Examples of the the word, reusable , in a Sentence Context
The word ( reusable ), is the 12773 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Soda, Tizer, Red Kola, Barr Cola, and Limeade are still available in 750 ml, reusable ,glass bottles. The empty bottles can be returned to the manufacturer via any
- Objects can be stored on the stack, and this space is automatically freed and, reusable ,after the block in which they are declared is exited * Dynamic memory
- By an elite cadre of astronauts. Overview The Space Shuttle was a partially, reusable ,launch system and orbital spacecraft operated by the U. S. National Aeronautics
- The very rare uranium-235 isotope. Nuclear reprocessing can make this waste, reusable ,and more efficient reactor designs allow better use of the available resources.
- Unsuccessful personal computers. The central computing system of the Soviet, reusable ,Burn spaceship was based on two MicroVAX computers. Digital produced widely
- The X-15. Although not as powerful as other fuels, it left no soot in the, reusable ,rocket engine and its density approximately matches the density of the oxidizer
- Rockets in large quantities or on large scale, or developing, reusable ,rockets meant to fly very frequently to amortize their up-front expense over
- Are self-contained – each learning object can be taken independently * Are, reusable ,– a single learning object may be used in multiple contexts for multiple
- They feel that" the decisive factor for the birth of typography ", the use of, reusable ,molds for casting type, might have been a more progressive process than was
- And other small memory footprint devices **Java Class Library, a collection of, reusable ,pieces of software that software developers can use in their software **Java
- Space Agency was announced to jointly work on the Russian-designed Kuiper,a, reusable ,spacecraft that would be available for space travel beyond LEO (e.g. the moon
- Schools, in accounting, and for taking notes. They had the advantage of being, reusable ,: the wax could be melted, and reformed into a blank. The custom of binding
- Stories of his mother going out in the night to sift through ash barrels for, reusable ,bits of coal. Camp lost his left leg in a trolley accident at the age of nine.
- On it and recovery back to Earth. Spacecrafts, and orbital parts-spaceplanes of, reusable ,systems also, has a major propulsion or landing facilities, and often uses as
- Submarine recycling, all hazardous and toxic wastes are identified and removed, reusable ,equipment is removed and put into inventory. Scrap metals and all other
- Learning components, media objects, reusable curriculum components, nuggets, reusable , information objects, reusable learning objects, testable reusable units of
- Learning. Chipped defined Learning Objects as:" A digital self-contained and, reusable ,entity, with a clear educational purpose, with at least three internal and
- Libraries, and programming methods is to enable programmers to create reliable, reusable ,software modules. Eiffel supports multiple inheritance, genericity
- If a learning object is useful in a particular context, by definition it is not, reusable ,in a different context. If a learning object is reusable in many contexts, it
- Pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). Random state objects represent, reusable ,sources of pseudo-random numbers, allowing the user to seed the PRNG or cause
- Radiochemical investigations. 225Ac is applied in medicine to produce 213 in a, reusable ,generator or can be used alone as an agent for radiation therapy, in particular
- Techniques for building large-scale knowledge bases which are shareable and, reusable , While originally conceived of as an interface to knowledge based systems, it
- Rolls-Royce and British Aerospace. Designed as a single-stage-to-orbit (SST), reusable , winged launch vehicle, it was to be fitted with a unique air-breathing engine
- Card. When their validity runs out they can be reactivated and are therefore, reusable , Bikes can be used for up to three hours per loan and can be rented from Monday
- More recently, IKEA has stopped providing plastic bags to customers, but offers, reusable ,bags for sale. The IKEA restaurants also only offer reusable plates, knives
- Objects, reusable curriculum components, nuggets, reusable information objects, reusable ,learning objects, testable reusable units of cognition, training components
- In general is called paleography. History The Romans used precursors made of, reusable ,wax-covered tablets of wood for taking notes and other informal writings. Two
- Draining mine workings at depths hitherto impossible, but also for providing a, reusable ,water supply for driving waterwheels at factories sited away from a suitable
- Details. Eiffel's simplicity is intended to promote simple, extensible, reusable , and reliable answers to computing problems. Compilers for computer programs
- Nuggets, reusable information objects, reusable learning objects, testable, reusable , units of cognition, training components, and units of learning. Learning
- Architecture provides a model for developers to create a flexible and, reusable ,application. By breaking up an application into tiers, developers only have to
- Only propellants and fluids. The term usually, but not exclusively, refers to, reusable ,vehicles. No Earth-launched SST launch vehicles have ever been constructed.
- Damage such as tinnitus. Hearing protection such as earplugs (disposable or, reusable ,) or ear muffs (including electronic devices that amplify quiet sounds) can
- Cancelling the Apollo program in 1975. The replacement vehicle, the partially, reusable ,'Space Shuttle' was intended to be cheaper, but this large reduction in costs
- Airfield on the island was designated as the landing strip for a proposed, reusable ,unmanned space shuttle called HOPE-X. HOPE-X, however,was eventually cancelled
- Before applying its beeswax surface. Wax tablets were in common use then as, reusable ,writing surfaces, sometimes used for shorthand. Another ancient example is that
- And BE were omitted and replaced by Cyrillic's. Blu-Tack is a versatile, reusable ,putty-like pressure-sensitive adhesive produced by Boston, commonly used to
- But offers reusable bags for sale. The IKEA restaurants also only offer, reusable ,plates, knives,forks, spoons,etc. Toilets in some IKEA restrooms have been
- A wheel of Le Broker cheese was flown aboard the first SpaceX Dragon, reusable ,space capsule flown on 8 Dec 2010 in reference to this sketch. The presence of
- Since 1981 the U. S. has conducted all its human spaceflight missions with, reusable ,Space Shuttles. Sally Ride became the first American woman in space in 1983.
- Objects, knowledge bits, knowledge objects, learning components, media objects, reusable ,curriculum components, nuggets, reusable information objects, reusable learning
- Program),support for composite fonts, and the form mechanism for caching, reusable ,content. PostScript 3 PostScript 3 (Adobe dropped the" level" terminology in
- Code in response to stimuli, such as user input. Also," a behavior" is a, reusable ,block of computer code or script that, when applied to an object, especially a
- Assembly language was widely used. While assembly language produces more, reusable ,and relocatable programs than machine code on the same architecture, it has to
- Le June suggested that Gutenberg might not have been using type cast with a, reusable ,matrix, but possibly wooden types that were carved individually. A similar
- X, quicksort (Bigger). Design patterns A design pattern is a general, reusable ,solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. In PROLOG, design
- Media. RLO-CETL, a British inter-university Learning Objects Center, defines ", reusable ,learning objects" as" web-based interactive chunks of e-learning designed to
- UV printers Xerox is working on an inkless printer which will use a special, reusable ,paper coated with a few micrometers of UV light sensitive chemicals. The
- To help reduce costs, the remaining submarine sections are recycled, returning, reusable , materials to production. In the process of submarine recycling, all hazardous
- Definition it is not reusable in a different context. If a learning object is, reusable ,in many contexts, it isn’t particularly useful in any. In
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