Examples of the the word, marker , in a Sentence Context

The word ( marker ), is the 4488 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The residence time of 36Cl in the atmosphere is about 1 week. Thus, as an event, marker ,of 1950s water in soil and groundwater,36Cl is also useful for dating waters
  2. Some were also scattered in a stand of blue oaks near the boulder. There was no, marker , http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi? Page grid 18549 However in more
  3. Smooth balladry. " Sputnik music writer Amanda Murray noted the album" offers a, marker ,for Spears' progression as an artist, as a celebrity, and as a woman. " She is
  4. Simple critics including short prepositions. Other languages *Hungarian: the, marker ,of indirect questions is -e: NEM Tunja Meg, jön-e. " He doesn't know yet if he
  5. Used to mark an entire noun phrase: English proclitics include: The negative, marker ,n’t as in couldn’t etc. is often thought to be a critic developed from the
  6. At his graveside. The Texas Historical Commission has erected a historical, marker ,near the entrance of what was once his plantation. An adjacent marker was
  7. Here stands for a prefix glyph in the original script that functions as tone, marker ,rather than a normal letter. Another example is Turks, a Latin transcription
  8. Staging post for traffic to north-west New South Wales, and it became a, marker ,by which people gauged their journeys. " The Never-Never" is a term referring
  9. For prevention of theft or loss of items. The protected item has a Bluetooth, marker ,(e.g. a tag) that is in constant communication with the phone. If the
  10. Examination of symptoms. In recent years, studies have shown that the tumor, marker ,Neuron-specific enolate (USE) is often elevated in CJD cases, however its
  11. Spaces to the right. * 10 (line feed, LF,\n, ^J),used as the end of line, marker ,in most UNIX systems and variants. * 12 (form feed, FF,\f, ^L),to cause a
  12. White phosphorus (" Willie Pete" or" Wilson Picket" ), coloured, marker , chemical, nuclear devices; high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) and canister may
  13. Ampicillin resistance gene (abbreviated BLA) is commonly used as a selectable, marker ,in routine biotechnology. Due to concerns over horizontal gene transfer to
  14. A historical marker at Carl Sagan Memorial Station on the Martian surface. The, marker ,displays a quote from Sagan:" Whatever the reason you're on Mars,I'm glad
  15. At least one of the important functions of art in the 21st century remains as a, marker ,of wealth and social status. There have been attempts by artists to create art
  16. But they do not have the characteristic hand shape. * Small supernumerary, marker ,chromosome. This means there is an extra, abnormal chromosome. Features depend on
  17. Signal SIGINT to the current task, which aborts and closes it. *: Sends an EOF, marker , which (unless disabled by an option) closes the current shell (equivalent
  18. Vessel is permanently sited, for example in the case of light vessels or channel, marker ,buoys. The anchor needs to hold the vessel in all weathers, including the most
  19. g. Caixa ('box' ). **1st person present indicative is -o,-i or there is no, marker ,: Carlo, temo, sento (Central Catalan); part, tem, sent (Balearic) and Pauli
  20. Slocum. During his stay on the Juan Fernández Islands, Slocum runs across a, marker ,commemorating Selkirk's stay. * Charles Dickens used Selkirk as a simile in
  21. Published his Conan stories at a time when the date of publication was the, marker ,(1932 through 1963),and any new owners failed to renew them to maintain the
  22. Clear the screen. * 13 (carriage return, CR,\r, ^M),used as the end of line, marker ,in macOS,OS-9,FLEX (and variants). A carriage return/line feed pair is
  23. Nasals than people from Toronto, and this retraction may become a regional, marker ,of West Coast English. Prairies (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta) A strong
  24. Is in constant communication with the phone. If the connection is broken (the, marker ,is out of range of the phone) then an alarm is raised. This can also be used
  25. Both have a de facto accusative case, Eastern Armenian uses an accusative, marker ,for transitive verbs Example: գիրք - girth - book (Nominative) ուսուցիչ
  26. Chromosome 15 syndrome (or Idic15) are both caused by a supernumerary, marker ,chromosome, as is Pallister-Killian syndrome. * Triple-X syndrome (XXX). XXX
  27. Stream from which bits can be read one at a time. There is no end-of-stream, marker ,; the end of input is determined by when the universal machine decides to stop
  28. Hence, by reducing angiotensin II levels, ACE inhibitors may reduce GFR,a, marker ,of renal function. To be specific, they can induce or exacerbate renal
  29. To why an idea or video or piece of apparent garbage may be considered art. The, marker ,of status becomes understanding the work instead of necessarily owning it, and
  30. They land on players' bets on the table, the dealer's working stacks, on the, marker ,puck or with one die resting on top of the other. The roll is invalid if either
  31. A microorganism through laboratory protocols, sometimes used as a selectable, marker ,to examine the mechanisms of gene transfer or to identify individuals that
  32. 77 with her parents and older sister. The memorial is a pentagonal granite, marker ,high. On a slight rise, which gives it a view of the Pentagon.
  33. The previous assessment among cohorts of older people that this is a proxy or, marker ,for frailty occurring with age. The vast majority of doctors and medical
  34. The right spot on the table. This might occur while a player is waiting for a, marker ,(casino credit) to arrive, or after the dice have left the center of the
  35. Rover Sojourner, part of the Mars Pathfinder mission, placed by a historical, marker ,at Carl Sagan Memorial Station on the Martian surface. The marker displays a
  36. A in certain short words,e.g. lays" is not ", sawfa" ( future-tense, marker ,)" *The nu nation endings -an -in -UN are not pronounced. However, they are
  37. Marker near the entrance of what was once his plantation. An adjacent, marker ,was erected by the San Jacinto Chapter of the Daughters of The Republic of
  38. M- and the verb subject prefix a-. Then comes perfect tense -me- and an object, marker ,-I- agreeing with implicit Italy 'book '. Pluralizing to 'children' gives
  39. Or leaves (if any) preceding the back free endpaper. A bookmark is a thin, marker , commonly made of paper or card, used to keep one's place in a book. Bookmarks
  40. Now offer this type of service for .03 per impression. Using a permanent, marker ,pen is also a common practice. However, solvents from such pens can affect the
  41. English enclitics include: * The genitive case (or" possessive" ), marker , at least when used to mark an entire noun phrase: English proclitics include:
  42. It is moved across to the string and the length is called out by a sighted, marker , when the woods are sent the distance from the jack is called out, in yards
  43. As a description in Celtic Ogham alphabet of the supposed winter solstitial, marker ,at the site. The controversial translation was supposedly validated by a
  44. Fas-mediated apoptosis. #HIV proteins decrease the amount of CD4 glycoprotein, marker ,present on the cell membrane. #Released viral particles and proteins present in
  45. And inanimate nouns with regard to the accusative; only the animates carry a, marker ,in this case. In fact Russian almost lost the real PIE accusative case, since
  46. Any non-command characters in Brainfuck programs * introducing a comment, marker ,which comments out the rest of the line * various alterations of the loop
  47. Descent. For example, it has been found that the frequency of the" Arab, marker ," Haplogroup J1 collapses suddenly at the borders of Arabic-speaking countries.
  48. S Young Eagle Program. The state of West Virginia honored Yeager with a, marker ,along Corridor G (part of U. S. 119) in his home Lincoln County on October 19
  49. Is treated as a single character for purposes of vowel marking, so a vowel, marker ,like -i, falling before the character it modifies, may appear several positions
  50. Blood pressure cuff used to measure arterial blood pressure.; Cardiac, marker ,: Testing for bio marker s in the blood that may indicate various conditions.;

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