it to Indo-European
  2. Ostwald Ski Jumping Stadium, Saalfelden 85 | 60 | 30 | 15 Bulgaria Hernia, kos , in Nabokov is the only OK hill in Bulgaria. But there was a K-90 in Baronets
  3. Of why odd sizes are always used. (On even-sized boards ladders and, kos , still can be used. ) After sporadic use down the years, mirror go was brought
  4. I alert "," Lejlekët NE Lhasa "," Valley e kaolinize "," Devi u Bette, kos ,"," CIA shin help me bight "," Pshurrani i Jesuit "," She i
  5. Set in mud, from each of which to the Raja's palace, for a distance of three, kos , an extremely strong, high and wide embankment (all) has been constructed for
  6. And sentences as if he were conversing with the reader. According to him" SAU, kos , se ba-zaban-e-qalam Bataan KIA Karo AUR hi jr man visual KE maze Lisa Karo "
  7. Made out of salt cod. At weddings and other special occasions a variety of, kos , dushi are served: koala (coconut sweets),KO'i lech (condensed milk and
  8. Kos on the same board at the same time. A double KO is a situation when two, kos , are potentially being fought, simultaneously and affecting the same local
  9. Spread from Hansel (on the boundary of Modern Hussar, to Marod. Marod is 12,KOS, south of Rajah. The folk legends tell us, that one Sadhu told a Punish leader
  10. Showed he still has decent ability and has now brought his record to 45-6-37,KOS, On June 30, 2007,Savage fought former Heavyweight Champion Evander
  11. Various kinds of pretty stones, which are cut and kept as curiosities. Six, kos , distant were the headquarters of Sultan Mural, which grew into a fine city
  12. Helvası (made from walnut or almond),thin helves (crushed sesame seeds),KOS, helva, pişmaniye (floss Alva). Other popular desserts include; Remain (with
  13. The hands of Suraj MAL. He now turned his arms against Bahadurgarh, about 12,KOS, to the west of Delhi, the strong-hold of another powerful Bloch chief Broader
  14. And eccentrically curved. Also, quite heavy. Gallery Image: machete, kos , Pg. jpg|A machete, a blade closely related to the Ida. Ida in popular culture
  15. Ref. / http://www.gtp.gr/TDirectoryDetails.asp? Id=13027 Archaeal. Museum of, kos , Evelyn Mansfield King (30 May 1907–14 April 1994) was a British member of
  16. Journey at Hadar Sahib to make obeisance at shrines sacred to Guru An gad. Two, kos , from Amritsar, it was received by Harboring, Guru Arjan's young son
  17. Di Rocco on March 5,2011. Michele Di Rocco has a record of (21-1-1) with 12,KOS, and his only loss was by knockout in the 7th round against Giuseppe Lauri, whom
  18. By Nepal's Reyna rulers as a defensive perimeter called Char Rose Jihadi (four, kos , forest,one KOS equalling about three km or two miles). Up slope, the permeable
  19. Then the game could, theoretically,continue forever. When there are three, kos , on the board, it does not follow that there will be a triple KO: as long as one
  20. Sinti pa e Islam DI nos: Make charity KU SU defeat: Nos ta simple aria our, kos , English translation: Country of sun and gentle breeze, : Proud country arose
  21. Independence ". Name Kosovo (, ) is the Serbian neuter possessive adjective of, kos , ( кос) " blackbird ", an ellipsis for Kosovo Pole,'blackbird field ', the
  22. Kos Helga, a sweet-like dessert which is widespread in Turkey. In Safranbolu, kos , helva is also called" leaf-halva ". United States In the USA, it is found in
  23. Used Persian curse" Kolkhoz" which broken down to it is elements kolkhoz: ", kos ," is the standard word for" pussy" and" Kohl" is the standard word for "
  24. Some sweets and desserts are also called Helga, such as park Helga or, kos , helva, a sweet-like dessert which is widespread in Turkey. In Safranbolu, kos
  25. Cyrillic: Косово, pronounced ) is the Serbian neuter possessive adjective of, kos , ( кос) " blackbird ", an ellipsis for Kosovo Pole" field of the blackbirds "
  26. Old feud between the two clans. Of the Mud and Jana, Babur noted;:" Seven, kos , from Hera to the north, there is a hill. This hill, in the Zafer-nāmeh and
