Examples of the the word, void , in a Sentence Context

The word ( void ), is the 4506 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Goldman as an attempt to resolve the situation when the Blackwood-asker has a, void , In that case, he is not interested in the partner's ace in the void suit, as
  2. The collapse of the Soviet film distribution system, Hollywood occupied the, void ,created in the Russian film market. This made things difficult for Bollywood as
  3. To a stack state (an opaque pointer). Typedef void stack’T stack_empty (, void ,); /stack’T stack_push (stack’T s, stack_Item x); /* Adds x at the top of s
  4. Value that can be stored in stack (arbitrary address). stack’T stack_create (, void ,); / void stack_push (stack’T s, stack_Item e); /stack_Item stack_pop (
  5. S will was most specific, and failure to observe the terms would make it, void , the collection should be These terms are still observed, and the collection
  6. Western lands under federal law, extra-legal organizations formed to fill the, void , Benson explains: According to Anderson," Defining anarcho-capitalist to mean
  7. Sidney Poison was arrested for DUI, and on September 1,the Orioles moved to, void ,his contract (on a morals' clause) and released him. The Major League Baseball
  8. Private Node m_root; public void insert (int data) private static, void ,internalInsert (Node, int data) Deletion There are three possible cases
  9. That the 1974 constitution, under which she had been charged, was null and, void , it also said the provisions of the 1975 security law, under which she has been
  10. For this reason cue bid to show aces may be prudent with hands that contain a, void , In fact, most beginner-level players misuse this convention; they ask for aces
  11. Assigned meaning – to show a void plus two aces and six of a suit to show a, void ,in the bid suit plus one ace. Roman Key Card Blackwood (RKCB) Roman Key Card
  12. Union, that it was a binding contract, and called any secession" legally, void ,". He stated he had no intent to invade Southern states
  13. stack’T; /* Type: handle to a stack instance (an opaque pointer). Typedef, void ,*stack_Item; /* Type: value that can be stored in stack (arbitrary address).
  14. That the Anglican Church's consecrations are" absolutely null and utterly, void ," because of changes made to the rite of consecration under Edward VI, thus
  15. The node pointed to by" noontide" into the subtree rooted at" trend ", void ,Internode (Node The above" destructive" procedural variant modifies the
  16. Play of volume and void . In interiors, Baroque movement around and through a, void ,informed monumental staircases that had no parallel in previous architecture.
  17. stack’T; /* Type: handle to a stack state (an opaque pointer). Typedef, void ,stack’T stack_empty ( void ); /stack’T stack_push (stack’T s, stack_Item x);
  18. Been found, for example: Bids of 5,5 and 5 present a Void wood, denoting the, void ,in the suit bid and asking for other key cards. The responses are, as in RKCB:
  19. Then you are not at risk of losing the first two tricks, so long as (a) your, void ,is useful (i.e., does not duplicate the function of an ace that your side
  20. That its usage will be incorrect. ) You may be missing two aces, but your, void ,may compensate for the lack of one of the enemy aces. Thus, Blackwood will not
  21. Telescopes. It was discovered by William Herschel on May 17, 1784. *The Boötes, void , a large section of the universe de void of galaxies, is located in the area of
  22. Has a void . In that case, he is not interested in the partner's ace in the, void ,suit, as he already has the first-round control; partner's ace would present a
  23. North of the line therein is not warranted by the Constitution and is therefore, void , " Name "/NP"> Sandford"/> Southern Democrats praised the Died Scott decision
  24. Universe, a concept that is probably influenced by the original Chaos (gaping, void , abyss, formless state) of the mythical Greek cosmogony from which everything
  25. stack’T t = stack_create (); /int foo = 17; /t = stack_push (t, &foo); / …, void ,*e = stack_pop (t); /if (stack_empty (t) ) / … This interface can be
  26. To the insertion method. Private Node m_root; public, void ,insert (int data) private static void internalInsert (Node, int data)
  27. And demonstrated that place (Al-Hakam) is the imagined three-dimensional, void ,between the inner surfaces of the containing body. He showed that place was
  28. Decisions are considered to be" final and binding. " This does not, however, void , the requirements of law. Any dispute not excluded from arbitration by virtue of
  29. Baku to form a new tag team called The Colossal Connection, in part to fill a, void ,left by the departure of Fully Blanchard and ARN Anderson (The Brain Busters
  30. 1 or 4,if playing 1430) Practical advice When the Blackwood bidder has a, void , and partner shows one or more but not all missing aces," asked" will not
  31. Of entrapped detritus (such as sand, ash,or mud). Occasionally agate fills a, void ,left by decomposed vegetative material such as a tree limb or root and is
  32. don't understand why it is correct, in a given case, to use Blackwood with a, void , then it's very likely that its usage will be incorrect. ) You may be missing
  33. Void suit and the King of trumps. However, the asking bid is not 4NT,but the, void ,suit — Void wood is made by jumping on level 4 or 5 in the void suit after a fit
  34. Or a King. For the same reason, it is generally wrong to use Blackwood with a, void , (This is not always true, but the rule of thumb is: Don't use Blackwood with
  35. 5NT reply to 4NT – the cheapest with no standard assigned meaning – to show a, void ,plus two aces and six of a suit to show a void in the bid suit plus one ace.
  36. Be a crack in the tooth. However, at the base of this crack is a round, void ,called an ampulla which would have functioned to distribute force over a larger
  37. Are we at risk of losing the first two tricks? If your side has two aces and a, void , then you are not at risk of losing the first two tricks, so long as (a) your
  38. Were marked by key works in Helsinki, in particular the huge town plan for the, void ,in center of Helsinki adjacent to Tools Bay and the vast railway yards, and
  39. Chiaroscuro),'painterly' color effects, and the bold play of volume and, void , In interiors, Baroque movement around and through a void informed monumental
  40. The following reason. Since, necessarily,no time elapses in this temporal, void , then there could be no alteration, and therefore nothing (including time)
  41. In De Interpretation, Ammonius contends that divine foreknowledge makes, void ,the contingent. Like Boethius in his second Commentary and The Consolation of
  42. Other amateur sports clubs, colleges,and professional clubs quickly filled the, void , In the years before World War I, the Amateur Athletic Union and the
  43. That slam is likely to be a poor contract because two aces are missing. ) A, void ,may be as good as an ace in some situations, but it should not be counted as an
  44. He eventually became withdrawn and detached from the band. To fill his creative, void , the other members began writing and producing songs. Carl Wilson gradually
  45. This is not always true, but the rule of thumb is: Don't use Blackwood with a, void ,unless you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing, and why you are
  46. To or inconsistent with the terms" of the Act would" cease and become, void , " Soon after the Union, the Act 6 Anne c.40 (later. Criticisms The English
  47. All missing aces," asked" will not know whether partner's ace duplicates the, void ,suit (where it would not be of great help) or covers side suit losers. For
  48. Not 4NT,but the void suit — Void wood is made by jumping on level 4 or 5 in the, void ,suit after a fit has been found, for example: Bids of 5,5 and 5 present a
  49. A binary search tree in Java: private Node m_root; public, void ,insert (int data) Below is a recursive approach to the insertion method.
  50. Roman Key Card Blackwood, with only four key cards: the three Aces outside the, void ,suit and the King of trumps. However, the asking bid is not 4NT,but the void

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