Examples of the the word, jpeg , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jpeg ), is the 11972 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Period. Burials Gallery Image: Bulgarian Iron Church., jpeg , Image: SV Stefan view from back. JPG|View from the Golden Horn Image: SV Stefan
  2. Which is not seen visually. Other images Image: Rosette-nebula-09-01-2005., jpeg , Image: Rosette nebula s. jpg Image: Redrosedust wright f2000. JPG|A close up
  3. In many systems, the handwritten forms are first scanned into digital images (, jpeg , tiff, bitmap,etc.). These files are then processed by the optical character
  4. Traditionnel. JPG | Provencal market File: Aix-en-Provence-Les-Bains-Oct-2001., jpeg , | The modern spa in AIX File: Foundational. JPG | The Leisurely Foundation
  5. Be identified. For example, the JPEG type is defined with a UTI of 'public., jpeg ,', and tagged with the extensions 'JPG' and 'JPEG ', the MIME type 'image/ jpeg
  6. Under age 18 and 17.8 % of those age 65 or over. Image: Farm Alexandria tn., jpeg , | Image: Winter in Alexandria tn. jpg | Downtown is a town in DeKalb County
  7. Caption" Computer cases" per row "/JJ"> 3"> Image: Gigabyte 3D Mercury (Black)., jpeg , | Gigabyte Technology 3D Mercury Full-Tower ATX Chassis. Image: Black mid-tower
  8. Used carburetors. Go G2 to G4 (1994-2008) #REDIRECT anuncioad7345848_2_1., jpeg , The second generation (or" G2" ) Go, known as Project AB9 during
  9. JPG Image: SkabiosenFlockenblume. JPG Image: centaurea_scabies., jpeg , Image: centaurea_scabies_detail. JPEG Image: centaurea_scabies_habits. JPEG
  10. Easter eggs from different countries File: Czech Easter eggs 2005-03-26 00., jpeg , | Easter eggs from the Czech Republic File: Drapanka003. JPG | Drank from
  11. 02. JPG File: Freshwater half beak in aquarium. JPG Image: Half beak fry., jpeg , Image: Female platy fish. JPG External links * http://livebearers.org American
  12. JPG File: Gallén-Kallela - Marie Fallen AUF her Kuhmoniemi-Brücke - 1890., jpeg , File: Great Kalevala. JPG File: Illustration to Paul Scheerbart's Konigslied.
  13. Files * http://www.kokkonen.net/tjko/projects.html Jpegoptim (GPL) – Optimize, jpeg , files 3D Graphics * Open CTM – Lossless compression of 3D triangle meshes Video
  14. JPG Image: centaurea_scabies. JPEG Image: centaurea_scabies_detail., jpeg , Image: centaurea_scabies_habits. JPEG Image: Centaurea scabiosa1. JPG Image:
  15. Chroma subsampling can reduce the BPP to 16 or 12 bits/pixel. Applying, jpeg , compression on every frame can reduce the BPP to 8 or even 1 bits/pixel.
  16. JPG File: Iqbal park tourist buses. JPG File: Billboards in Lahore indigo., jpeg , File: Lahore Railway Station35. JPG File: Shaheen Air International Boeing
  17. 16.6 Gm in 2092. Computer-generated images of Goleta: File: Asteroid-golevka., jpeg , The British Rail Class 14 is a type of small diesel-hydraulic locomotive built
  18. Where the header is defined Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=genome., jpeg , ; modification-date="Wed,12 February 1997 16:29:51 -0500 "; The filename may be
  19. Many cichlids form strong pair bonds while breeding. File: Diskuslaich1a., jpeg , | A discus (Symphysodon SPP. ) is guarding its eggs. Advanced broodmare is one
  20. JPG|Baroque fountain in AIX File: Aix-en-Provence-Cours-Mirabeau-Oct-2001., jpeg , | The course Mirabeau File: AIX - March traditional. JPG | Provencal market
  21. Of Indian sculptures of various ages and styles Image: Gandhara Buddha (TNM)., jpeg , Image: Bronzes-Chola-2. JPG Image: VajraMudra. JPG Image: Bronzes-Chola-1. JPG
  22. Image: GatesheadAngel5. JPG|Silhouette Image: Angel of the north through trees., jpeg , Image: Angel of the North in Miniland, Legoland Windsor. JPG|A Lego model of
  23. Give the tri-species hybrid Months × Scythian. Image: Months_aquatic_bluets., jpeg , Image: Months aquatica01. JPG Freed George Foreman (born October 16, 1976)
  24. Saltier Building. JPG Image: Saltier Salts Mill. JPG Image: Salts Mill., jpeg , Image: Salts Mill 2. JPG Copley is a village in the metropolitan borough of
  25. Shaquille O'Neal, four-time NBA Championship winner Image: ClaireChennault., jpeg , | Lieutenant General Claire Lee Renault, military aviator who commanded the
