Examples of the the word, gen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gen ), is the 8650 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. doom's day" ), Scottish Gaelic" ball noise" " football ", where " noise ", gen , Of" CAS "," foot" ) Depending on the language,some relationships
  2. To the chaplain or the rabbi. In 1928,a new type of dog tag was proposed by, gen , Bryg. Stanislav Rupert,Poland's representative at the International Red
  3. Skit, Icelandic skater, Norwegian skirt etc. Ancient Greek had 'KOR' (, gen , 'Skatos' hence 'Cato-' ), from Proto-Indo-European *skier-, which is likely
  4. And F-35 engines. Rhenium is also used in the super alloys, such as CMSX-4 (2nd, gen , ) and CMSX-10 (3rd gen ) that are used in industrial gas turbine engines like
  5. Neuter, – Trey, – true; neither (of two) alias, – a, – up; (, gen , Sing. Alīus; another) onus, – a, – um; one Titus, – a, – um;
  6. Material, the same material is scattered when found in Luke. Triton (Τρίτων, gen ,: Τρίτωνος) is a mythological Greek god, the messenger of the big sea. He is
  7. Trematode - metacerkariae * Bucephalinae, gen , Sp. * Cryptocotyle lingual
  8. Sequences of short values rather than separate phonemes (e.g. var 'blood, gen , Sg. ' Vs. year 'edge gen . Sg. ' Vs. year 'roll imp. 2nd SG. '). There are
  9. Consonants Notes: # only appears as an allophone of before (e.g. panda 'bank, gen , Sg. ). # and are considered foreign sounds, and they only appear in loanwords.
  10. It gradually came to be regarded as a feminine singular noun (Bible, gen , Bibliae) in medieval Latin, and so the word was loaned as a singular into the
  11. Of death, even though he was not. Hades was also called" Photon" ( Greek:, gen ,.: Πλούτωνος, meaning " Rich One" ), a name which the Romans Latinized as Pluto
  12. Felixstowe to honor his link with the town (August 2010) Bin (Greek: Βίων, gen ,.: Βίωνος),Greek bucolic poet, was a native of the city of Smyrna and
  13. Words without vowels or with unlikely consonant clusters (e.g. cl 'of this (, gen , )' and last 'freeman' ), it is likely that were sometimes syllabic
  14. Genus Porfirio seems the most likely choice. * Tokamak" Mustard ", Rallidae?, gen , Et SP. index. 'Tokamak ': An unidentified terrestrial bird is mentioned in an
  15. That from him suffering after-go 3. Sg. pr., wheel as carrying (beast) m. SG., gen , Foot n. SG. acc. The three compounds in the first line literally mean::
  16. And approaches Apollo (Attic, Ionic,and Homeric Greek: Ἀπόλλων, Apollōn (, gen ,.: Ἀπόλλωνος); Doric: Ἀπέλλων, Apellōn; Arcadocypriot: Ἀπείλων, Apeilōn; Atomic
  17. Etymological equivalent of Ancient Greece is Zeus and of the Teutonic's' Zip, gen , Pieces. The Indo-European deity is thus the god from which Zeus and the
  18. Oligocene) - includes" Asia" Heinrich Placement unresolved * Tytonidae, gen , Et SP. index. " TMT 164" ( Middle Miocene) - Prospers? Relationship with
  19. America is the feminine form of Americas. American is explained as Amerigo plus, gen , the accusative case of the Greek word for 'earth ', and meaning 'land of
  20. Has no valid foundation in view of the fact that the Old Norse word Data (, gen , Form of Rate*) is used in Hávamál (106,1) to signify the instrument which
  21. Rather than separate phonemes (e.g. var 'blood gen . Sg. ' Vs. year 'edge, gen , Sg. ' Vs. year 'roll imp. 2nd SG. '). There are nine phonemic monophthongize
  22. Oligocene of Query, France ) - Tytonidae? Sophiornithidae? * Strigiformes, gen , Et SPP. Indet. (Early Oligocene of Wyoming, USA ) Ogygoptyngidae * Ogygoptynx
  23. A five of miles (O. E. gen . Pl. Mila) journey" and" a ten of feet (O. E., gen , Pl. FOTA) pole ". Apposition In the appositive gen itive, the marker
  24. Music machine, Sahotas, Achanak, and Anemia were moving away from the older, gen ,staples of performing in weddings and community events. Their attempts at
