Examples of the the word, publicity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( publicity ), is the 4504 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Seven-bedroom, waterfront property in Bay shore on the market in May 2011. Media, publicity ,Most of Kournikova's fame has come from the publicity surrounding her looks
  2. By Lance Williams and Mark Fainaru-Wada, was released amid a storm of media, publicity ,including the cover of Sports Illustrated. Initially small excerpts of the book
  3. To Baltimore, but was again rebuffed by the owners, still seething at the, publicity ,stunts he had pulled at Browns home games. Meanwhile,Sportsman's Park had
  4. There was started in 1884,he said, by a Victorian aristocrat who needed a, publicity ,stunt to draw people to his newly opened tearooms. Alexander Hales (
  5. Either positive or negative),it never sold well, and attempting to gain more, publicity , he issued a reward of £100 for whomever could write the best essay on the
  6. Quarreled over structure, purpose,and authority, as well as finances and, publicity , Wilson began to form and promote what became known as AA's Twelve Traditions
  7. Still is considered a felony in Wisconsin) and was fined $500. The resulting, publicity ,led to hundreds of papers dropping his comic strip, and Camp, already in
  8. Where he is courted by government officials anxious to counter the bad, publicity ,created by his suicide attempt. With Alexander safely packed off to a mental
  9. The" No Platform" stance is to deny perceived fascist hate speech any sort of, publicity , The policy is most commonly associated with university student unions and
  10. After 1978,the filmed jumps from El Capitan were repeated, not as a, publicity ,exercise or as a movie stunt, but as a true recreational activity. It was this
  11. Sophisticated, encompassing financing, recruitment,networking, mobilization, publicity , as well as information dissemination, gathering and sharing. Abu AFUB
  12. On a better understanding of" working" breeds than hounds. Unfortunately the, publicity ,given to this report has led to unfair denigration of breeds which are
  13. Not know the Word of God, into disobedience to the Word of God. " The negative, publicity ,caused by the rift with Graham, itself a reflection of a larger division
  14. Purpose to only helping alcoholics on a non-professional level while shunning, publicity , Eventually he gained formal adoption and inclusion of the Twelve Traditions in
  15. Public reaction at the time was largely negative, with many believing it a, publicity ,stunt while others speculated she was trying to make the police believe her
  16. In May 2011. Media publicity Most of Kournikova's fame has come from the, publicity ,surrounding her looks and her personal life. During Kournikova's debut at the
  17. Location or museum, which has allowed the more recent iBook to garner more, publicity ,and prestige. Among the notable names in the WBHF are Ricardo" Finite" Lopez
  18. Feud" fooled both editors and readers, generated plenty of free, publicity ,for both strips—and Camp and Saunders had a good laugh when all was revealed.
  19. S close friend Carl Van Bechtel confirmed in later years that it was all a, publicity ,stunt. Roland would later marry caricaturist Miguel Covarrubias. Sadly
  20. Furor died down. The 1998 home run race had generated nearly unbroken positive, publicity , but Barry Bonds run for the all-time home run record provoked a backlash over
  21. S opposition to the Gulf War, there was mass-media antipathy and negative, publicity ,which some construed as poor performance by Janet Powell. She was criticized
  22. The basic model enclosed 90 m² (1000 square feet) of floor area. Due to, publicity , there were many orders during the early Post-War years, but the company that
  23. a million tons of tilapia in 2005,with 2.5 million projected by 2010. Widespread, publicity ,encouraging fish consumption has led to increases in tilapia consumption by
  24. For a response to allegations that he was glamorizing crime for the sake of, publicity , his response was" Anything I could say about my person or my actions would
  25. Of mass messages (see propaganda). Unpaid advertising (also called ", publicity ,advertising" ), can provide good exposure at minimal cost. Personal
  26. Accomplished its objectives, this success was somewhat overshadowed by negative, publicity ,that accompanied public awareness of postage stamps carried by the astronauts
  27. January 23, 1964 at the ANTI Theatre in Washington Square Park amid a flurry of, publicity ,and outrage at putting a Monroe-like character, called Maggie, on stage. During
  28. Of NygmaTech was more in-depth. There were scenes shot that appear in, publicity ,stills of Edward Dogma with a hard hat helping with the construction of his
  29. Of recuperation. The film was released in 1983,and partly due to the huge, publicity ,of Bachchan's accident, the film was a box office success. The director
  30. Benton, including the Embassy. The game was given a large amount of advance, publicity ,in the comics, with story lines often revolving how the characters each
  31. View of the Western media, on 17 August 1962. Fechter's death created negative, publicity ,worldwide that led the leaders of East Berlin to place more restrictions on
  32. Best Seller list throughout June 1989. Burton admitted he was annoyed by the, publicity , David Handel man of The New York Observer categorized Batman as a high concept
  33. On the operation of bicycles. Along with advertising, and to gain free, publicity , Albert A. Pope litigated on behalf of cyclists. The 1968 Vienna Convention on
  34. The acceptance of modernist design into everyday life was the subject of, publicity ,campaigns, well-attended public exhibitions like the Zamenhof Estate, films
  35. To a right-wing focus. Hague was also hindered by a series of embarrassing, publicity ,stunts, which overshadowed his talents as a skilled orator. The election was
  36. Onscreen marking this as the instant of the actor's injury and the ensuing, publicity ,of the accident. Politics: 1984–87 In 1984,Bachchan took a break from acting
  37. Joe Bazooka, Capp frequently drew attention to his assistants in interviews and, publicity ,pieces. A 1950 cover story in Time even included photos of two of his employees
  38. Contests. 1970s onwards New organizations In the 1970s,bodybuilding had major, publicity ,thanks to Arnold Schwarzenegger and others in the 1977 film Pumping Iron. By
  39. Steve Brodie, jumping from Brooklyn Bridge, splashed the entire country with, publicity ,; when Bowery concert halls dispensed schooners of beer for a nickel, with a
  40. Ogden's Basic, and the concept of a simplified English, gained its greatest, publicity ,just after the Allied victory in the Second World War as a means for world
  41. Senior officials—treasurer John Walker, his deputy Dave Hanna and director of, publicity ,Mark Collect—who they accused of bringing the BNP into disrepute. The BNP later
  42. Where several of the players modeled the uniforms on a runway, and posed for, publicity ,photos. The distinctive" A" design remained unchanged save for the colors.
  43. And gives them a visible, short-term purpose. Critics claim that this form of, publicity ,is expensive in police time and the public purse. Although not supported by
  44. Systems and power support bases. " In 1957," Howl" attracted widespread, publicity ,when it became the subject of an obscenity trial in which a San Francisco
  45. Played out for nine episodes and was abruptly dropped although advance, publicity ,for the show indicated Kelly May and Mark would be marrying during the season;
  46. Attorney General, the Commissioner's Office made reparations, but the negative, publicity ,damaged the Hall of Fame's reputation, and made it more difficult for it to
  47. Separation – sometimes sending their bodyguards away from them for personal or, publicity ,reasons; U. S. President William McKinley did this at the public reception
  48. Administration (art. 37 of Federal Constitution): legality, impersonality, publicity ,of administrative acts, morality and efficiency ... Chile The President of the
  49. Sue, saying the film's running" Heyday Lamar" joke infringed her right to, publicity , This is lampooned when Heyday corrects Governor Le Petomane's pronunciation
  50. Was because human labor was found to be cheaper than printing and distributing, publicity ,material. Now, a majority of the huge and ubiquitous billboards in India's

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