Examples of the the word, lumber , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lumber ), is the 8629 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Soft White growing locale. Important industries in Idaho are food processing, lumber ,and wood products, machinery,chemical products, paper products, electronics
  2. Manufacturing firms found success in Cadillac. By the early 20th century, lumber ,was depleted, and the timber industry was in decline. Industrial development
  3. Charity uses donated money to buy up and preserve rainforest land before the, lumber ,companies can buy it. The Arbor Day Foundation then protects the land from
  4. Farming, and livestock-raising became more important, and in the 1980s the, lumber ,industry boomed. In 1990,6.6 % of the region's territory was considered
  5. Sending Frank into maudlin sadness, then rage. Frank takes Jeffrey to a, lumber ,yard and when he molests Dorothy, Jeffrey punches him. Frank's cronies drag
  6. Allow for the retention of carbon in manufactured forest products such as, lumber , However, only a portion of the carbon removed from logged forests ends up as
  7. For shipbuilding or manufacturing charcoal and the nation was forced to import, lumber ,from Scandinavia, North America, and the Baltic. Most forest land in Ireland
  8. The vast majority of older pressure-treated wood was treated with CCA. CCA, lumber ,is still in widespread use in many countries, and was heavily used during the
  9. Century as a structural and outdoor building material. Although the use of CCA, lumber ,was banned in many areas after studies showed that arsenic could leach out of
  10. Of Bayous, Sapelli and IPO. The deforestation rate is 0.4 % per annum, and, lumber , poaching is commonplace. Climate The climate of the C. A. R. is generally
  11. From its southern shores. The bordering countries have traditionally provided, lumber , wood tar, flax,hemp, and furs. Sweden had from early medieval times also a
  12. The softwood lumber dispute, the U. S. has placed tariffs on Canadian softwood, lumber ,because of what it argues is an unfair Canadian government subsidy, a claim
  13. Intent to limit media criticism. The deforestation rate is 0.4 % per annum, and, lumber , poaching is commonplace. In the November 2008 issue of National Geographic, the
  14. Older CCA timber. The direct or indirect ingestion of wood ash from burnt CCA, lumber ,has caused fatalities in animals and serious poisonings in humans; the lethal
  15. Frequent Amish customers. In fact, it was the Amish that built the stable with, lumber ,and other supplies donated by Walmart. In 2005,Goshen-based soccer club FC
  16. 155 million in manufactured goods in 1860,chiefly from local grist-mills, and, lumber , processed tobacco, cotton goods and naval stores such as turpentine. By the
  17. That generate cash flow, in particular oil, coal,and forest-destroying, lumber ,and agriculture projects. Ecuador for example had to defy IMF advice repeatedly
  18. Magnate, who became enormously influential moving Californian and Canadian, lumber ,to the Chinese and Japanese market. Chang or Chang, from the sea, is the
  19. Americas. Currently, the port is almost exclusively used for containers and some, lumber , newsprint and homogeneous cargoes. *Port of San Pedro de Macoris is located on
  20. Kingdom in the form of squared logs, but shipments now consist mainly of sawn, lumber , The motto" Sub Umbra Flowers" means: Under the shade (of the mahogany tree
  21. Producer of bananas and coffee. Even though coffee, bananas,pineapple, sugar, lumber , wood products and beef are still important exports, in recent times
  22. Water or along the coast. Each ship costs one lumber and one wool to create (, lumber ,for the hull and wool for the sails). A settlement must first be built before
  23. Hammocks, prized bird feathers, live animals, etc.) and extracted goods (, lumber , gold, etc.). 20th and 21st century concerns Four centuries after the European
  24. And the Pacific Rim nations with bleached wood pulp and newsprint. In 1999, lumber , products from Alberta were valued at $4.1 billion of which 72 % were exported
  25. Forest reserves of softwood allow Alberta to produce large quantities of, lumber , oriented strand board (OSB) and plywood, and several plants in northern
  26. Ships, which serve as roads over water or along the coast. Each ship costs one, lumber ,and one wool to create ( lumber for the hull and wool for the sails). A
  27. A current issue between the United States and Canada is the ongoing softwood, lumber ,dispute, as the U. S. alleges that Canada unfairly subsidizes its forestry
  28. Used in commercial and domestic fires. Protocols for safe disposal of CCA, lumber ,do not exist evenly throughout the world; there is also concern in some
  29. A fine catch, the daughter of one of the wealthiest merchants in the prosperous, lumber ,town of Skin. " Marched Oldenburg was" small, brunette,and
  30. Energy and the environment. Economy The 19th and early 20th centuries,the, lumber ,industry - with its corresponding mills - was a primary sector of Fredericton
  31. For employment. Smaller movements are occurring as workers seek employment in, lumber ,mills and plantations in the south and east. Although the national sex ratio is
  32. The posse successfully seized the documents and returned to Cadillac. The, lumber ,industry continued to dominate the city, drawing in a large immigrant labor
  33. Include iron and steel products (including cast-iron and steel pipe); paper, lumber , and wood products; mining (mostly coal); plastic products; cars and trucks;
  34. Shrimp *Exports - commodities coffee, bananas,shrimp, lobster,meat; zinc, lumber ,*Exports - partners US 73 %, Japan 4 %, Germany 4 %, Belgium,Spain (1998)
  35. As possible during its long stay in Alexandria. Winters writes that ", lumber ,and tools were foraged, and the men busied themselves by building wooden tent
  36. Forest reserves of softwood allow Alberta to produce large quantities of, lumber , oriented strand board (OSB) and plywood, and several plants in northern
  37. Trade, which was in sharp decline, to exporting other goods such as salmon and, lumber , Colonization schemes were attempted, but failed to match the scale of American
  38. Extracted timber to pay for it. Colder generally granted licenses to private, lumber ,companies with few demands for preservation, and it had little inclination or
  39. The District contains a number of large Victorian-style residences built by the, lumber ,barons and businessmen who helped establish the city in the 1870s. Population
  40. In humans; the lethal human dose is approximately 20 grams of ash. Scrap CCA, lumber ,from construction and demolition sites may be inadvertently used in commercial
  41. Far east of the country (Belief and Senior) had been constructed with local, lumber , the physical installations were quickly deteriorated, eroded,and destroyed
  42. On most goods passed between the two countries. In the course of the softwood, lumber ,dispute, the U. S. has placed tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber because of
  43. Passage cheaply (or free in the case of tenant evictions) in returning empty, lumber ,holds. However, fearing nationalist insurgencies the British government placed
  44. Meat. Fibers include cotton, wool,hemp, silk and flax. Raw materials include, lumber ,and bamboo. Other useful materials are produced by plants, such as resins.
  45. Resent her. Then with a loan from Rhett she buys a sawmill and runs the, lumber ,business herself, all very unladylike conduct. Much to Frank's relief
  46. Built a second vehicle, completing it in 1898. Backed by the capital of Detroit, lumber ,baron William H. Murphy, Ford resigned from Edison and founded the Detroit
  47. Cocoa, and its tropical forests continue to be a vital source of timber for the, lumber ,industry. Volta Basin Occupying the central part of Ghana, the Volta Basin
  48. Pacific Northwest. Astoria's economy centered on fishing, fish processing, and, lumber , In 1945,about 30 canneries could be found along the Columbia; however, in
  49. Including pottery, bricks etc.). Specific other uses include: *To dry green, lumber ,so that the lumber can be used immediately *Heating wood to the point of
  50. Castilla and Puerto Empire, and providing electricity at reduced prices to, lumber ,concerns as part of the privatization package. Major legislation was passed in

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