Examples of the the word, weed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( weed ), is the 4505 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To aid digestion, sooth sore throats, and relieve inflammation. As an invasive, weed ,Horehound was introduced to southern Australia in the 19th century as a
  2. Feather * Amaranths Palmer – Palmer's amaranth, palmer pig weed , careless, weed , * Amaranths Powell – green amaranth, Powell amaranth, Powell pig weed *
  3. Total surface) are estimated to be contaminated with TNT and RDX. However, the, weed ,Arabidopsis was not tough enough to withstand the environment on military test
  4. Up TNT and RDX explosive contaminants from the soil, and it was hoped that this, weed ,would eliminate this pollution. 16 million hectares in the USA (1.5 % of the
  5. Broad-spectrum activity and no crop injury was a consistent limitation in crop, weed ,management. Multiple applications of numerous herbicides were routinely used to
  6. Colonizes in the crop field and causes significant yield reductions. Beneficial, weed ,Pig weed can be a beneficial weed , as well as a companion plant, serving as a
  7. That is to determine urban land use and whether hyper hygienist bylaws (e.g., weed ,control) should apply, or whether land should generally be allowed to exist in
  8. In" trimmer dermatitis" due to a phytophotodermatitis due to spray from a, weed ,trimmer. Other plants in the parsley family can have similar effects.
  9. Their goals are different. Cultivator teeth work near the surface, usually for, weed ,control, whereas chisel plow shanks work deep beneath the surface.
  10. The identification of a plant gene,At-DBF2,from Arabidopsis Thailand, a tiny, weed ,that is often used for plant research because it is very easy to grow and its
  11. Somewhat similar to caraway but also resembling that of fresh or dried dill, weed , Dill seeds were traditionally used to soothe the stomach after meals. Dill oil
  12. Fathers of the Church) exerted considerable amounts of energy attempting to, weed ,out what were considered to be false doctrines (e.g. Grenades' On the
  13. Amaranths species at the seedling stage essential for agriculturalists. Proper, weed ,control needs to be applied before the species successfully colonizes in the
  14. Known by a number of street names including PCP, angel dust, supergrass,killer, weed , Sheri, embalming fluid, and rocket fuel *Primary care physician, a doctor who
  15. Southern Dutch city of Maastricht was within its rights when it introduced a ", weed ,passport" in 2005 to prevent foreigners from entering cafés that sell
  16. Included cotton, sunflower,pumpkins, tobacco,goose foot, knotgrass, and sump, weed , Agriculture in the southwest started around 4,000 years ago when traders
  17. Interpretations of the meanings of certain words. For example, the word ", weed ," can be interpreted as an undesirable plant in your yard, or as a euphemism
  18. The proteins produced by BT have been used in sprays for agricultural, weed ,control in France since 1938 and the USA since 1958 with seemingly no ill
  19. The potential of reducing the number of herbicide active ingredients used for, weed ,management, reducing the number of herbicide applications made during a season
  20. Touch each other, creating a microclimate in which moisture is conserved and, weed ,growth suppressed. Raised beds produce a variety of benefits: they extend the
  21. Applications made during a season, and increasing yield due to improved, weed ,management and less crop injury. Transgenic crops that express tolerance to
  22. The plants more susceptible to death during dry weather. A weakened sod allows, weed ,seeds to germinate and grow. Indicators One indicator of overgrazing is that
  23. Is, herbicide applications were sprayed in response to expected, weed ,infestations rather than in response to actual weed s present. Mechanical
  24. The prefix gig is the distorted form; the compound itself means 'inconsiderable, weed ,'),and such compounds which have meanings, but neither their prefixes, nor
  25. Introduced, most notably South Australia, the olive has become a major woody, weed ,that displaces native vegetation. In South Australia, its seeds are spread by
  26. From the principles of plant selection and then proceeded quite unashamedly to, weed ,out the men whom we did not think we could use for the build-up of the SS. " (
  27. Ames test is often used as one of the initial screens for potential drugs to, weed ,out possible carcinogens, and it is one of the eight tests required under
  28. More common hallucinogenic plants used in divination are morning glory, jimson, weed , and peyote. " Common methods * Anthropometry
  29. George Owen of Henley writing in the 16th century referring to drift, weed ,in South Wales: This kind of ore they often gather and lay on great heaps
  30. Eternal beauty. Whether it be the cross-section of a skull, the structure of a, weed , or a study of muscles, he,with his feeling for line and for light and shade
  31. Poisoning In addition to obvious dangers such as rodenticides, insecticides and, weed ,killers, cats may be poisoned by many chemicals that are usually considered
  32. Been suggested: ## the Latin name sodium (Common Vetch or tares, as a noxious, weed ,mingled with the good Catholic wheat); ## after the Franciscan, Lolhard, who
  33. The adverse effects of amaranth's anti-nutritional and toxic factors. As a, weed ,Not all amaranth plants are cultivated. Most of the species from Amaranths are
  34. An Inquisition was carried out by members of the Dominican Order in order to, weed ,out converts that still practiced Judaism and Islam in secret. The system and
  35. Significant yield reductions. Beneficial weed Pig weed can be a beneficial, weed , as well as a companion plant, serving as a trap for leaf miners and some other
  36. Of the chemicalization of Indian agriculture,i.e. fertilizers, pesticides, weed , killers,etc.,3) A commitment to national and international cooperative
  37. It is called Mara. Uses Fresh and dried dill leaves (sometimes called" dill, weed ," to distinguish it from dill seed) are used as herbs, mainly in Sweden, the
  38. Around 1400; but hops were condemned in 1519 as a" wicked and pernicious, weed ,". In 1471,Norwich, England,banned use of the plant in the brewing of ale (
  39. To southern Australia in the 19th century as a medicinal herb. It became a, weed ,of native grasslands and pastures where it was introduced with settlers ’
  40. Of numerous herbicides were routinely used to control a wide range of, weed ,species detrimental to agronomic crops. Weed management tended to rely on
  41. Cure for vitamin A deficiency. Scientists at the University of York developed a, weed ,(Arabidopsis) which contained genes from bacteria that can clean up TNT and
  42. The corn market,Monsanto's triple-stack corn—which combines Roundup Ready 2, weed , control technology with Yielded Corn Borer and Yielded Root worm insect
  43. Flower, produce seed, and die during the warmer months of the year. The lawn, weed ,crabgrass is a summer annual. The Dragon Wing Begonia is a summer annual.
  44. Produced since 2004. It, too, features a sharp toe like the Bugle for penetrating, weed ,and grass, sets quickly, and has a particularly large fluke area. Its roll-bar
  45. As communist volunteers. Ovens later referred to these forced laborers as ", weed ,". With Henri Stock, Ivens made Misère AU Boring (Boring,1933),a
  46. More perfect will be their obedience. Slavery they can have anywhere. It is a, weed ,that grows in every soil. They may have it from Spain, they may have it from
  47. Designed bow anchor, Bügelanker (or Was),has a sharp tip for penetrating, weed , and features a roll-bar which allows the correct setting attitude to be
  48. King Henry VI part II III. Ii * D. H. Lawrence referred to Mandrake as that ", weed ,of ill-omen ". * Ezra Pound used it as metaphor in his poem" Portrait d'one
  49. Developed or in development. They have been developed to make the insect and, weed ,management of crops easier and can indirectly increase crop yield. The second
  50. Of biennial plants are parsley, Lunaria, silverbeet, Sweet William, colic, weed , and carrot. Plant breeders have produced annual cultivars of several biennials

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