Examples of the the word, harbor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( harbor ), is the 4496 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Getting stuck, Lieutenant Jones called off the battle and moved back toward, harbor , After the battle with the Monitor, the Virginia retired to the Gosport Naval
  2. Existing scientific theories. Earth is the only place in the universe known to, harbor ,life. However, recent advances in planetary science have changed fundamental
  3. People with arachnophobia tend to feel uneasy in any area they believe could, harbor ,spiders or that has visible signs of their presence, such as webs. If
  4. Jackson volunteered to nurse prisoners of war on board two ships in Charleston, harbor , where there had been an outbreak of cholera. She died from the disease in
  5. With Caribbean powers, paying a" license tax" in exchange for safe, harbor ,of their vessels. One American slave reported that the Algerians had enslaved
  6. Five percent of the entire adult population, and 39 % of the Muslim population, harbor ,strong and consistent antisemitic views. Former Prime Minister Moran Person
  7. British and recently hired Hessian troops were assembling across the upper, harbor ,on Staten Island for the campaign, and Washington had the newly issued
  8. Palestra; they cover seven small hills, and extend from an eastern to a western, harbor ,; on the southwestern hills are the remains of the medieval settlement of
  9. Rommel attacks Torus. *1944 – Bombay Explosion: A massive explosion in Bombay, harbor ,kills 300 and causes economic damage valued then at 20 million pounds. *1945 –
  10. Into the present day. Much of the royal and civic quarters sank beneath the, harbor ,due to earthquake subsidence, and the rest has been built over in modern times.
  11. Canum Venaticorum variable. Alioth, as a representative of this type, may, harbor , two interacting processes. First, the star's strong magnetic field separating
  12. Sun Princess) will anchor about 400 meters away from the wharf of Taney Amp, harbor , The current pier is only 154 meters and will be a 300 to 350 meters to
  13. Regional Airport: Aerodrome de Aveiro/São Jacinto (LAV). Port/Harbor (, harbor ,): Porto de Aveiro (Have/Aveiro). Malls Aveiro and environs have several
  14. Location, usually a coast (for example, the Atlantic Wall in World War II) or, harbor , Not needing to be mobile, coastal artillery used to be much larger than
  15. Plant nonfat corn nearby. These unmodified fields are to provide a location to, harbor ,pests. The theory behind these refuges is to slow the evolution of the pests '
  16. Auditorium is also named for him. *Three man-made oil drilling islands in the, harbor ,off Long Beach, California are named Frisson, White and Chaffee. A fourth
  17. Of Music, in Asia Minor, situated at NARA Burn or Niagara Point on the best, harbor ,on the Asiatic shore of the Hellespont. Across Abyss lies Status on the
  18. Of Azerbaijan is the ancient city of Baku, which has the largest and best, harbor ,on the Caspian Sea and has long been the center of the republic's oil industry
  19. Requirements for public accommodations, as well as an“ element by element safe, harbor , ” Title IV - Telecommunications Title IV of the ADA amended the landmark
  20. Known as the Winter Garden. Outside the Winter Garden lies a sizeable yacht, harbor ,on the Hudson known as North Cove. South of the World Financial Center lies the
  21. In coastal areas. On the average, at least twice each decade houses, farms,and, harbor ,facilities are devastated by these great storms. Area and boundaries Area:
  22. But another storm forced him into Lisbon. He anchored next to the King's, harbor ,patrol ship on 4 March 1493 in Portugal. After spending more than one week in
  23. Buffalo. Grain and commercial goods shipments led to repeated expansion of the, harbor , In 1843,the world's first steam-powered grain elevator was constructed by
  24. Hewitt of Baltimore. In 1858, he was transferred to Fort Mountie in Charleston, harbor , but by the start of the Civil War, he was a captain and second in command in
  25. Laid siege to Vicksburg and the Union navy attained some success in Charleston, harbor , After the Battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln clearly understood that his military
