Examples of the the word, controller , in a Sentence Context

The word ( controller ), is the 4487 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. S Track-0 sensor. When the Operating System wants to go to track 0,the, controller ,simply moves 40 times toward the next-lower-numbered track, relying on the
  2. Interface, which was very expensive, and had a very unreliable floppy disk, controller ,because it used the WD1771 floppy disc controller chip without an external "
  3. End Runway; type Runway_Access is access all Runway; -- the air traffic, controller ,takes requests for takeoff and landing task type Controller (My_Runway:
  4. Built-in MIDI, it enjoyed success for running music-sequencer software and as a, controller ,of musical instruments among amateurs and professionals alike, being used in
  5. Data, and the Integer BASIC programming language built into the ROMs. The video, controller ,displayed 24 lines by 40 columns of monochrome, upper-case-only (the original
  6. Well enough to add floating point features, was busy with the Disk II drive and, controller ,and with Apple DOS, Apple turned to Microsoft, who was the BASIC vendor of
  7. Memory, one Motorola MC6845 based video card, one double density floppy disk, controller ,card and one" keyboard/RS232/cassette interface" card. Plus a" back plane
  8. Singapore. An external 5¼-inch floppy disk drive, the Disk II, attached via a, controller ,card that plugged into one of the computer's expansion slots (usually slot 6
  9. Had 2 MFP chips. **WD-1772-PH" Western Digital Floppy Disk Controller"—Floppy, controller ,chip. **YM2149F PSG" Programmable Sound Generator"—Provided 3-voice sound
  10. Used software to perform these functions. The Group Code Recording used by the, controller ,was simpler and easier to implement in software than the more common MFM. In
  11. Memory, detached keyboard, lower and upper case characters and a built-in disk, controller , Unitron, a Brazilian company, produced another clone, named APII. Unitron used
  12. Was introduced, storing 140 KB thanks to a minor firmware change on the disk, controller ,that allowed it to store 16 sectors per track. (This upgrade was
  13. A small penalty in latency, because the program has to wait until the video, controller ,has finished transmitting the image to the display before continuing. Triple
  14. But then neglect to change to a different squawk code. In this case the, controller ,would make no further requests and immediately inform the appropriate
  15. Singapore. An external 5¼-inch floppy disk drive, the Disk II, attached via a, controller ,card that plugged into one of the computer's expansion slots (usually slot 6
  16. Ajax framework, a framework for the Ajax technique * Ajax (floppy disk, controller ,), a floppy disk controller fitted to the Atari STE Sports Football * AFC Ajax
  17. S Track-0 sensor. When the Operating System wants to go to track 0,the, controller ,simply moves 40 times toward the next-lower-numbered track, relying on the
  18. The appropriate track, and encoding the data into magnetic pulses,Wozniak's, controller ,card had few chips; instead, the Apple DOS used software to perform these
  19. Instantiate a runway Controller1: Controller (Runway1'Access); -- and a, controller ,to manage it ------ the implementations of the above types ------ protected
  20. NBP has existed until recently. Both AARP and NBP had defined ways to allow ", controller ," devices to override the default mechanisms. The concept was to allow routers
  21. Between the computer and the monitor, and a new controller card to run it. This, controller ,was (by design) functionally identical to the original Disk II controller but
  22. Sound that often frightened Apple novices. The approach taken in the Disk II, controller ,was typical of Wozniak's design sensibility. The Apple II used several
  23. To the Shifter video chip to support audio shifting) *National LMC 1992 audio, controller ,chip, allowing adjustable left/right/master volume and bass and treble EQ via a
  24. Used software to perform these functions. The Group Code Recording used by the, controller ,was simpler and easier to implement in software than the more common MFM. In
  25. Timer circuit whose period was proportional to the resistance of the game, controller , and used a software loop to measure the timer. The text and graphics screens
  26. And provided a double-density 3½” disc drive connected through a WD1770 drive, controller ,and an ADDS ROM. Because the WD1770 is capable of single density mode and uses
  27. A built-in 140 KB 5.25" floppy disk drive. Unlike the Apple II, the Disk III, controller ,was built into the logic board. The Apple III was the first Apple product that
  28. Controller was (by design) functionally identical to the original Disk II, controller ,but used a different connector, allowing a single cable to control both drives
  29. Is not being hijacked, the pilot should not squawk 7500 and should inform the, controller ,accordingly. A pilot under duress may also elect to respond that the aircraft
  30. Enclosure designed to stack between the computer and the monitor, and a new, controller ,card to run it. This controller was (by design) functionally identical to the
  31. Special PETS CII like characters),and a more flexible and reliable floppy disk, controller ,and keyboard interface plus many other small improvements),also an enclosure
  32. Sound that often frightened Apple novices. The approach taken in the Disk II, controller ,was typical of Wozniak's design sensibility. The Apple II used several
  33. Shut-down Command Module, something never intended to be done in-flight. Flight, controller ,John Aaron, with the support of grounded astronaut Mat tingly and many engineers
  34. Then use a complex analog-to-digital circuit to read the outputs of the game, controller , Wozniak used a simple timer circuit whose period was proportional to the
  35. This is done by adding eight extra 8-bit buses which allow the graphics, controller ,to issue new AGP requests and commands at the same time with other AGP data
  36. In software than the more common MFM. In the end, the low chip count of the, controller ,helped make Apple's Disk II the first affordable floppy drive for personal
  37. To also develop their own alternative in the form of an improved floppy disk, controller ,and printer interface that could be built right into a floppy disk enclosure.
  38. Then use a complex analog-to-digital circuit to read the outputs of the game, controller , Wozniak used a simple timer circuit whose period was proportional to the
  39. Data, and the Integer BASIC programming language built into the ROMs. The video, controller ,displayed 24 lines by 40 columns of monochrome, upper-case-only (the original
  40. Featured a built-in 5.25-inch floppy drive and 128 KB RAM, with a built-in disk, controller ,that could control external drives, composite video (NTSC or PAL),serial
  41. d. 1982) * 1907 – Archie League, generally considered the first air traffic, controller ,(d. 1986) *1912 – Austin Dobson, British racing driver (d. 1963) *1913 –
  42. A very unreliable floppy disk controller because it used the WD1771 floppy disc, controller ,chip without an external" data separator ". To fix this problem MCP developed
  43. Data if a disk did not need to be bootable. ) A short ROM program on the disk, controller ,had the ability to seek to track zero – which it did without regard for the
  44. Same hardware as 1040STE except for a faster 16 MHz processor, an onboard SCSI, controller , additional faster RS232 port, VME expansion port, in the TT case; flashlight
  45. Five zero. " This should be done when possible and safe. An air traffic, controller ,who suspects an aircraft may have been hijacked may ask the pilot to confirm "
  46. In software than the more common MFM. In the end, the low chip count of the, controller ,helped make Apple's Disk II the first affordable floppy drive for personal
  47. Timer circuit whose period was proportional to the resistance of the game, controller , and used a software loop to measure the timer. The text and graphics screens
  48. Set (officially called AMD64),the incorporation of an on-chip memory, controller , and the implementation of an extremely high performance point-to-point
  49. The appropriate track, and encoding the data into magnetic pulses,Wozniak's, controller ,card had few chips; instead, the Apple DOS used software to perform these
  50. For the Ajax technique * Ajax (floppy disk controller ),a floppy disk, controller ,fitted to the Atari STE Sports Football * AFC Ajax, a football club from

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