Examples of the the word, dunn , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dunn ), is the 11975 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

At the end of the list you can practice your english pronunciation

  1. The President, : No man that owed another should ever pay a cent;: And he who, dunn , 'd another should be banished far away, : And attention to the pretty girls is
  2. Gate was invented and first implemented in Menominee, Wisconsin. Name ", dunn ," /> John Roland (born 1941) is a former news anchor and reporter. Roland, a
  3. Loyal to the country). Scout Oath Each versprieche op men Year, mei Best he, dunn , fir men Policemen he excellent Gautier (Got, ) them Land a them
  4. Or" chieftain ". Another origin of the surname Dunn is from the Middle English, dunn , meaning" dark-colored "; this name originated as a nickname for someone with
  5. Brown text:" A Whitney Brown" bar: Downey text:" Robert Downey, Jr." bar:, dunn , text:" Nora Dunn" bar: hall text:" Anthony M. Hall" bar: loving text:" Jon
  6. Din (dun),Minnie (honey),simmer (summer),son and nit (nut) from, dunn , hung, sumor, sunne and hunt. Similarly, in some Romance words, for example

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