  26. Tanks. There are no coral reefs along the coast, and the island lacks a good, harbor ,for ships. One of the largest remnants of the Comoros' once-extensive rain forests
  27. More concerned about access to Logan Airport, and pushed instead for a third, harbor ,tunnel. In their second terms, Michael Davis (governor) and Fred Gallucci (
  28. Of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages. Ongoing maritime archaeology in the, harbor ,of Alexandria, which began in 1994,is revealing details of Alexandria both
  29. To recant his teachings. *1524 – Giovanni the Terrazzo reaches New York, harbor , *1555 – After 18 months of siege, Siena surrenders to the Florentine-Imperial
  30. And will be a 300 to 350 meters to accommodate international cruise ships. The, harbor ,would be safer than Genoa and has a scenic backdrop of a panoramic view of
  31. The paperback revolution to Berkeley, fighting censorship, and providing a safe, harbor ,from teargas for student activists during the Free Speech Movement and
  32. Protecting the http://viewthathome.co.uk/Documents/AJACCIO_FROM_SHIP.htm, harbor ,on the south, where now are located the Quiet de la Citadel and the Settee de
  33. General Washington spread about 20,000 soldiers along the shores of New York's, harbor , concentrated on Long Island and Manhattan. While British and recently hired
  34. Civil War: The war begins with Confederate forces firing on Fort Sumter, in the, harbor ,of Charleston, South Carolina. *1862 – American Civil War: The Andrews Raid (
  35. Portugal, he set sail for Spain. He crossed the bar of Sales and entered the, harbor ,of Palms on 15 March 1493. Word of his finding new lands rapidly spread
  36. Its new credit-card division in Atlanta, and city, state and civic leaders, harbor ,long-term hopes of having the city serve as the home of the secretariat of a
  37. For Rainier in the English language K (Aleut Corp. Web. ). Sea-lion, harbor ,seal, and the sea otter are the most abundant marine animals. The men brought
  38. And the Settee de la Citadel. The modern city not only encloses the entire, harbor ,but takes up the better part of the Gulf of Ajaccio and in suburban form
  39. Inhabitants). The Dutch attacked the Castillo de la Luz, which guarded the, harbor , The Canadians evacuated civilians from the city, and the Castillo surrendered
  40. The city as being a settlement of narrow streets localized to some part of the, harbor ,or the Gulf of Ajaccio; such bucolic descriptions do not fit the city of today
  41. Ernesto, with its inner basin Kilotons, now vastly enlarged to form the modern, harbor , In Strabo's time, ( latter half of 1st century BC) the principal buildings
  42. Researchers to predict what planetary environments might be most likely to, harbor ,life. Missions such as the Phoenix lander, Mars Science Laboratory, ExoMars to
  43. 1587 – Francis Drake's expedition sinks the Spanish fleet in Cádiz, harbor , *1713 – With no living male heirs, Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, issues the
  44. From Mali, and eighty kilometers from Want—along with a lack of good, harbor ,facilities, make transportation and communication difficult. The islands have a
  45. 10,000 worth of tea from its holds (approximately £636,000 in 2008) into the, harbor , This event became known as the Boston Tea Party and remains a significant part
  46. Before it, refused to turn over Ft. Sumter—located in the middle of the, harbor ,of Charleston, South Carolina. Jefferson Davis ordered the surrender of the
  47. Targets for interstellar listening. Since Earth is the only planet known to, harbor ,life, there is no evident way to know if any of the simplifying assumptions are
  48. When a Dutch fleet led by Paid Han plundered the Spanish ships in the city's, harbor , In 1662,English admiral and pirate Christopher Mynas captured and briefly
  49. Lenin, whom he saw at the 9th Congress of Soviets in 1921 -- he soon began to, harbor ,profound doubts about the claims and credentials of the regime, not to mention
  50. Of materials as in the MythBusters effort. Recent excavations at the Viking, harbor ,town of Frozen, Gotland in Sweden have revealed a few rock crystal

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