Examples of the the word, hierarchy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hierarchy ), is the 4494 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In ZF, it can be proven that the class \big cup_ V_\alpha \! (see cumulative, hierarchy ,) is equal to the class of all sets. This statement is even equivalent to the
  2. Amino acid residues. The structure of proteins is traditionally described in a, hierarchy ,of four levels. The primary structure of a protein simply consists of its
  3. In Amsterdam have been constructed since the restoration of the episcopal, hierarchy ,in 1853. One of the principal architects behind the city's Catholic churches
  4. Of" the woman girt with a sword; she represents the Scarlet Woman in the, hierarchy ,of the new Eon. (...)This woman represents Venus as she now is in this new
  5. The territory around the monastery for which they are responsible. Sabbatical, hierarchy ,In some monastic families there is a hierarchy of precedence or authority among
  6. And domain trees in a contiguous namespace, linked in a transitive trust, hierarchy , At the top of the structure is the forest. A forest is a collection of trees
  7. Chaitin, his casual attitude toward training, along with problems with NASA, hierarchy ,(reaching all the way back to the Mercury-Atlas 9 flight) resulted in his
  8. Empire. They show the caricatures of Smith drawn by the opponents of views on, hierarchy ,and inequality in this online article. Emphasized also are Smith's statements
  9. Groups. The division of an organization's information infrastructure into a, hierarchy ,of one or more domains and top-level Out is a key decision. Common models are
  10. Of this pantheon changed continually as new deities were promoted in the, hierarchy , but priests made no effort to organize the diverse and sometimes conflicting
  11. Contain themselves is not a set but a proper class. Regularity and cumulative, hierarchy ,In ZF it can be proven that the class \big cup_ V_\alpha \! (see cumulative
  12. If the exponential-time hierarchy , which is defined in terms of the polynomial, hierarchy ,and E as MPH, collapses to E; however, note that the exponential-time hierarchy
  13. Churches additionally require that a person who holds a high position in a, hierarchy ,maintain Orthodox Church doctrine, which they hold to be that of the apostles
  14. From geophysical factors. The urban areas of Canberra are organized into a, hierarchy ,of districts, town centers, group centers, local suburbs as well as other
  15. Hierarchy and E as MPH, collapses to E; however, note that the exponential-time, hierarchy ,is usually conjectured not to collapse. Russell Impagliazzo and AVI Wilkerson
  16. Strict subset of SPACE. BPP is contained in the second level of the polynomial, hierarchy ,and therefore it is contained in PH. More precisely, the Sipper–Lateran
  17. They are responsible. Sabbatical hierarchy In some monastic families there is a, hierarchy ,of precedence or authority among abbots. In some cases, this is the result of
  18. For the recognition of FOR as a viable and practical option. Bypassing the NASA, hierarchy , he sent a series of memos and reports on the issue to Associate Administrator
  19. Quoted in Alexander's works. Alexander was fascinated by Pseudo-Dionysian, hierarchy ,of angels and in how their nature can be understood, given Aristotelian
  20. A domain can be grouped into Organizational Units (Out). Out can provide, hierarchy ,to a domain, ease its administration, and can resemble the organization's
  21. Unpronounceable sequence occurs, typically due to a violation of the sonority, hierarchy ,(e.g. -RTN- is pronounced as a three-consonant cluster, but -ten- needs to be
  22. Everything in nature has a Kabul (spirit or god) on the inside. There is a, hierarchy ,of the kazoo. The most important is grandmother earth (fire),then kazoo of
  23. System Management Interface Tool for AIX. It allows a user to navigate a menu, hierarchy ,of commands, rather than using the command line. Invocation is typically
  24. Also had their own system, the great chain of being, an interlocking, hierarchy ,of beings from God to dust. Idealist systems In addition to the materialism of
  25. The gradually increasing democracy, caused an upheaval of traditional social, hierarchy ,and gave birth to the ethic that has formed a core of political values in the
  26. To make a successful entry into the upper echelons of the Roman political, hierarchy , Octavian could not rely on his limited funds. After a warm welcome by Caesar
  27. Britons, with the latter coming out on top. In short, this was a racial/ethnic, hierarchy ,which gave maximum recognition to people and cultural practices of Anglican
  28. Notions of what a corporate culture should look like in organizational, hierarchy ,(flat versus tall, casual versus formal attire, etc.). Other highly
  29. Failing to acknowledge and respect the world as it was created by God, with its, hierarchy ,of beings and values. They would not have fallen into pride and lack of wisdom
  30. Has also been cashed out in terms of what could be called an" abstraction, hierarchy , " For instance, Rudolf Carnap in his Introduction to Semantics (1942,Harvard
  31. And destruction, demon of the abyss, and chief of demons of the underworld, hierarchy , where he is equated with Samuel or Satan. In magic, Abaddon is often
  32. Reverses (in some cases twice) as the appeals work their way up the court, hierarchy , This is not always true, however. In the United States federal courts, the
  33. Ideal cannot be completely implemented in practice. Hence, they recognize a, hierarchy ,of life. Mobile beings are given higher protection than immobile ones. For the
  34. Is often incorrectly attributed to Hooker. Rather Hooker's description is a, hierarchy ,of authority, with scripture as foundational, and reason and tradition as
  35. The treatise of the Pseudo-Dionysius the Propagate on the celestial, hierarchy ,; St. Basil's treatise on virginity; thirty-nine discourses of St. Efren the
  36. Set formation, and thus no such thing as the totality of all sets, or the set, hierarchy , Any such totality would itself have to be a set, thus lying somewhere within
  37. Many input sizes. They also showed that P BPP if the exponential-time, hierarchy , which is defined in terms of the polynomial hierarchy and E as MPH, collapses
  38. S nephew Mike Income, is a revenge drama about a young man who climbs the, hierarchy ,of a corrupt Japanese company with the intention of exposing the men
  39. Such totality would itself have to be a set, thus lying somewhere within the, hierarchy ,and thus failing to contain every set. A standard solution to this problem is
  40. Reguli (" petty kings" ) and regales (" princes" ). This may be a formal, hierarchy , or they may be vague, overlapping terms, or a combination of both. In 357
  41. Sent to India as an Apostolic Delegate to report on the establishment of the, hierarchy ,there. In 1887, he again visited India, to carry out the terms of the concordat
  42. Rather different perspectives these recount the fictional history of a parallel, hierarchy , by which in secret French cardinals nominated the true Pope. As it is told
  43. Fishnet hubs until they were eventually delivered to their destination. The, hierarchy ,of Fishnet BBS nodes, hubs,and zones was maintained in a routing table called
  44. Well were likely to increase their landholdings and advance in the social, hierarchy , The prospect of significant income from pillage, and ransoming prisoners was
  45. Or be handed over for punishment for not doing so. Although much of the church, hierarchy ,in the East had opposed the Nicene creed in the decades leading up to
  46. Catholicism was not forbidden and priests allowed to serve, the Catholic, hierarchy ,was prohibited. This led to the establishment of schuilkerken, covert churches
  47. To support his position that IQ test score gaps represent a genetic racial, hierarchy ,unwaveringly for over 30 years. During this time, Jensen has received more than
  48. Of spiritual institutions. The lay abbot took his recognized rank in the feudal, hierarchy , and was free to dispose of his fief as in the case of any other. The
  49. Part in" The Secret History of the Dismal Science" point to his opposition, hierarchy , beliefs in inequality, including racial inequality, and provide additional
  50. In many Southeast Asian countries between the monarchy and the religious, hierarchy , an association that can still be seen today in the state-supported Buddhism of

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