Examples of the the word, ridge , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Battlefield The Waterloo position was a strong one. It consisted of a long, ridge ,running east-west, perpendicular to, and bisected by, the main road to Brussels
  2. Which flows east from Caribou Bog into the Mines Basin. The North Mountain, ridge ,forms the north side of the Annapolis Valley. Also flowing east, in two smaller
  3. Water at the apex of the ridge is less than in most places, the bottom of the, ridge ,is three times as deep and of course several peaks rise above the water and
  4. Along the spine from the shoulder to the rump; the white stripes run into this, ridge , A white chevron appears between the eyes and two large white spots grace each
  5. That the Prussians would reinforce his left during the day. In front of the, ridge , there were three positions that could be fortified. On the extreme right were
  6. On Northumberland's loyalty, suggesting instead that Albion Hill's narrow, ridge ,hindered him from joining the battle. The earl would have had to either go
  7. Rivers in the east drain directly to the Black Sea. The Sedna Gorey is a narrow, ridge ,about 160 km long and 1,600 m high, running east to west parallel to the
  8. From this period are" Urban culture" 1924)," Temple baths on Jyväskylä, ridge ," (1925)," Abbé Coignard's sermon" ( 1925),and" From doorstep to living
  9. Reveal that the ammonia line is separated into two components – a background, ridge ,and an unresolved core. The background corresponds well with the locations
  10. Pyramus river) and near its tributary the HEMPAS SU. A lofty isolated, ridge ,formed its acropolis. Though some masonry in the ruins is certainly
  11. It in minutes, and then rode on past La Have Saint almost to the crest of the, ridge , where they covered d'Erlon's left flank as his attack developed. At about
  12. To, and bisected by, the main road to Brussels. Along the crest of the, ridge ,ran the Chain road, a deep sunken lane. Near the crossroads with the Brussels
  13. 1st Marines were trapped within the narrow paths between the ridge s, with each, ridge ,fortification supporting the other with deadly crossfire. The Marines took
  14. The Sun was seen to rise at the June solstice between two towers on a nearby, ridge , The sacred part of the island was separated from the remainder of it by a
  15. Reaching a maximum width of about. A great rift valley also extends along the, ridge ,over most of its length. The depth of water at the apex of the ridge is less
  16. Each attack. After numerous costly but fruitless attacks on the Mont-Saint-Jean, ridge , the French cavalry was spent. Their casualties cannot easily be estimated.
  17. Leq y \LEQ x it is a smoothly interpolated form of the usual binomial, with a, ridge ,(" Pascal's ridge " ). * in the octane 0 \LEQ x \LEQ y and in the quadrant x
  18. Structures located on the roadsides as well as on top of the canyon cliffs and, ridge ,crests have been interpreted as shrines related to these activities. Finally
  19. Reddish hair. Alleged witnesses have described large eyes, a pronounced brow, ridge , and a large, low-set forehead; the top of the head has been described as
  20. Rise is the conical Mount Bros (531 m) in the south, and the Panhellenic, ridge ,stretches northward with narrow fertile valleys on either side. The beaches are
  21. And some very wet ground. The French army formed on the slopes of another, ridge ,to the south. Napoleon could not see Wellington's positions, so he drew his
  22. To reach what he thought was the crest of the hill, which was in fact another, ridge , occupied by more Japanese defenders. Trapped at the base of the ridge , Pope
  23. Aareschlucht) is a section of the river that carves through a limestone, ridge ,near the town of Marine. Tributaries Reservoirs History The river's name
  24. Bulk of the mountain above Local Mall a G-Suite, and also the neighboring, ridge ,of Can For Dairy; Mall a G-Suite forms part of the Outer Granite, which is
  25. Hills. From there, the land rises dramatically. The highest peak along the, ridge ,line above Berkeley is Grizzly Peak, elevation. A number of small creeks run
  26. Fire was at relatively long range and was often indirect, at targets beyond the, ridge , If infantry being attacked held firm in their square defensive formations, and
  27. Digital services in Adelaide. They share three transmission towers on the, ridge ,near the summit of Mount Lofty. The two government-funded stations are run by
  28. Ordered his two brigades of British heavy cavalry, formed unseen behind the, ridge , to charge in support of the hard-pressed infantry. The 1st Brigade, known as
  29. Battle-line was in the village, rather than at the more forward position on the, ridge , To enable this,Jerome's division would make an initial attack on Hougoumont
  30. He lived with his daughter Louisa St. Clair Rob and her family on the, ridge ,between Linear and Greensburg. St. Clair's remains are buried under a
  31. Time. In traditional Japanese archery a special glove is used, provided with a, ridge ,which is used to draw the string. Release aids Archers using compound bows most
  32. Each side is rarely the same. It also has a short, bristly and vertical brown, ridge ,of hair along the spine from the shoulder to the rump; the white stripes run
  33. Troops under Sir Thomas Piston, who were lying down in dead ground behind the, ridge , All had suffered badly at Square Bras. In addition, the Island brigade
  34. Along the ridge over most of its length. The depth of water at the apex of the, ridge ,is less than in most places, the bottom of the ridge is three times as deep and
  35. The county line (bordering Contra Costa County),which generally follows the, ridge ,line of the Berkeley Hills. Berkeley is located in northern Alameda County. The
  36. With heavy losses in an action around an unfinished railroad bed cut in the, ridge , South of the pike,Archer's brigade assaulted through Herbs (also known as
  37. At midwinter. However, from ground level, this sunset would be obscured by a, ridge ,in the landscape, and the viewer would need to be raised by two meters: another
  38. Known to the Americans simply as" The Point ". Holes were blasted into the, ridge ,to accommodate a gun, and six 20 mm cannons. The positions were then sealed
  39. Water and form islands. The South Atlantic Ocean has an additional submarine, ridge , the Wallis Ridge. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge separates the Atlantic Ocean into two
  40. A smoothly interpolated form of the usual binomial, with a ridge (" Pascal's, ridge ,"). * in the octane 0 \LEQ x \LEQ y and in the quadrant x \GEQ 0,y \LEQ 0 the
  41. Day. Wellington deployed his infantry in a line just behind the crest of the, ridge ,following the Chain road. Using the reverse slope, as he had many times
  42. Is said to be the only genuine alpine hut in Britain. The latter is the closest, ridge ,to the summit. Between the Tower and Observatory Ridges is Marylou Gully
  43. A defensive position he had personally reconnoitred the previous year—the low, ridge ,of Mont-Saint-Jean, south of the village of Waterloo and the Ionian Forest. The
  44. Moving northward again. Deflection is also seen as it passes over the mid-ocean, ridge ,in the Southeast Pacific. The current is accompanied by a number of weather
  45. Is balanced by a southward, pressure-driven flow below the depths of the major, ridge ,systems. Some theories connect these flows directly, implying that there is
  46. Llobregat and Pesos and is bounded to the west by the Serra de Collserola, ridge ,(). Barcelona is today one of the world's leading tourist, economic,trade
  47. Street, for several miles along a narrow strip of land between the river and a, ridge ,of rocky hills. The houses are separated from one another by fruit gardens.
  48. Total area is 0.54 % water. At about above mean sea level, Atlanta sits atop a, ridge ,south of the Chattahoochee River. The Eastern Continental Divide line enters
  49. And the Third World. *1985 – Japan Airlines Flight 123 crashes into Osaka, ridge ,in Gunman Prefecture, Japan,killing 520,to become the worst single-plane air
  50. Another ridge , occupied by more Japanese defenders. Trapped at the base of the, ridge , Pope set up a small defense perimeter, which was attacked relentlessly by the

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