  26. As Windows Photo Viewer that comes with Windows operating systems, change a, jpeg , image if it is rotated, resulting in loss of image quality; others offer
  27. São Paulo, Brasil Image: Expo180 Sebastian. JPEG Image: Exp1 Sebastian., jpeg , Image: Exp Sebastian. JPEG External links
  28. PNG | Nonesuch Explorer Series 1967–1983 File: Nonesuch records logo., jpeg , | 1984–1987 File: Electra Nonesuch 2. JPEG | Electra Nonesuch 1990–1995
  29. Today in Milford—specialty, collectible and antique shops. Image: thislitmiriv., jpeg , | The Little Miami River at Milford, Ohio today. Geography Milford is located
  30. Gallery Image: Athabasca Falls 1. JPG | Image: Athabasca_Falls_2005-06-11., jpeg , | Image: Athabasca_Falls_Closeup. JPG | Image: Athabasca Falls Fall 2006. JPG |
  31. Gradient descent mixer. Another feature is PAQ7's ability to compress embedded, jpeg , and bitmap images in Excel-, Word- and profiles. * PAQ8A was released on
  32. JPEG Image: centaurea_scabies_detail. JPEG Image: centaurea_scabies_habits., jpeg , Image: Centaurea scabiosa1. JPG Image: Centaurea scabies leaf kz1. JPG STAR
  33. Portland International Airport (as of November 2008) File: America West A319., jpeg , | America West Airbus A319 at PDX File: Arizona One at PDX. JPG | Southwest
  34. Work in the city of Cincinnati or its other suburbs. Image: downonmainstreet., jpeg , | Main Street today in Milford—specialty, collectible and antique shops. Image:
  35. Using JPEG compression and possibly an alpha channel. * JPEG, JFIF (. JPG or., jpeg , ) – Joint Photographic Experts Group – a lossy image format widely used to
  36. Secondary function and they lack the Sony Memory Stick feature to off load the, jpeg , images. Most of the entry level and later models focused on features such as
  37. 140px" heights" 140px "/NP"> per row="4"> File: Van Gogh - Selbstbildnisse., jpeg , | Two Self-Portraits and Several Details, Drawing,Paris,1886 Van Gogh
  38. Of Fourier series on the square is in image compression. In particular,the, jpeg , image compression standard uses the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform
  39. A passenger side airbag became standard. File: Mitsubishi Diamanté LS Wagon., jpeg ,1994 Mitsubishi Diamanté LS Wagon VR-X Introduced in 2002,the VR-X offered a
  40. Expo180 Sebastian. JPEG Image: Exp1 Sebastian. JPEG Image: Exp Sebastian., jpeg , External links *http://www.fundanet.br/cultural/quadros/leme/leme.htm WWW.
  41. Brachyurus sitting. JPG File: ManedWolf4. JPG File: Maned wolf-aguara guard., jpeg , File: Chrysostom rubatos (Harvard University). JPG File: Chrysostom.
  42. So that very similar areas of color can be" averaged out" similarly to, jpeg , images http://www.faqs.org/faqs/ jpeg -faq/part1/ (JPEG image compression FAQ
  43. Beg. JPEG|Front view of Chosen Alan Image: Left side view of Chosen Alan., jpeg , | Side view of Chosen Alan Image: Islamic Calligraphy on the walls.
  44. Common filename extensions for files employing JPEG compression are. JPG and., jpeg , though. Jpe, Jfif and. Jif are also used. It is also possible for JPEG data
  45. MacPhersonStrut. JPG|MacPherson Strut suspension Image: Su-30MKI nose wheel., jpeg , | Nose wheel oleo strut on Su-30MKI aircraft Mary Tyler" Molly" Ivies (August
  46. Anna Bob erg (1910) File: Themistocles von Eckenbrecher Reissued 1906., jpeg , | Reissued, Lofoten, unweit Digermulen Themistocles von Eckenbrecher (1906)
  47. System; it is used when specifying absolute paths:: /home/john/pictures/image., jpeg , The slash is sometimes called a" forward slash" to contrast with the
  48. File: Nonesuch records logo. JPEG | 1984–1987 File: Electra Nonesuch 2., jpeg , | Electra Nonesuch 1990–1995 File: Nonesuch-logo. PNG | 1995–present The
  49. JPEG|Cathedral in Marilla, São Paulo, Brasil Image: Expo180 Sebastian., jpeg , Image: Exp1 Sebastian. JPEG Image: Exp Sebastian. JPEG External links
  50. Medieval town wall near Roman baths File: Aix-en-Provence-Fountain-Oct-2001., jpeg , | Place DES Tanners File: Aix-en-Provence_Rene_Her_DE_Naples_4_20061227. JPG |

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