Examples of the the word, molecule , in a Sentence Context

The word ( molecule ), is the 4490 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Acid groups of amino acids can react to form amide bonds, one amino acid, molecule ,can react with another and become joined through an amide linkage. This
  2. Of cos−1 (−⅓) ≈ 109.47° between them. Bond lengths and bond angles An alkane, molecule ,has only C – H and C – C single bonds. The former result from the overlap of a
  3. Of carbon atoms that can be linked together, the only limitation being that the, molecule ,is acyclic, is saturated, and is a hydrocarbon. Saturated oils and waxes are
  4. The other resonance structure has just one central sextet. Therefore, in this, molecule ,the outer rings are firmly aromatic while its central ring is less aromatic and
  5. To allow the different groups sufficient space. This causes a tension in the, molecule , known as strict hindrance, and can substantially increase the reactivity.
  6. Was the first polyatomic molecule to be so detected. The sensitivity of the, molecule ,to a broad range of excitations and the ease with which it can be observed in a
  7. NH3 molecule has only 1 lone-pair of electrons compared with 2 for each H2O, molecule , The ionic self-dissociation constant of liquid NH3 at −50 °C is about 10−33
  8. Relatively scarce. It is thought that the low-temperature conditions allow this, molecule ,to survive and accumulate. The ammonia molecule has also been detected in the
  9. In the processes of DNA replication and transcription. The structure of this, molecule ,consists of a purine base (adenine) attached to the 1' carbon atom of a
  10. There is constant rotation about the C-C bond. The time taken for an ethane, molecule ,to pass from one staggered conformation to the next, equivalent to the rotation
  11. Level. Synapomorphies include the oligosaccharide insulin, a nutrient storage, molecule , and unique stamen morphology. The stamens are usually found around the style
  12. Pair, which makes ammonia a base, a proton acceptor. This shape gives the, molecule ,a dipole moment and makes it polar. The molecule 's polarity and, especially
  13. Force. Likewise, a group of atoms can remain bound to each other, forming a, molecule , An atom containing an equal number of protons and electrons is electrically
  14. Strength of the van der Waals forces: * the number of electrons surrounding the, molecule , which increases with the alkane's molecular weight Under standard conditions
  15. Proteins. This condensation reaction yields the newly formed peptide bond and a, molecule ,of water. In cells, this reaction does not occur directly; instead the amino
  16. In collaboration with Otto Stern, was based on the thermodynamics of a diatomic, molecule ,which can split apart into two free atoms. General relativity and the
  17. To carbonyl hydrogen bonds, and in the newly claimed form II, each salicylic, molecule ,forms the same hydrogen bonds with two neighboring molecule s instead of one.
  18. In the galactic center. The high detection rate indicates that this is a common, molecule ,in the interstellar medium and that high-density regions are common in the
  19. From the direction of the galactic core. This was the first polyatomic, molecule ,to be so detected. The sensitivity of the molecule to a broad range of
  20. For example a methyl or ethyl group. The simplest possible alkane (the parent, molecule ,) is methane,CH4. There is no limit to the number of carbon atoms that can be
  21. Acceptor. This shape gives the molecule a dipole moment and makes it polar. The, molecule ,'s polarity and, especially,its ability to form hydrogen bonds, makes ammonia
  22. Instead the amino acid is first activated by attachment to a transfer RNA, molecule ,through an ester bond. This aminoacyl-tRNA is produced in an ATP-dependent
  23. States. The main difference between astatine and iodine is that in the Hat, molecule , the negative charge is actually transferred to hydrogen rather than astatine.
  24. PH. Consequently, ATP is best stored as an anhydrous salt. ATP is an unstable, molecule ,in buffered water, in which it hydrolyses to ADP and phosphate. This is
  25. Acids Monoprotic acids are those acids that are able to donate one proton per, molecule ,during the process of dissociation (sometimes called ionization) as shown
  26. In the nasal passages. In general, the hydroxyl group makes the alcohol, molecule ,polar. Those groups can form hydrogen bonds to one another and to other
  27. To share with one of its two neighboring carbon atoms, which is why the benzene, molecule ,is drawn with alternating single and double bonds around the hexagon. The
  28. Interesting biologically active/reactive portions (functional groups) of the, molecule , Structure classification Saturated hydrocarbons can be: * linear (general
  29. Known as the torsion energy, is low compared to the thermal energy of an ethane, molecule ,at ambient temperature. There is constant rotation about the C-C bond. The time
  30. Until some years later. It was proposed to be the main energy-transfer, molecule ,in the cell by Fritz Albert Lippmann in 1941. It was first artificially
  31. End of the bond. The spatial arrangement described by the torsion angles of the, molecule ,is known as its conformation. Ethane forms the simplest case for studying the
  32. Is always equal to the concentration of hydronium ions. An Arrhenius base is a, molecule ,which increases the concentration of the hydroxide ion when dissolved in water.
  33. In the interstellar medium, in comets, and in meteorites and are a candidate, molecule ,to act as a basis for the earliest forms of life. In graphene the PAH motif is
  34. Ammine ligand bound to a metal ion is markedly more acidic than a free ammonia, molecule , although deportation in aqueous solution is still rare. One example is the
  35. Bond angles are not usually sufficient to completely describe the geometry of a, molecule , There is a further degree of freedom for each carbon – carbon bond: the
  36. Conditions, pure hydrogen exists as a diatomic gas consisting of two atoms per, molecule , The removal of the single electron of hydrogen requires considerably more
  37. And the fact that such bonding cannot form cross-linked networks since each NH3, molecule , has only 1 lone-pair of electrons compared with 2 for each H2O molecule . The
  38. Form the citrate ion. Even though the positions of the protons on the original, molecule ,may be equivalent, the successive Key values will differ since it is
  39. Line, with CCH bond angles of 180°. Since acetylene is a linear symmetrical, molecule , it possesses the Duh point group. Discovery Acetylene was discovered in 1836
  40. 10 weight percent ammonia. Structure and basic chemical properties The ammonia, molecule ,has a trigonal pyramidal shape with a bond angle of 107.8°,as predicted by the
  41. Processes, including biosynthetic reactions, motility,and cell division. One, molecule ,of ATP contains three phosphate groups, and it is produced by ATP synthase from
  42. Acid molecule , in contrast to monoprotic acids that only donate one proton per, molecule , Specific types of polyprotic acids have more specific names, such as diuretic
  43. Tetrahedral arrangement, but is measured at 107.8°. The nitrogen atom in the, molecule ,has a lone electron pair, which makes ammonia a base, a proton acceptor. This
  44. Of amines is almost solely governed by the electronic factors within the, molecule , Synthesis Alkylating The most industrially significant amines are prepared
  45. Conditions allow this molecule to survive and accumulate. The ammonia, molecule ,has also been detected in the atmospheres of the gas giant planets, including
  46. Also known as polybasic acids, are able to donate more than one proton per acid, molecule , in contrast to monoprotic acids that only donate one proton per molecule .
  47. The highly explosive nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) is also formed. The ammonia, molecule ,readily undergoes nitrogen inversion at room temperature; a useful analogy is
  48. As well as by acetylate cycle, which uses ATP to produce the second messenger, molecule ,cyclic AMP. The ratio between ATP and AMP is used as a way for a cell to sense
  49. Has almost a linear relationship with the size (molecular weight) of the, molecule , As a rule of thumb, the boiling point rises 20 - 30 °C for each carbon added
  50. Bonds between individual water molecule s are aligned away from an alkane, molecule , the coexistence of an alkane and water leads to an increase in molecular order

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