Examples of the the word, adherence , in a Sentence Context
The word ( adherence ), is the 8636 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Significant work is underway on tools for use in monitoring developing country, adherence ,to their agreed RED targets. These tools, which rely on remote forest
- England by the writings of the Reformed pastor Richard Baxter and gained strong, adherence ,among the Congregationalists and some Presbyterians in the American colonies
- Against the rise of levelling egalitarian principles, often including nostalgic, adherence ,to feudal or pre-industrial values, such as the ideals of" the perfect
- In Constantinople over a number of issues, chiefly the continued Byzantine, adherence ,to the doctrine of iconoclasm, the destruction of Christian images; while from
- Episcopate; and over the years these traditions themselves came to command, adherence ,and loyalty. Potentially this would create a crisis of identity, were secular
- Necessary as an intermediate stage, but once the crucifixion of Jesus occurred, adherence ,to civil and ceremonial Law was superseded by the New Covenant since the
- Julian Corbett (1854–1922),whose work reflected a deep if idiosyncratic, adherence ,to Clausewitz's concepts. Clausewitz had little influence on American military
- Laser, and Capablanca, clearly did not allow their play to be hobbled by blind, adherence ,to general concepts that the center had to be controlled by pawns, that
- Cults Martin gave the following definition of a cult: By cultism we mean the, adherence ,to doctrines which are pointedly contradictory to orthodox Christianity and
- Named closing of blocks to prevent errors due to mismatched end tokens. The, adherence ,to strong typing allows detection of many common software errors (wrong
- Responsible for attachment of bacteria to specific receptors of human cell (, adherence ,). There are special types of pile called (sex pile) involved in conjunction.
- Deliver harsh punishment ". Both Shang Yang and Han FEI promoted the absolute, adherence ,to the rule of law, regardless of the circumstances or the person. The ruler
- Led his contemporary, Carl von Clausewitz, to criticize his rigidity and, adherence ,to geographic strategy. Regardless, he remains among Austria's pantheon of
- Although the Bolsheviks were not monolithic, they were characterized by a rigid, adherence ,to the leadership of the central committee, based on the principles of
- Revolution. US President Abraham Lincoln wrote that conservatism is" the, adherence ,to the old and tried, against the new and untried. " US president Ronald Reagan
- Modern Xi'an). The doctrine of Legalism that guided the Qin emphasized strict, adherence ,to a legal code and the absolute power of the emperor. This philosophy, while
- Republics in the early 1990s. Up-to-date environmental safety technology and, adherence ,to international standards were promised at Carat when the decision to resume
- Of them, conduct much of their political, cultural and religious life in it (, adherence ,to Islam),and refrain from declaring each country's specific variety to be a
- And the Thirty-nine Articles. Among modern Lutheran and Reformed churches, adherence ,to the Athabaskan Creed is prescribed by the earlier confessional documents
- Requirements (windows),and land use. Some established jurisdictions require, adherence ,to design and historic preservation guidelines. Documentation role Architects
- And that self-interest cannot be consistently pursued absent a consistent, adherence ,to certain ethical principles. Recently,Rand's position has also been
- Of Modern Aramaic (also called Neo-Aramaic) natively, including by religious, adherence ,; Christians, Jews,Mandalas and a very small number of Muslims. Having lived
- With a much-reduced territory and a tiny army. After nearly 20 years of slavish, adherence ,to the Roman Senate's dictate, Philip had been goaded beyond endurance by the
- The U. S. government later warned Finland about the consequences of continued, adherence ,to the Axis. The best-known British action on Finnish soil was an aircraft
- Agranulocytosis, limits its usefulness. It had been hoped that patient, adherence ,to antipsychotics would be higher with the atypical, but a 2008 review found
- 2:83). Until 1911,Bartok composed widely differing works which ranged from, adherence ,to romantic-style, to folk song arrangements and to his modernist opera
- Classical period of Roman law. Where Diocletian's system of prescripts shows an, adherence ,to classical tradition,Constantine's law is full of Greek and eastern
- To Western Europe. The late 20th century has shown the shift of Christian, adherence ,to the Third World and Southern Hemisphere in general, with western
- Are sometimes supported by static analysis tools that check source code for, adherence , The original Hungarian notation for programming, for example, specifies that a
- Explaining possible evolutionary reasons for the phenomenon of religious, adherence , Bennett self-identifies with a few terms: Yet, in Consciousness Explained, he
- These inscriptions promoted Buddhist morality and encouraged nonviolence and, adherence ,to Dharma (duty or proper behavior),and they talk of his fame and conquered
- Liturgy, from the first, combined the free use of Cranmer's language with an, adherence ,to the principles of congregational participation and the centrality of the
- Water treatment hiking kits, are most effective. Public health education and, adherence ,to appropriate sanitation practices are of primary importance to help prevent
- The balance of power and as such, was also taken as confirmation of the Soviet, adherence ,to the MAD doctrine. Missiles limited by the treaty limited only
- Justifiable - may only be combated through the non-philosophical, adherence ,to custom or habit. He ends the section with his own reservations towards
- Modern debate),but Paul also questioned the validity of Jewish Christians ', adherence ,to the Jewish law in relation to faith in Christ, according to some
- Possible. A number of studies have looked at levels of" compliance" or ", adherence ," with antipsychotic regimes and found that discontinuation (stopping taking
- Of Narbonne and Bernard Delicious (a Franciscan friar later prosecuted for his, adherence ,to another heretical movement, that of the Spiritual Franciscans) at the
- And Artistic Works allowed signatories to make copyright conditional on, adherence ,to formalities, but formalities were eventually abolished in the Berlin
- Urinary tract infections. Their mechanism of action is related to inhibition of, adherence ,of Escherichia coli to epithelial cells. Similar applications have not been
- Their immediate section. A May 1942 personal security form stated: The strict, adherence ,to these constraints, and to the requirement never to ask about anyone else's
- The XIII MOST Symposium in Izmir (Turkey),a survey was undertaken of the, adherence ,to creation science of 5,700 teachers from 14 countries. Lebanon, Senegal
- Have been made to declare these varieties as separate languages. However, in, adherence , to the ideas of Arab Nationalism, the Arab countries prefer to give preference
- Thomas Jefferson's letter to Thomas Cooper. Reliance on old maxims and rigid, adherence ,to precedent, no matter how old or ill-considered, was under full attack by the
- Communist League) and ultimately, as an adult, if one had shown the proper, adherence ,to party discipline or had the right connections one would become a member of
- Ways in which the sinner might be justified: (1) by our absolute and perfect, adherence ,to the law, or (2) purely by God's imputation of Christ's righteousness. "
- Packages ready for installation and use. Debian is known for relatively strict, adherence ,to the Unix and free software philosophies as well as using collaborative
- Of the church. Preaching placed emphasis on the practice of plural marriage, adherence ,to the Word of Wisdom, attendance at church meetings, and personal prayer. On
- Epistle, Galatians,antagonistic to the teachings of a Jewish sect that claimed, adherence ,to the teachings of both Jesus and Moses (cf. Acts 15: & Gal. 1:6-10). The
- Most bees are fuzzy and carry an electrostatic charge, which aids in the, adherence ,of pollen. Female bees periodically stop foraging and groom themselves to pack
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