Examples of the the word, justification , in a Sentence Context

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  1. A remarkable course of sermons, showing a decided tendency to the doctrine of, justification ,by faith, which appears still more evidently in his Dialogues published the
  2. Bull of 1455 (also by Nicholas V). These papal bulls came to serve as a, justification ,for the subsequent era of slave trade and European colonialism. When the
  3. Is the outcome of such arrangements. Artificial scarcity can hardly serve as a, justification ,for the legal framework that causes that scarcity. Such an argument would be
  4. Claimed that the issue of state rights was incorporated by the Confederacy as a, justification ,for the war in order to get recognition from Britain. Sutton went on to mention
  5. Been attributed to the fact that as iron tools became more common, the main, justification ,for the tin trade ended, and that trade network ceased to function as it did
  6. Who escaped the sinking sub, to be killed later. This dispute undermines the, justification ,of the British captain's order to attack the German survivors, on the grounds
  7. Of rest, not directly related to a religious day of rest, has been adduced as, justification ,for retention of restrictions on commercial activity on Sunday. In R. v. Big M
  8. He did not engage in any activity that provided any of the soldiers with any, justification ,for opening fire ". Impact on Northern Ireland divisions Harold Wilson, then
  9. States the Boston Public Library 1852 Report of the Trustees established the, justification ,for the public library as a tax-supported institution intended to extend
  10. Who was three months pregnant with Moses at the time, arguing that there was no, justification ,for the Israelite men to father children if they were just to be killed;
  11. Explain the reason for the structure of the Rydberg formula, it also provided a, justification ,for its empirical results in terms of fundamental physical constants. The Bohr
  12. An object without also conceiving of or describing its properties is a common, justification ,for bundle theory, especially among current philosophers in the Anglo-American
  13. Reproductive health are major issues of human rights that are sometimes used as, justification ,for the existence or absence of laws controlling abortion. In jurisdictions
  14. Access focus on either the moral permissibility of an induced abortion, or, justification , of laws permitting or restricting abortion. Abortion debates, especially
  15. Or retain biological agents or toxins, of types and in quantities that have no, justification ,for peaceful purposes, as well as weapons, equipment and means of delivery
  16. Whereby the death and righteousness of Christ are imputed to them for their, justification ,before God. * Eternal security is also conditional: All believers have full
  17. See Sydney Anglicanism. ) Still, other Anglicans adopt a nuanced view of, justification , taking elements from the early Church Fathers, Catholicism,Protestantism
  18. With ". From these twin axioms – self-ownership and" homesteading" – stem the, justification ,for the entire system of property rights titles in a free-market society. This
  19. Complicated, and unsatisfactory. Decision theory approach A decision-theoretic, justification ,of the use of Bayesian inference (and hence of Bayesian probabilities) was
  20. Him and involved in planning or preparing the attack, and provided religious, justification ,for it, according to unnamed U. S. intelligence officials. In March 2010
  21. Been understood that there is no commonality between the Bible way, which is, justification ,by faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, and salvation by works, which the
  22. The third of the sacraments; and the fourth of Divine grace, free will, justification , and good works. Venetian Interdict Under Pope Paul V (reigned 1605–1621),a
  23. And Immigration Bill 2007,the British Government cited the Spanner case as, justification ,for criminalizing images of consensual acts, as part of its proposed
  24. Applicable; he adopted a pragmatic non-pacifist position, saying that the, justification ,of violence depends on the specific circumstances of the given situation. A
  25. Torture techniques, the Bush administration used Abu Zubaydah’s capture as, justification ,to accelerate its domestic spying program to allow quick action on the phone
  26. Which each of the Articles has remained influential varies. On the doctrine of, justification , for example, there is a wide range of beliefs within the Anglican Communion
  27. A hunt but a mass slaughter.... an outmoded tradition that has no acceptable, justification ,in today's world ". On 22 April 2011 French culture minister Frédéric
  28. Moreover, the verdict in an inquisitional case must include written, justification ,by judges. For this reason, when new evidence emerges, the defense and/or the
  29. The assassination was a desire to avenge Sahel, and this would be a sufficient, justification ,for the deed according to the moral standard of the time. The conduct of David
  30. The case that Aristotle's rigid separation of action from production, and his, justification ,of the subservience of slaves and others to the virtue – or are – of a few
  31. On 15 June 2010 that Saville had cherry-picked the evidence and did not have, justification ,for his findings. Artistic reaction The incident has been commemorated by Irish
  32. Places, with blood libels, expulsions,forced conversions and massacres. A main, justification ,of prejudice against Jews in Europe was religious. The persecution hit its
  33. Also, of great importance to the Reformers would be Bernard's conception of, justification , Calvin quotes Bernard several times to show the historical validity of Sold
  34. Years of Albert's reign. Osiander's divergence from Luther's doctrine of, justification ,by faith involved him in a violent quarrel with Philip Melanchthon, who had
  35. Of Thomas Jefferson, who championed property rights. Combined with theological, justification , property was taken to be essentially natural ordained by God. Property, which
  36. Of animate vs. inanimate things is an abstraction acquired by learning. The, justification ,for attributing life to objects was stated by David Hume in his Natural History
  37. Of blood libel in Europe. Allegations of Jews killing Christians were used as, justification ,for killing of Jews by Christians. Antisemitism in America reached its peak
  38. Be completely circular. On the contrary, artificial scarcity itself needs a, justification ," Corporations fund much IP creation and can acquire IP they do not create, too
  39. Idea and property over slaves had the same theological and essentialized, justification ,It was even held that the property in slaves was a sacred right. Week noted
  40. Such figures as John Wesley and Charles Simeon, re-emphasised the importance of, justification ,through faith and the consequent importance of personal conversion. Some in
  41. And the castles of Baron Earned and Hercules Housman. He is a champion and a, justification ,of regionalism. Yet he is also a burly, bounding,bustling, self-confident
  42. Errata, queen regnant of Castile and León, in 1109,he began to use, with some, justification , the grandiose title Emperor of Spain, formerly employed by his father-in-law
  43. Buddhism from what is commonly called Hinduism is the issue of epistemological, justification , All schools of Indian logic recognize various sets of valid justification s for
  44. Rose substantially. Trophy hunting has the potential to provide economic, justification ,for the preservation of larger areas of bongo habitat than national parks
  45. Classification of State economic interventions, ** The Ethics of Liberty Moral, justification ,of a free society ** For a New Liberty An outline of how an anarcho-capitalist
  46. Rampart" () intended to dissuade aggression from the West. Another official, justification ,was the activities of western agents in Eastern Europe. The Eastern German
  47. Anglicans ascribe to the Reformed emphasis on Sold FIDE in their doctrine of, justification ,(see Sydney Anglicanism. ) Still, other Anglicans adopt a nuanced view of
  48. What should humanity's response be? The argument continues that the only, justification ,humanity could give for its continued existence would be the past creation and
  49. In the constitution, such as ratifying a treaty. Ultra vires gives a legal, justification ,for the forced cessation of such action, which might be enforced by the people
  50. Major topics of archaeoastronomical research The use of calendars A common, justification ,for the need for astronomy is the need to develop an accurate calendar for

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