Examples of the the word, blossom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( blossom ), is the 8633 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Htm FAO: 'gregarious' species table). In Chinese culture, the bamboo, plum, blossom , orchid, and chrysanthemum (often known as me LAN Zhu JU 梅兰竹菊) are
  2. Howard Paine, displays the book with its original dust jacket, a white Magnolia, blossom , and a hilt placed against a background of green velvet. Further reading *
  3. Cranberries" ( Viburnum trillium). Cranberries are susceptible to false, blossom , a harmful but controllable cytoplasm disease common in the eastern
  4. JPG|Almonds starting to grow while flowering in the background Image: Almond, blossom ,Aug 2007. JPG|Almond flowers This article is about the demographic features of
  5. For this reason, in spring when Ceres receives her daughter back, the crops, blossom , and in summer they flourish. In the autumn Ceres changes the leaves to shades
  6. The flavors and fragrances of various flowers and fruits, such as orange, blossom , orchid, grapefruit,almond, ginger flower, etc. The name Dan Cong is often
  7. In 1882. Bound in a rich, enamel,parchment cover (embossed with gilt, blossom ,) and printed on hand-made Dutch paper, Wilde would present many copies to the
  8. The secondary English-language literature on Leibniz did not really, blossom ,until after World War II. This is especially true of English-speaking countries
  9. To make a picture for him, to hang in their bedroom, branches of white almond, blossom ,against a blue sky. " Auvers-sur-Oise (May–July 1890) In May 1890,van Gogh
  10. About by Shakespeare in Venus and Adonis. Shakespeare wrote about" the fair, blossom ,", young Adonis," thou" ( his own muse) the" withered tree ", the aging
  11. Anticipates many of the fusions between poetry and the other arts that were to, blossom ,in the next century. Most of this later work explored the relationship between
  12. Already deceased. His Song was worthy merit (Shakespeare he) sung the fair, blossom , thou the withered tree Laurel is due him, his art and wit hath purchased it
  13. Great distance. The tree puts out a great flush of small whitish flowers – the, blossom ,for dark fruits, which are pear-shaped capsules about six inches long. When the
  14. He was unappreciated and that the reason was malice. All it took to make him, blossom , as I later learned, was a little praise. His paranoia was most evident when he
  15. With Cathy and Emma, the writers allowed subtle hints of romance to, blossom ,between Steed and King. King also differed from Steed's previous partners in
  16. Fi-103 Heisenberg (FI 103R,a piloted V-1),and was named Baikal (" plum, blossom ,"). Baikal never left the design stage but technical drawings and notes suggest
  17. Two travelers were strike by the disastrous state of the land that used to, blossom ,:" It better be not ravaged, as no other such can be found, it may yield any
  18. State game animal: White-tailed deer (since 1997) * State flower: Apple, blossom ,(adopted in 1897,official in 1997) * State wildflower: Dwarf Lake Iris (
  19. Grow up, to mature) ** Florence, flōrēscere, flōruī (to begin to flourish, to, blossom , ) ** heiress, haerēscere, haesī, haesus (to adhere, to stick) ** Pasco
  20. Of the common era, and the show culminates in the globe opening like a lotus, blossom ,to reveal a twentieth torch, representing the now-completed 20th century.
  21. May be some time. " * March 27 – Mayor Audio Oak of Tokyo gives 3,000 cherry, blossom ,trees to be planted in Washington’D. C., to symbolize the friendship between
  22. Animals and plants. Notably, the area is home to many types of wildflowers that, blossom ,throughout the year but especially in the spring, including the popular
  23. Point by wrapping a foil around the blade or fastening a knob on the point (", blossom ,", French fleet). Some fencers took away the protection and used the sharp
  24. More jobs in Kenya. With increased but simplified regulations, they are able to, blossom ,into large, legitimate businesses that can eventually create more jobs and
  25. And elsewhere. * Sakura is a Japanese herbal tea made with pickled cherry, blossom ,petals. * Sassafras roots were steeped to make tea and were used in the
  26. Current position hidden. He is driven to desert when he sees a cherry tree in, blossom , which reminds him of home too much and inspires him to leave. He is found by
  27. By a truck driver in 1973. Identification gallery Flowers Image: Acacia neural, blossom , JPG|Acacia neural Image: Koeh-003. JPG|Acacia catch Image: Acacia Bailey.
