Examples of the the word, magnetic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( magnetic ), is the 4485 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A magnetic moment. These magnetic moments can interact with an inhomogeneous, magnetic ,field; some antihydrogen atoms can be attracted to a magnetic minimum.
  2. Field. The radius by which the trajectory of a moving ion is turned by the, magnetic ,field is determined by the mass of the atom. The mass spectrometer uses this
  3. That had to be converted for the live television broadcast and stored on, magnetic ,telemetry tapes. During the following years, a magnetic tape shortage prompted
  4. Standards for recording the Standard Code for Information Interchange on, magnetic ,tapes and paper tapes when they are used in computer operations. All computers
  5. In NMR spectroscopy, the orientation of nuclei with respect to the applied, magnetic ,field determines their chemical shift. In this context, anisotropic systems
  6. Level, which thus appear as a single spectral line. The interaction of the, magnetic ,field with the atom shifts these electron configurations to slightly different
  7. The spins of their component particles produce a magnetic moment. These, magnetic ,moments can interact with an inhomogeneous magnetic field; some of the
  8. Collision processes. Similar technological advances in accelerators, detectors, magnetic , field generation and lasers have greatly assisted experimental work.
  9. Are electrically neutral, the spins of their component particles produce a, magnetic ,moment. These magnetic moments can interact with an inhomogeneous magnetic
  10. Magnetic field; some antihydrogen atoms can be attracted to a, magnetic ,minimum. Such a minimum can be created by a combination of mirror and multipole
  11. It should be recorded on perforated tape. They proposed a 9-track standard for, magnetic ,tape, and attempted to deal with some forms of punched card formats. ASCII
  12. Or sludge and is relatively cheap. Magnetic separations of arsenic at very low, magnetic ,field gradients have been demonstrated in point-of-use water purification with
  13. The Standard Code for Information Interchange and the formats prescribed by the, magnetic ,tape and paper tape standards when these media are used. Other international
  14. Degree above absolute zero) is adiabatic demagnetization, where the change in, magnetic ,field on a magnetic material is used to provide adiabatic cooling. Adiabatic
  15. volunteer's choice. During these activities, the researchers took functional, magnetic ,resonance imaging (fMRI) scans of the participants' brains and were "
  16. A particular value of \ell are sometimes collectively called a subshell. The, magnetic ,quantum number’m_\ell, describes the magnetic moment of an electron in an
  17. Charge causes the trajectory of an atom to bend when it passes through a, magnetic ,field. The radius by which the trajectory of a moving ion is turned by the
  18. With slightly off-resonant laser radiation using a magneto-optical trap or, magnetic ,trap. Small particles can also be suspended with optical tweezers, using a
  19. Materials. Magnetic anisotropy, for example, may occur in a plasma, so that its, magnetic ,field is oriented in a preferred direction. Plasmas may also show "
  20. A phenomenon called the German effect. This is caused by the interaction of the, magnetic ,field with the magnetic moment of the atom and its electrons. Some atoms can
  21. Interacting with the mass transfer. The radio emissions may be created by, magnetic ,cycles similar to sunspots, but,as the magnetic fields around these stars are
  22. Energy. This approximation is broken to a slight extent by the effect of the, magnetic ,field of the nucleus, and by quantum electrodynamics effects. The latter induce
  23. Test for MND. Investigations such as blood tests, electromyography (EMG), magnetic , resonance imaging (MRI),and sometimes genetic testing are useful to rule out
  24. Be measured by observing the radius of curling of its cloud-chamber track in a, magnetic ,field. Positrons, because of the direction that their paths curled, were at
  25. State but can be excited by the absorption of energy from light (photons), magnetic , fields,or interaction with a colliding particle (typically other electrons).
  26. Form antihydrogen. This neutral antihydrogen is unaffected by the electric and, magnetic ,fields used to trap the charged positrons and antiprotons, and within a few
  27. Broadcast and stored on magnetic telemetry tapes. During the following years,a, magnetic ,tape shortage prompted NASA to remove massive numbers of magnetic tapes from
  28. Of the criteria in a clinical setting. It is possible that Transcranial, magnetic ,stimulation can be used to diagnose MND. Treatment Currently there is no cure
  29. Path as an electron but rotate in the opposite direction with respect to the, magnetic ,field direction due to their having the same magnitude of charge-to-mass ratio
  30. With a superconducting critical temperature of 1.2 Kelvin and a critical, magnetic ,field of about 100 Gauss (10 milliteslas). Creation Stable aluminum is
  31. Concepts-funded studies are exploring whether it might be possible to use, magnetic ,scoops to collect the antimatter that occurs naturally in the Van Allen belt of
  32. Or to provide meta-information about data streams such as those stored on, magnetic ,tape. For example, character 10 represents the" line feed" function (which
  33. Are used. In particular, such a trap may use the dipole moment (electric or, magnetic ,) of the trapped particles. At high vacuum, the matter or antimatter particles
  34. Transmission from the lunar surface were accidentally destroyed during routine, magnetic ,tape re-use at NASA. Archived copies of the footage were eventually located in
  35. Bases of altruistic giving in normal healthy volunteers, using functional, magnetic ,resonance imaging. In their research, published in the Proceedings of the
  36. His Volta Laboratory period, Bell and his associates considered impressing a, magnetic ,field on a record as a means of reproducing sound. Although the trio briefly
  37. Emissions may be created by magnetic cycles similar to sunspots, but,as the, magnetic ,fields around these stars are up to ten times stronger than that of the Sun
  38. except the antiproton having opposite electric charge and, magnetic ,moment from the proton. Shortly afterwards, in 1956,the antineutron was
  39. The pi system of benzene. This abnormal electron density affects the applied, magnetic ,field and causes the observed chemical shift to change. In fluorescence
  40. The form of x-ray and radio flares. The former is thought to be caused by the, magnetic ,fields of the AB components interacting with the mass transfer. The radio
  41. Application in the tape recorder, the hard disc and floppy disc drive and other, magnetic ,media. Bell's own home used a primitive form of air conditioning, in which
  42. Of mirror and multipole fields. Antihydrogen can be trapped in such a, magnetic ,minimum (minimum-B) trap; in November 2010,the ALPHA collaboration announced
  43. Zero) is adiabatic demagnetization, where the change in magnetic field on a, magnetic ,material is used to provide adiabatic cooling. Adiabatic cooling occurs in the
  44. Years, a magnetic tape shortage prompted NASA to remove massive numbers of, magnetic ,tapes from the National Archives and Records Administration to be recorded over
  45. Electron. Name fitzpatrick20070216/> When an atom is in an external, magnetic ,field, spectral lines become split into three or more components; a phenomenon
  46. The form of charged particles can be contained by a combination of electric and, magnetic ,fields in a device known as a Penning trap. This device cannot, however
  47. Storage through the 1980s,less costly and in some ways less fragile than, magnetic ,tape. In particular, the Teletype Model 33 machine assignments for codes 17 (
  48. On 11 September 1820 he heard of H. C. Ørsted's discovery that a, magnetic ,needle is acted on by a voltaic current. Only a week later, on 18 September
  49. Called a subshell. The magnetic quantum number’m_\ell, describes the, magnetic ,moment of an electron in an arbitrary direction, and is also always an integer.
  50. German effect. This is caused by the interaction of the magnetic field with the, magnetic ,moment of the atom and its electrons. Some atoms can have multiple electron

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