Examples of the the word, foresee , in a Sentence Context

The word ( foresee ), is the 8645 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Make it difficult to design manned missions. Furthermore, it is difficult to, foresee ,interstellar trips being justified for conventional economic reasons; given
  2. The removal and destruction of monuments and headstones). Some cemeteries did, foresee ,the need for re-use and included in their original terms and conditions a
  3. And Mercedes read the cards (" Melons! Coupons! "): Asquith and Mercedes, foresee ,love and romance, wealth and luxury; but Carmen's cards foretell death for
  4. On 4 August; Villeroy would never again receive a major command –" I cannot, foresee ,a happy day in my life save only that of my death. " Louis XIV was more
  5. Be properly considered by all the World – It was a circumstance I could not, foresee ,– I had not sufficient Officers & had they granted me Marines most likely the
  6. Even without eyes. His oracular powers have become so developed that he can, foresee ,in his mind everything that happens, as though his eyes still function. By
  7. Even the most optimistic predictions of the effects of a major nuclear exchange, foresee ,the death of a hundred million people within a very short amount of time; more
  8. Mask ". Moore based Rorschach on Ditko's creation Mr. A; Moore said he did not, foresee ,the death of Rorschach until the fourth issue when he realized that his refusal
  9. Questioning and any actions or statements that an officer would reasonably, foresee ,as likely to cause an incriminating response. Messiah applies to express
  10. Agree with all their actions or beliefs. Divination (from Latin diviner" to, foresee , to be inspired by a god ", related to divines, divine ) is the attempt to gain
  11. Were determinate, then such an entity would be able to use this knowledge to, foresee ,the future, down to the smallest detail. * Logical determinism is the notion
  12. To film crimes committed by police, as well as by hooligans. He does not, foresee ,the ways in which both still photographs and video can be transmitted, making
  13. Because the smallest reaction can be felt from one part to another. ... they, foresee ,and fix, in detail, the conditions of equilibrium ". Durkheim contrasted the
  14. As the Christensen Compromise—to be tried first, and was one of the few to, foresee ,a long and difficult war. The commanding general of the Union Army, Winfield
  15. About the future of Genesis, stating " I think Genesis is no longer. I don't, foresee ,me doing any more Genesis shows. Not because I don't like it or don't want to
  16. Or attempting to contact the dead (Debut. 18,11); from going into a trance to, foresee ,events, and from performing acts of magic (Debut. 18,10). See 613 Mitzvot.
  17. Were thought to not only voice Polish national sentiments but to frequently, foresee ,the nation's future. Today the traditions of Polish literature and poetry are
  18. Cause' ( in the U. S.) of another's harm if one would 'never' reasonably, foresee ,it's happening. Note that a 'proximate cause' in U. S. terminology (to do with
  19. And computers, written by MacLean in 1947,she demonstrated an ability to, foresee ,the future evolution of personal computers. Passages in this story anticipate
  20. Have since come true. In fact, there is hardly a development that he did not, foresee , as for instance in this extraordinary prophecy: 'I almost think that in the
  21. Risks consequently making air travel increasingly difficult. Nor did anyone, foresee ,the extent to which change might unfairly harm workers in the industry. Still
  22. Adams thought that the vote for independence would be commemorated; he did not, foresee ,that Americans—including himself—would instead celebrate Independence Day on
  23. Actually occur or not *Criminal negligence: the actor did not actually, foresee ,that the particular consequences would flow from his actions, but a reasonable
  24. To predict, a loop caused by several entities interacting is much harder to, foresee , Consider a server that always replies with an error message if it does not
  25. Can be used by multiple applications in ways the original designers did not, foresee , which is especially important for databases that might be used for a long time
  26. S impact is felt. Preparedness The objective of earthquake engineering is to, foresee ,the impact of earthquakes on buildings and other structures and to design such
  27. Closeness of relationship). The idea of legal causation is that if no one can, foresee ,something bad happening, and therefore take care to avoid it, how could anyone
  28. Of Chicago),had caused its chief planner, Martin Wagner (1885–1957),to, foresee ,the entire center being made over totally as often as every 25 years. Almost
  29. In military organizations, social engineering attacks can still be difficult to, foresee ,and prevent. In practice, only a small fraction of computer program code is
  30. Not speak of economics but simply the right of" disunion" from the state, and, foresee , the gradual elimination of the state through social evolution. Developments and
  31. We are closer to 'proles' in that we are frequently biased and unable to, foresee ,all possible consequence of our actions, and thus we require moral guidelines.
  32. Regarding how far such research should be allowed to proceed. Cos mists will, foresee ,the massive, truly astronomical potential of substrate-independent cognition
  33. Had to be changed, mostly because of the growth of Brasília. Costa did not, foresee ,such a quick growth of the city, much less the explosive growth in the
  34. The novel Ralph 124C 41+ in 1911; the title is a pun on the phrase" one to, foresee ,for many" (" one plus" ). Even though Ralph 124C 41+ is one of the most
  35. Is not material to their operation. Up to now, it has been almost impossible to, foresee ,the temperature distribution along the cable route, so that the maximum
  36. Involved in this transaction—not Paris, Odoacer, nor the witnesses—could, foresee ,that the recipient would die the following year in the battle of the Add River
  37. Challenged for the party leadership and repeatedly insisted that he could" not, foresee ,... circumstances" in which he would challenge Thatcher for the leadership.
  38. Period of maximally five years (Gerhard,2009); nevertheless, it does not, foresee ,debt discharge. Fraud Bankruptcy fraud is a white-collar crime. While difficult
  39. The time of the works, but they were big, clunky,and expensive; Gibson did not, foresee ,their miniaturization and ubiquity. ) A more subtle example may be found in the
  40. Consequence of those actions; but:: (b) shall decide whether he did intend or, foresee ,that result by reference to all the evidence, drawing such inferences from the
  41. It is also true that some aspects of the story are prescient in that they, foresee ,to some extent the tactical use and impact of the Tanks that later came into
  42. Which may fundamentally change the nature of human beings. Transhumanists who, foresee ,this massive technological change generally maintain that it is desirable.
  43. Dynasty was slowly deteriorating socially and politically, some officials did, foresee ,the crisis. Discussion of the God of Money (錢神論 IAN She Run) and Discussion
  44. II, and a girl, Ghanima (which means" spoil of war" ). Paul, who did not, foresee ,the birth of twins, loses his prescience after Chani's death and becomes truly
  45. Because it cleverly uses the copyright laws for a purpose the lawmakers did not, foresee , All of these uses now also seem to be spreading beyond MIT as well. Home
  46. Are meant to be in service until at least 2015,when the Brazilian Air Force, foresee ,the (postponed) F-X entering in service. To replace the Embrace P-95
  47. To undergo or perform the greatest difficulties. The good person, if able to, foresee ,the future, would peacefully and contentedly help to bring about their own
  48. And Intellectual Freedom, in The New York Times, July 22, 1968) *" I, foresee ,a universal information system (UIs),which will give everyone access at any
  49. Least in part Antony's threat against the aristocrats. However, Antony did not, foresee ,the ultimate outcome of the next series of civil wars, particularly with regard
  50. The Senate would choose the Vice President. The original plan, however,did not, foresee ,the development of political parties and their adversarial role in the

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