Examples of the the word, photoshop , in a Sentence Context

The word ( photoshop ), is the 8647 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Extension Photo Tools This is one of the significant plugins for, photoshop , Since its beginning over 500+ releases has been provided. Extension Protocols
  2. A library of hundreds of photoshop s created from 2006-2008. Atlantic Free Press, photoshop ,art was used by the University of California Davis, for the Center For the
  3. Unplugged. In late-2004,Trotsky taught a semester at Lackawanna College as a, photoshop ,instructor. From 2005 to 2006,he worked as an information technology
  4. Liquid crystals, the structure of foams. Computer graphics. A popular, photoshop ,plugin, KPT 6,included a filter called 'KPT reaction '. Reaction produced
  5. The capabilities of the weapons" and that an additional missile was added by, photoshop ,to cover up a failed launch. " In a sign of commercial fallout from the second
  6. And Light: Donnie starts this video by opening a photo he has made entirely in, photoshop ,that illustrates the mystery and light in his life. He talks about the" Ring of
  7. Had left. * Double tree" Double tree Family" Print Ad: Won For: the Best use of, photoshop ,to sledgehammer home an already belabored point. * Sizzler" How Do You
  8. Much about good shopping as good designing. You'll notice in the film that the, photoshop ,attendant in the Kansas airport scenes is wearing a camera shaped boogie. I
  9. In focusing on both everyday topics and weighty issues nine. Magazine does not, photoshop ,blemishes or serve up the latest celebrity gossip. Addressing the facts of
  10. Urban culture. He later settled in Marbella where he taught himself how to use, photoshop ,and started designing flyers for Head Kanji Ibiza. After 5 years in Marbella
  11. Plays RPG World comics set in the real world and created using a combination of, photoshop ,and simple photography. They poke fun at the stereotypes about gamers, i. e.
  12. He uses his abilities to murder a child molester. Subsequently, a website uses, photoshop ,to create an image of Apollo battling Superman, the idea of which ultimately
  13. Subtracted, repeated and revised real life long before photography let alone, photoshop ,was a gleam in the eye of mankind. It is undoubtedly an ancient art but this
  14. Her paintings, on the other hand, are made by combining negatives in, photoshop ,to make a whole new image. This new image is then turned into paintings created
  15. To Moby Dick and put objects on. They had used two things on the cover to, photoshop , a spider on the piece of wood made to take the picture and the publishers had
  16. Out of concern that it may undermine the company's trademark. Despite this, photoshop ,is widely used as a verb, both colloquially and academically, to refer to
  17. World - Take any object or person in an image and make it invisible using, photoshop , No indication or outline of the object/animal/person should be seen, except
  18. As well as reader artwork, program demos, free fonts, textures,images and, photoshop ,brushes. Each month the magazine features an interview with artists such as
  19. To virtually draw in wet cement),and" Bieber yourself" ( allowing users to, photoshop ,Justin Bieber's hair on to pictures of themselves). Who Cares Hindenburg
  20. Also brings into question contemporary media images, and the phenomenon of “, photoshop ,”, where the fine line between truth and untruth becomes a matter of belief.
  21. Adobe Systems, the publisher of Adobe Photoshop, discourages use of the term ", photoshop ," as a verb out of concern that it may undermine the company's trademark.
  22. Biased way. The graphic signature is also easily recognizable: bright colors, photoshop ,effects for a better suggestion of horror and catchy headlines. Hero
  23. Selling authors on Graphic River, an NATO Marketplace with 800,000 members (, photoshop ,templates, flash,video designs, etc) As a" traditional artist ", Haris does
  24. As great joy, laughter,anger or sadness. Later the images were altered with, photoshop ,to cover up bad skin and other flaws. During elimination the girls were shown
  25. With extensive research and attention to detail. They are typically started as, photoshop ,sketches, * In 2008 he was included in the Acadian Center for the Arts "
  26. Very distorted image of a woman’s body. " Shortly after the, photoshop ,controversy, Hamilton announced that she had been fired for being" too fat "
  27. Dingy bar’ size to ‘ well lit auditorium’ size. He is slowly becoming a, photoshop ,wizard, and working hard to become an actual wizard. Cheryl Hand: Cheryl was
  28. Denies he is a pedophile, saying that the pictures are just experiments with, photoshop , Slave/Feely escapes after injuring his police interrogators. While escaping
  29. To The Mars Volta, as well as its" parent" company, Sargent House. His, photoshop ,collage art and/or graphic design has adorned album and CD sleeves for bands
  30. Long and thin head shape) Afghan Hound Image: Cocker spaniel angels zloty, photoshop , JPG|Mesocephalic (medium length head shape) English Cocker Spaniel Image:
  31. With XMP embedding and/or sidecar files creation (XMP: Rating, xmp: Label, photoshop ,: Urgency) *Geese - Lightweight GTK+ based image manager (formerly View)
  32. Her a poem/slide-show he made featuring them with the Obama family albeit, with, photoshop , After the slideshow, Reagan decides to change into something" more
  33. Known for high-level digital image editing and digital photography, began to, photoshop ,and produce numerous parodies to ridicule the incident. Initially, the
  34. Photographs of actors and actresses which are then processed using a variety of, photoshop ,techniques. Although the comic is available on the web, it draws strongly from
  35. Dramatic look. While many of the figures are articulated, McGuinness must use, photoshop ,techniques in order to bring many of the characters to life, such as the
  36. As reflected in postings on the site) identified the photos as 'a awful, photoshop ,job. ' Unfortunately, with today's technology, anyone can make any photo seem
  37. Energy of a show ". For editing his photographs he uses Apple Mac computers and, photoshop , Mourão Somalian also known as" Moose" is a

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