  25. Are declined regularly with some exceptions: Benin (1s gen . ); brim (1pl, gen , ); band (1s DAT. ); Sana (2s DAT. ); and the oblique forms of o use the root
  26. Palaeeudyptinae, Paraptenodytinae or new subfamily? ** Spheniscidae, gen , Et SP. index. (Late Oligocene/Early Miocene of Hakataramea, New Zealand) **
  27. And Réunion, Mascarenes, c. 1700) * Fernando de Noronha Rail, Rallidae, gen , Et SP. index. (Fernando de Noronha, W. Atlantic,16th century? ): A distinct
  28. Mth July 09 On This Day in Canada ---- Jason (Greek: Ἰάσων, Iásōn;, gen ,.: Ἰάσονος) was a late ancient Greek mythological hero from the late 10th
  29. Had already become obsolete. Gender (due'NDB),SB. Also, 4 gen re. a. OF., gen ,(d)re (F. gen re) Sp. gen era, Pg. Gênero, It. Genere, ad. L. gen re- stem form
  30. In the gen itive plural of r-stems (e.g. " Mother" and" father" have, gen , Pl. and). Are vocalic allophones of consonant. There are thus only 5
  31. Original Channel F * CPU chip: Fair child F8 operating at 1.79 MHz (PAL, gen , 1: 2.00 MHz, PAL gen .2: 1.77 MHz) * Resolution: 128 × 64 pixels
  32. Sacra" holy book ", while Bible in Greek and Late Latin is neuter plural (, gen , Bibliorum). It gradually came to be regarded as a feminine singular noun (
  33. Commonly used. As well, newer video game platforms are also known as next ", gen ," consoles. In common use a" PC game" refers to a form of media that involves
  34. Ceilings SP. opposite * Coppola FAM., gen , Sp. opposite Coppola - adults *
  35. Cognate with Zeus—the king of the gods in Greek mythology, Iovis (, gen , Of Jupiter) — the king of the gods in Roman mythology, and Tie/Zip in
  36. Yet. Probably was extant at Western contact. * Tahitian" Goose ", Rallidae, gen , Et SP. index. (Tahiti, late 18th century? ): Early travelers to Tahiti
  37. For example, for,short in Lina ('sheet' ), half-long in Linda ('town ', gen , Sg. ), and over-long in Linda ('to the town' ). The latter addition of
  38. Used by Wagner in Act 3 when the crowd acclaims Sachs:" Weight AUF, es name, gen ,den Tag; ICH for' singer I'm green Hag an wonnigliche Nachtigall. " In
  39. And ONDAR (3pl). They are declined regularly with some exceptions: Benin (1s, gen , ); brim (1pl gen . ); band (1s DAT. ); Sana (2s DAT. ); and the oblique
  40. Berruornis (Late Paleocene of France) - basal? Sophornithidae? * Strigiformes, gen , Et app. index. (Late Paleocene of Helga, Kazakhstan ) * Palaeoglaux (Middle
  41. Passive Infinitive - farmer: Supine — (acc.) datum, ( ABL. ) fate: Gerund — (, gen , ) Randi, ( DAT. And ABL. ) fandom, no accusative: Geraldine — famous, – a, – um
  42. Or second consonant in clusters of different consonants: *foals (mountain's, gen , ) instead of from (not. ). Other examples for gen itives are: barns (child's
  43. Gasterostei * Trypanorhyncha FAM., gen , Sp. * Unidentified plerocercoids
  44. As well as a sport version. The Chevrolet Malibu, which the model of the 8th, gen , Were considered to have been one of General Motors' turnaround cars through
  45. Sandy comes from Greek miss (μῖσος," hatred" ) and anger, andros (ἀνήρ, gen , Ἀνδρός;" man" ). Sandy is the antonym of, the fondness towards men, love
  46. Perudyptes (Middle Eocene of Atacama Desert, Peru ) – basal? ** Spheniscidae, gen , Et SP. index. CADIZ P 21 (Leticia Middle Eocene of Junta Torrid, Ar gen tina )
  47. Is also used in the super alloys, such as CMSX-4 (2nd gen ) and CMSX-10 (3rd, gen , ) that are used in industrial gas turbine engines like the GE 7FA. Rhenium can
  48. Scale pleuronectis * Pseudophyllidea FAM., gen , Sp. * Schistocephalus gasterostei
  49. The RMS Adriatic en route to New York from Southampton. Publications Marathon (;, gen ,.: Ἀγάθωνος) (ca. 448–400 BC) was an Athenian tragic poet whose works, up to
  50. Plural. In essence, the underlying forms are" a five of miles (O. E., gen , Pl. Mila) journey" and" a ten of feet (O. E. gen . Pl. FOTA) pole ".

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