Examples of the the word, passive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( passive ), is the 4492 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Guidance radar to enable comparisons that enhance the missile's resistance to, passive ,jamming. Principle of guidance (semi-active version) The launching aircraft
  2. Both passive and active methods for obtaining the PIN for a Bluetooth link. The, passive ,attack allows a suitably equipped attacker to eavesdrop on communications and
  3. By a stronger emotion. For him, the crucial distinction was between active and, passive ,emotions, the former being those that are rationally understood and the latter
  4. Krypton- or argon-insulated windows permit normal-looking windows to provide, passive ,solar heat without compromising insulation or structural strength. If a small
  5. Aesthetically satisfying structures or forms upon an original set of unrelated, passive ,constituents. Forms, genres,media, and styles The creative arts are often
  6. They have also mostly lost the indefinite" nu nation" and the internal, passive , The following is an example of a regular verb paradigm in Egyptian Arabic. See
  7. People had, in her opinion, grown so accustomed to waiting on others as to be, passive ,and 'China. ' Father Thomas Carroll, who founded the Carroll Center for the
  8. Heroo a b'navies) *The case also shows the agent when used with the, passive ,voice of the verb. **INE might g' serves. - You were always loved BY ME. (Ea
  9. Submarines or surface threats. Maritime support aircraft can drop active and, passive ,sonar devices (Songbooks) and these are also used to determine the location
  10. Which developed sonar technologies for Australian submarines. He worked on, passive ,sonar technology. Between 1989 and 1990,Bridge was employed at the Research
  11. The scientist and co-founder of the" Ludovic technique. " He seems much more, passive ,than Bran om, and says considerably less. *F. Alexander: An author who was in
  12. Its own sonar system, and homes in on the target using either active sonar or, passive ,sonar. In cases where the ASSOC missile carried an NDB, the unguided bomb would
  13. Members of the ANC found it necessary to consider violence to combat what, passive ,protest had failed to quell. There was a significant portion of the ANC who
  14. The name" ablative" derives from the Latin ablates, the (irregular) perfect, passive ,participle of referred" to carry away ". Indo-European languages Latin The
  15. Can be constructed with a few operational amplifiers (Op amps) and some, passive ,linear components; all measurements can be taken directly with an oscilloscope.
  16. Instead of standing. To an American and still to many Britons these usages are, passive ,and may imply that the subject had been involuntarily forced to sit or stand or
  17. Jussive and energetic). There are also two participles (active and, passive ,) and a verbal noun, but no infinitive. The past and non-past paradigms are
  18. And each with its own templates for the past and non-past stems, active and, passive ,participles, and verbal noun. These are referred to by Western scholars as "
  19. Describes an active, ensouling masculine element bringing life to an inert, passive ,female element. On these grounds, Aristotle is considered by some feminist
  20. The familiar configuration of a volume control for each pickup, and a single, passive ,tone control. The Jazz Bass' neck was narrower at the nut than the Precision
  21. Prenatal and neonatal stages of life, the presence of antibodies is provided by, passive ,immunization from the mother. Early endogenous antibody production varies for
  22. Diseases are often treated by inducing a short term form of immunity called, passive ,immunity. Passive immunity is achieved through the transfer of ready-made
  23. On Jamming," giving it the ability to switch over from active radar homing to, passive ,homing - homing on jamming signals from the target aircraft. Software on board
  24. Telling him to engage in destructive activities; however, generally he has a, passive ,demeanor in contrast to Butt-head's more dominant personality. Basis also
  25. In two major paradigms (past and non-past); two voices (active and, passive ,); and five moods (indicative, imperative,subjunctive, jussive and energetic
  26. Actions of humans are too complex for such a treatment because humans are not, passive ,and non-adaptive subjects. They claim one should instead isolate the logical
  27. Imperative, jussive or infinitive) and voice (active, reflexive or, passive ,). Aramaic also employs a system of conjugations, or verbal stems, to mark
  28. Use its radar to continuously illuminate a single target for the missile's ", passive ," seeker to track, or guidance would be lost. This method meant the aircraft no
  29. Detector (MAD) system called the Black Crow (AN/ASD-5),a highly sensitive, passive ,device with a phased-array antenna located in the left-front nose radome that
  30. Of 243Am with 18O. Americium-241 gamma rays were also used to provide, passive ,diagnosis of thyroid function. This medical application is however obsolete.
  31. Based on the S&W Model 39 * Advanced Sound-ranging Program, a portable, passive , acoustic sensing system for detecting and locating the source of artillery
  32. At 108:54,after the lunar flyby. The expulsion reversed the direction of the, passive ,thermal control (PTC) roll (nicknamed the" barbecue roll" ). While the
  33. Available wind turbines use sealed, one-moving-part AC generators and, passive , self-feathering blades for years of operation without service. The largest
  34. http://www.eng.tau.ac.il/~yash/ Avichai Wool published a paper describing both, passive ,and active methods for obtaining the PIN for a Bluetooth link. The passive
  35. Person) and suffixes (primarily encoding gender and number) are used. The, passive ,voice uses the same person/number/gender affixes but changes the vowels of the
  36. Over three continents and two major seas. For a male citizen to take the, passive ,(or receptive) role in anal intercourse was condemned in Rome as an act of
  37. The partner and the immediate environment—it is an active rather than a, passive ,receiving of Aikido. The fall itself is part of Aikido, and is a way for the
  38. States Capitol, crew members and passengers now have to calculate the risks of, passive ,cooperation, not only for themselves but also for those on the ground. Future
  39. Of an adobe wall can be covered with glass to increase heat collection. In a, passive ,solar home, this is called a Rome wall. Adobe wall construction When building
  40. Of frosty nights per year, there is no cost impact. The basic requirement for, passive ,solar heating is that the solar collectors must face the prevailing sunlight (
  41. Security researchers published results of their actual implementation of, passive ,attacks against the PIN-based pairing between commercial Bluetooth devices
  42. The latter those that are not. He also held that knowledge of true causes of, passive ,emotion can transform it to an active emotion, thus anticipating one of the key
  43. Integrated thermal meteoroid garment. They deployed the EASE, which included a, passive ,seismograph and a laser ranging retroreflector. Then Armstrong loped about from
  44. Most autonomous buildings are designed to use insulation, thermal mass and, passive ,solar heating and cooling. Examples of these are Rome walls and other
  45. The latest software, enhanced capabilities intended to counter radar shutdown, passive ,radar and active millimeter wave seekers. It will be released in November 2010.
  46. Aircraft may use simpler traffic alerting systems such as TPAs, which are, passive ,(they do not actively interrogate the transponders of other aircraft) and do
  47. Altogether they only make up around 10,000 active speakers and about 30,000, passive , speakers. In 2009 the Languages Act of Aragon gives recognition of" native
  48. Or Epitaph‘all). Their meaning is usually reflexive, but later became, passive , However, as with other conjugations, actual meaning differs from verb to verb.
  49. Closer to ideal than inductors, which is why they constitute the majority of, passive ,computing components. The use of electrical properties in analog computers
  50. Did nothing to continue this course of action. Administratively, Afonso V was a, passive ,king. He chose not to pursue the revision of laws or development of commerce

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