Examples of the the word, boom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( boom ), is the 4486 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Topped out on September 17, 2009. Austin is currently undergoing a skyscraper, boom , which includes recent construction on the now complete 360 Condominiums at
  2. History of the Bronx in the 20th century may be divided into four periods: a, boom ,during 1900–29,with a population growth by a factor of six from 200,000 in
  3. In the mainstream in Japan (although less than manga),and experienced a, boom ,in production. Following a few successful adaptations of anime in overseas
  4. Guaranteed availability of funds for investment and consumption. For example,a, boom ,in the real estate market started around 2003. At the same time annual
  5. Forever. Anime conventions began to appear in the early 1990s,during the Anime, boom , starting with Anime Expo, Animethon, Otakon, and JASON. Currently anime
  6. And Peyton Forest. Atlanta was in the midst of a construction and retail, boom ,prior to the late-2000s recession, with over 50 new midrise or high rise
  7. These new methods of farming and fishing inaugurated a human population, boom ,that dwarfed all previous expansions and continues today. By 5000 BC, the
  8. Many services. The recent economic strength has been due in part to a global, boom ,in commodities prices with exports from beef to soybeans soaring. A performance
  9. Programme of infrastructure development, fuelled by a sustained economic, boom ,in the forestry, mining,and energy sectors. During these two decades, the
  10. Reserve banking system. This in turn leads to an unsustainable" credit-fuelled, boom ," during which the" artificially stimulated" borrowing seeks out diminishing
  11. On tourism and offshore banking. Steady growth in tourism receipts and a, boom ,in construction of new hotels, resorts,and residences had led to solid GDP
  12. Opened new frontiers for advertisers and contributed to the" dot-com ", boom ,of the 1990s. Entire corporations operated solely on advertising revenue
  13. Breeding season the male call of this marsh dwelling bird is a" low-pitched, boom ,", hence it is occasionally called the" bun yip bird. " When Hamilton Hume and
  14. The New York Times paperback nonfiction bestseller list, has already fueled a, boom ,in EPL tourism in Bud, the hill town and cultural and tourist center that was
  15. High-tech companies in the region, Austin was strongly affected by the dot-com, boom ,in the late 1990s and subsequent bust. The proliferation of technology
  16. On. It was decided to carry on and to try to cash in on the current economy car, boom ,enjoyed so successfully by some of Germany's ex-aircraft manufacturers such as
  17. Have pushed up development costs. The major change has been the recent, boom ,in consumer flying. As more people begin to use planes as their primary method
  18. Stimulated" borrowing seeks out diminishing investment opportunities. This, boom ,results in widespread investments, causing capital resources to be
  19. Columbia is replete with tales of dramatic upswings and downswings, and this, boom ,and bust pattern has influenced the politics, culture and business climate of
  20. Bootstrapped the computer game and educational software markets and began the, boom ,in the word processor and computer printer markets. The first microcomputer "
  21. Blues * Christopher Short Strange brew: Eric Clapton and the British blues, boom , 1965-1970,foreword by John May all, Jawbone (2007)ISBN 1-906002002 * Harry
  22. The oil industry, which has been largely responsible for Aberdeen's economic, boom ,in the last three decades, are now major parts of Aberdeen's economy. Until
  23. Trade would gradually open China to democratic reform. Clinton also oversaw a, boom ,of the U. S. economy. Under Clinton, the United States had a projected federal
  24. In the adult population, as the earlier, larger cohort born in the" baby, boom ," of the 1960s and 1970s reach adulthood. This effect has been exacerbated by
  25. As business-friendly and economically sound. The island has seen a construction, boom , with the development and redevelopment of hotels, office complexes, and homes.
  26. Coming under heavy fire from Pennant. Unable to stop in time,Westcott's jib, boom ,became entangled with Tonnant's shroud. The French suffered too: Admiral
  27. Or interned in the Interior of the province. Coalition and the post-War, boom ,During World War II the mainstream BC Liberal and BC Conservative Parties of
  28. Grown to 44,000 tons, representing 9.3 % of Peru’s exports. During the rubber, boom ,it is estimated that diseases brought by immigrants such as typhus or malaria
  29. Begin popping up in different locations in Akihabara. * 1994: The Windows PC, boom ,and accompanying computer store growth began. * It was also during the 1990s
  30. Constructed of brick and timber due to the demand created. During the building, boom ,of the 19th century in the eastern seaboard cities of Boston and New York City
  31. Republics on the recommendation of George Canning had led to a considerable, boom , encouraged by various promoters. In this connection, Disraeli became involved
  32. Proudhon Bay and the 1977 completion of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline led to an oil, boom , Royalty revenues from oil have funded large state budgets from 1980 onward.
  33. 1909. 28,000 men were sent to fight in World War I. Adelaide enjoyed a post-war, boom ,but, with the return of droughts, entered the Great Depression of the 1930s
  34. Beaches of the Costa Blanca and particularly the second residence construction, boom ,which started in the 1960s and reinvigorated again by the late 1990s. Services
  35. J. B. Hunt and Tyson Foods. This area of the state has experienced an economic, boom ,since the 1970s as a result. In recent years, automobile parts manufacturers
  36. Move of the rural Blacks to urban areas, the Great Migration. The long, boom ,in the aftermath of World War II induced a massive migration of the African
  37. Alternate history in popular literature The late 1980s and the 1990s saw a, boom ,in popular-fiction versions of alternate history, fueled by the emergence of
  38. Beneficial to Azerbaijan's economy as the nation is in the midst of an oil, boom , Eastern Caspian producers in Carey was here Kazakhstan also have expressed
  39. Debt as it struggled to meet the extensive infrastructure needs of far-flung, boom ,communities like Baskerville and Lilliput, which sprang up overnight. The
  40. Employer outside of agriculture. The American Civil War was followed by a, boom ,in railroad construction, which contributed to the Panic of 1873. Name "
  41. However, apart from the Jonas Brothers boy bands haven't seen the commercial, boom ,experienced in the genre from the mid to late nineties in North America. Key
  42. Opportunities in Southeast Texas and North Texas. The growth generated by this, boom ,largely passed by Austin at first, with the city slipping from fourth largest
  43. Khomeini-led revolution, Iran bought four 747-100 aircraft with air-refueling, boom ,conversions to support a fleet of F-4 Phantoms. It is unknown whether these
  44. Fire broke out on Cardiff Street, Aberdare. Culture Aberdeen, during its, boom ,years, was considered a center of Welsh culture: it hosted the first National
  45. Many holiday homes have been built over the last ten years. This building, boom ,has brought benefits but at a cost. On the one hand it has provided much-needed
  46. Ford No 7 entry, which was a Ford Sierra. Winston Cup Series underwent a large, boom ,in popularity in the 1990s. This coincided with a decline of popularity in
  47. Acclaim but were slated inside Broadcasting House. Later in the 90s the Britpop, boom ,declined, and manufactured chart pop (boy bands and acts aimed at
  48. Much of the Art Deco heritage of Tulsa, Oklahoma remains from that city's oil, boom ,days. Houston, Texas has some buildings surviving, such as the Houston City
  49. Population as thousands of immigrants flooded The Bronx, resulting in a major, boom ,in residential construction. Among these groups, many Irish Americans, Italian
  50. Administration also play a major role in the city's economy. The construction, boom ,has raised many environmental concerns and both the local autonomous government

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