  28. Replies that forgiveness is as impossible as it would be for his papal staff to, blossom , Three days after Tannhäuser's departure,Urban's staff blooms with flowers;
  29. Ambemohar is very popular. This rice has a characteristic fragrance of Mango, blossom , Aromatic rices have definite aromas and flavors; the most noted cultivars are
  30. Forsake the path of the Lord, the bitter almonds would predominate. The almond, blossom ,supplied a model for the menorah which stood in the Holy Temple," Three cups
  31. About both the timing and origins of the festival. The Blackthorn is said to, blossom ,at IMOC. Gaelic folklore The holiday was, and for many still is, a festival
  32. Had been a sickly baby before the event, but that subsequently she seemed to, blossom , For years afterwards members of her community would attribute the child's
  33. The entry of Saxony into the Zollverein in 1833 let trade, industry and traffic, blossom ,farther. Without surviving male issue, Anton was succeeded as King by his
  34. He will speak the names he used to call her:" Little one. Dear wife. Orange, blossom , " Butterfly promises Suzuki that this will happen. Suzuki departs, as
  35. The summer. However, the time from mid-June to the end of July is the plum, blossom ,blooming season in which the may (rainy season of East Asia; literally "
  36. Replies that forgiveness is as impossible as it would be for his papal staff to, blossom , Three days after Tannhäuser's departure Urban's staff blooms with flowers;
  37. Is the City Flower of Shooting, China. In Chinese culture, the bamboo, plum, blossom , orchid, and chrysanthemum (often known as me LAN Zhu JU 梅兰竹菊) are
  38. Created by Cantor from which nobody shall ever expel us ... the most admirable, blossom ,of the mathematical mind and altogether one of the outstanding achievements of
  39. It is boiled to make an infusion with many and varied health benefits. * Lime, blossom , dried flowers of lime tree (Cilia in Latin). * Mate (or Yerba maté) is a
  40. Yearly anthologies by AHA Books, the interest in English tank began to, blossom , A Gift of Tank by Jane Reich hold and the publication of Sanford Goldstein's
  41. Replies that forgiveness is as impossible as it would be for his papal staff to, blossom , Three days after Tannhäuser's departure Urban's staff blooms with flowers;
  42. As Mt. Sahara is destroyed. Upon hearing Godzilla's roar,Biollante's, blossom ,opens, and the monstrous plant begins calling out to Godzilla. Dr. Hiragana
  43. Sapphires are rare. The name derives from the Sinhalese word for lotus, blossom , The rarest of all padmaragas is the totally natural variety, with no sign of
  44. Types. Typical examples of North American monofloral honeys are clover, orange, blossom , sage, tupelo, buckwheat,fire weed, and sour wood. Some typical European
  45. The isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to, blossom ,as she learned to communicate, has become widely known through the dramatic
  46. Of the Rose by Danish author H. C. Andersen is so tiny that he can have a rose, blossom ,for home, and has" wings that reached from his shoulders to his feet ". Yet
  47. As the center of Chinese film-making. Shanghai’s film industry went on to, blossom ,during the early 1930s,generating Marilyn Monroe-like stars such as Zhou Xuan.
  48. Has a symbol for integrity on her lower back; a heart, a dagger and a cherry, blossom ,on her ankle and two dragonflies on her back. Cellar is a taekwondo black belt.
  49. Have association with hawthorn when covered in its characteristic white spring, blossom , Surface hear is a cause of avalanches when it forms on top of snow. Conditions
  50. In the struggle to stop the Tieback Empire. Hitomi's fortune-telling powers, blossom ,in Gaea as she becomes the key to awakening Escalope and to stopping Tieback

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