Examples of the the word, stab , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stab ), is the 8632 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chased around the room for hours before they succeeded in dealing him a fatal, stab ,wound. Father Le Be, who had begged on his knees that they spare the man, was
  2. To make sure each of the women played a part, Watson told Van Often to, stab ,Mrs. LaBianca too. The Tate autopsies were under way and the LaBianca bodies
  3. Accused of ritual murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with, stab ,wounds in the woods. The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring
  4. In a rage, Butterfly runs to the shrine, seizes the dagger and threatens to, stab ,him," You are lying! You are lying! Say that again, and I will kill you! "
  5. Vary somewhat from source to source, but they agree that Chiara was first to, stab ,Caligula, followed by a number of conspirators. The Senate attempted to use
  6. Death by means of deliberate fracturing of the tibia and/or fibula, spear, stab , wounds into the heart, sharp blows to the front of the chest, or a smoking fire
  7. Against Caesar. He snatches Caesar's purple toga to show the crowd the, stab ,wounds, the citizens tear apart the forum and cremate their Caesar on a
  8. The Belgian Grand Prix. ** Spanish priest Juan María Fernández y Crohn tries to, stab ,Pope John Paul II with a bayonet during the latter's pilgrimage to the shrine
  9. The fight. In an important moment of the show, Riff has an opportunity to, stab ,Bernardo, but Tony holds him back. After shaking off Tony, Riff returns to the
  10. The police. Abram attacked Harrison with a kitchen knife, inflicting seven, stab ,wounds, puncturing a lung and causing head injuries before Olivia Harrison
  11. S lap. A quilter can make one running stitch at a time; this is called a, stab ,stitch. Another option is called a rocking stitch, where the quilter has one
  12. Loosely against opponents of the war. Similarly, German nationalists spoke of a, stab ,in the back having cost them the loss of World War I. A modern form of sabotage
  13. Rebounded off jewels that were sewn into their corsets. The gunmen tried to, stab ,them with bayonets, that failed, because of the jewels, the gunmen then shot
  14. Lifesize wax statue of Caesar was later erected in the forum displaying the 23, stab , wounds. A crowd who had gathered there started a fire, which badly damaged the
  15. Of place onomatopoeia of doing! Is written on-screen during its powerful knife, stab ,attack. * In the video game Brave Story: New Traveler, an onomatopoeia appears
  16. Antony snatched the toga from Caesar's body to show the crowd the, stab ,wounds, pointing at each and naming the authors, publicly shaming them. During
  17. Denote" actions, events,processes, and states. " Consequently," smile," ", stab ," " climb,"" confront,"" liquefy,"" wake,"" reflect" are all verbs.
  18. And orders everyone to be tied up for an improvised blood test; Clark tries to, stab ,McCready but is shot in the head. By observing the Norris-Thing, MacReady
  19. Heroic. Booth was the only one of the assassins to succeed. Powell was able to, stab ,Seward, who was bedridden as a result of an earlier carriage accident; although
  20. BCD),such as a back-mounted wing or stab ilizer jacket (also known as a ", stab ,jacket" ), is built into the scuba set harness. Although strictly speaking
  21. And radiation for firefighter clothing, against molten metals for welders, stab ,protection, and bulletproof vests). In all these applications stringent
  22. III he is stab bed by one of the Murderers after he convinces the other not to, stab ,him, and then drowned in a vat of Malaya, though off-stage. In the 1955 film
  23. But just as she was about to finish Selene, Wolverine arrived and was forced to, stab ,Rachel in the chest. Mortally injured, Rachel was lured into Spiral's" Body
  24. Cord was found; a possible wound on the right side of the neck; a possible, stab ,wound in the upper right chest; a broken neck; and a fractured rib.