  27. man's height in most places and is always full of water. The enclosure is one, kos , and fourteen chains in circumference inside it high and spacious thatched
  28. Involving KO One curiosity is the existence of multiple, kos , on the same board at the same time. A double KO is a situation when two kos es are
  29. To the pelican's characteristic behavior, but it may also correspond to, kos , ( cup),as a reference to the pelican's jaw pouch. An additional complexity
  30. Are said to be alive. ) In addition, this play is done under rules in which, kos , are treated differently from ordinary play. If the players reach an incorrect
  31. Instruments: Image: Meter even. JPG|The began player Image: Meter, kos , drum. JPG|The KOS player Image: Meter Paul. JPG|Paul players Image: Meter
  32. From Sanskrit: कृमिज Ermina meaning" worm-made. "; KOS: through Hindi कोस, kos , ultimately from Sanskrit रोस Rosa, which means" a call, a shout ".; Trait:
  33. Rulers as a defensive perimeter called Char Rose Jihadi (four KOS forest, one,KOS, equalling about three km or two miles). Up slope, the permeable geology
  34. Issues. Two kos es cannot actually form a large loop. A triple KO is when three, kos , are being fought simultaneously. In this case a long loop, of period six plays
  35. Of a KO varies dramatically depending on the positions of the two players. Some, kos , offer very little gain for either player, such as three points or fewer. Others
  36. It is possible for the two players to continually take and retake the three, kos , in a fixed cyclic order. If both players judge this to be the best line of play
  37. 1999) aka Idle Running (International: English title) As director *SRC JE, kos , mesa (2003) aka The Heart Is a Piece of Meat As actor *Reserve deli (2003)
  38. Of wall, there is an encompassing bamboo plantation running continuously, two,KOS, or more in width ". He wrote" In short the city of Gurgaon appeared to us to
  39. Arise in actual play, affecting life and death or connection issues. Two, kos , cannot actually form a large loop. A triple KO is when three kos es are being
  40. Atop the ravines and is surrounded by ravines and gullies on both sides. Half a, kos , from Pharmacy, the road becomes such that in four or five places before
  41. Portions of the board, sometimes even the whole board, and the outcome of those, kos , can determine the winner of the game. For this reason, finding and using KO
  42. Year of the Creation pour the contents out of the cup i.e., count the word ", kos ," כוס with defective spelling 80 and seek aid style" direction: LTR "
  43. Branches or families, as well as the Jana. This hill, which lies within seven, kos , of Hera, branching off from the hill-country of Kashmir, which belongs to the
  44. Slavic languages, as in the Czech kinda also Persian OSHA" splitting" and, kos ," vulva ". Eric Partridge's Origins, by contrast, relates it to a
  45. Early 18th century in Punjab. He was a Matt of Anwar village, approximately 8,KOS, from Amritsar. He was the first companion of Band Singh Broader to receive
  46. Person leading the immune to recite the blessings over a cup of wine called the, kos , shel beach (cup of blessing). Although sometimes done at ordinary meals, it
  47. As a defensive perimeter called Char Rose Jihadi, meaning four KOS forest; one, kos , equals about. A British observer noted," Plainsmen and Paris generally die
  48. The Reyna dynasty as a defensive perimeter called Char Rose Jihadi, meaning four, kos , forest; one KOS equals about. A British observer noted," Plainsmen and Paris
  49. The central Kosovo plain, and literally means" Field of Blackbird ", since ", kos ," is" a blackbird ", and " -HVO" is regular Serbian suffix for possessive
  50. Words of possible Damian origin, while the proper Albanian name for yogurt is, kos , Boom Dot Bust is a comedy album recorded by The Fire sign Theatre and released

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