  25. On February 11, 2010,Stephen Colbert jokingly expressed his desire to, stab ,Costs at the upcoming 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Costs later made a
  26. Over the course of the season. In the season finale, Buffy is forced to, stab ,Faith to save Angel's life, and lead her classmates into a climactic battle
  27. Shard leftover from processing it to create a kryptonite shiv, which he uses to, stab ,Superman (portrayed by Brandon South). Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
  28. And Pound's health was poor. At a dinner someone had randomly tried to, stab ,him, and it underlined that their time in France was over. They decided to move
  29. While Harry is eating, Professor Shape catches his eye and Harry feels a sudden, stab ,of pain in the scar Voldemort left on his forehead. After a horrible first
  30. Satrap and kinsman. As Alexander approached, Bessus had his men fatally, stab ,the Great King and then declared himself Darius' successor as Artaxerxes V
  31. Was found dead in the Hotel Chelsea room she was sharing with Vicious, with, stab , wounds to her stomach and dressed only in her underwear. Police recovered drug
  32. To Carr,Kammerer's obsession with Carr turned aggressive, causing Carr to, stab ,him to death in self-defense. After turning to Kerouac for help, together they
  33. The Weimar Republic as the work of the" November criminals" who used the, stab ,in the back to seize power while betraying the nation. The Nazi propaganda
  34. Described him in Rolling Stone as a man who" could shake your hand and, stab ,you in the back at the same time" and said" his casket should have been
  35. Joins the plot and tells Hagen that Siegfried would be vulnerable to a, stab ,in the back. Hagen and Gunther decide to lure Siegfried on a hunting-trip and
  36. Of a Myth). Speer considered Walters' actions to be a" betrayal" and a ", stab ,in the back ". The original Chronicle reached the Archives in 1983,after both
  37. Don't Tell a Soul, was a quieter, less punky affair, largely considered a, stab ,for mainstream success. While the move cost the Replacements' appreciation of
  38. Steven Parent, leaving from a visit to the Polanski's' caretaker. More than 100, stab , wounds are found on the victims, except for Parent, who had been shot almost as
  39. Let causes a riot. Reacting to his blasphemy,Alia's priests rush forward and, stab ,Paul to death, as Asia and the remaining Abrades watch from above. Over 3,500
  40. Horrific fantasies of the customer sticking the pen into his ear, using it to, stab ,a bystander, and reinserting the bloody pen into his own ear. The employee
  41. The direct system by Scuba Pro, for what is now called a stab ilizer jacket or, stab ,jacket). Notable early manufacturers Norma lair is a firm that is now part of
  42. In their track," Pass the Mic ". The sample used is the six-second flute, stab , In short, the Beasties cleared the sample but obtained only the rights to use
  43. Opposed to the idea of Owen returning to the trenches, threatening to ", stab ,him in the leg" if he tried it. Aware of his attitude, Owen did not inform him
  44. Protection Officers (also known as City Wardens) in their high-visibility, stab ,vests, are accredited by the Chief Con stab le of Nottingham shire Police to issue
  45. Autumn of 1918,and that the defeat had been precipitated by a Dolchstoß (", stab ,in the back" ) by disloyal elements on the home front and by unpatriotic
  46. Helm. News of Agrippina's survival reached Nero, so he sent three assassins to, stab ,her. He then tried to crush her with a mechanical ceiling over her bed at her
  47. Be drawn. The shields would clash and the first lines (prostates) would, stab ,at their opponents, at the same time trying to keep in position. The ranks
  48. Failed Emir of Mosul * IRI in Aditya, Emir of Morocco, eventual effects of, stab ,wounds __NOT__ Year 1002 (MID) was a common year starting on Thursday (
  49. Phrases Palindromes often consist of a phrase or sentence, e. g.:" Eva, can I, stab ,bats in a cave? "," Mr. Owl ate my metal worm. "," Was it a rat I saw? "," A
  50. Must be ready to seize the Briton closest to him and, with their drawn dagger, stab ,him. As planned, the Britons and Saxons meet together at the appointed time and

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