Examples of the the word, exposition , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Including such moments as the surprise death of the lead actress and the, exposition ,scene by the psychiatrist at the end. Camera shots Film critics have often
  2. Involved in creating this structure. The exposition A fugue begins with the, exposition ,of its subject in one of the voices alone in the tonic key. After the statement
  3. Protracted study of Aristotle gave him a great power of systematic thought and, exposition , An exception to this general tendency is his Latin treatise" De balconies "
  4. Allows the music to run smoothly. The Coretta, just as the other parts of the, exposition , can be used throughout the rest of the fugue. The first answer must occur as
  5. Institutio (Institutes of the Christian Religion – John Calvin's great, exposition ,of Calvinist doctrine) was published at Basel in March 1536. In 1543 De human
  6. Year during which his birth or conception occurred.:" However, nowhere in his, exposition ,of his table does Dionysus relate his epoch to any other dating system
  7. Were very short; the" new, modern " Fugues do not extend further than the, exposition ,of the theme (s). Generally, he would say that he did not think it permitted
  8. Ampere presented a paper to the Academy containing a much more complete, exposition ,of that and kindred phenomena. On the same day, Ampère also demonstrated before
  9. A full résumé of some principal points involved in their design; and an, exposition ,of armature reactions and sparking ". London," The Electrician" Printing and
  10. Treatise on Fluxions - 1742 (763 pages in two volumes. The first systematic, exposition ,of Newton's methods. ) *Treatise on Algebra - 1748 (two years after his death
  11. Avoided the problem of historical anachronisms and the need for lengthy, exposition , Personality and character Conan is a Zimmerman (based on the ancient
  12. Of knowledge. In fact, the first two thirds of De Heritage are devoted to an, exposition ,of Herbert's theory of knowledge. Herbert distinguished truths obtained
  13. Other direction. End Seidel's algorithm is in fact much more general (see the, exposition ,of Dominique Dumont) and was rediscovered several times thereafter. Similar to
  14. Wider had not grown up with knowledge of the old Lutheran hymns. ) The, exposition ,of these ideas, encouraged by Wider and Munch, became Schweitzer's next task
  15. Counterpoint may be heard. When a tonal answer is used, it is customary for the, exposition ,to alternate subjects (S) with answers (A),however, in some fugues this
  16. And other voices repeat in the same way); when each voice has entered,the, exposition ,is complete. This is often followed by a connecting passage, or episode
  17. Of his people (Yer. Avowal Sarah, i.39b). Where, however,the rigorous, exposition ,of laws worked hardship on the masses, he did not scruple to modify the
  18. Schleiermacher taken together ". A. J. Layer (1936),introducing his classic, exposition ,of logical positivism, claimed:" The views which are put forward in this
  19. Churches. The service is constructed around a sermon focused on Biblical, exposition ,and opened with one or more Bible readings and closed by a series of prayers (
  20. In France in the early 16th century. He displayed great literary skill in his, exposition ,of the laws, and was one of the first to interpret the civil law by the history
  21. A stone exterior. Speer designed the German Pavilion for the 1937 international, exposition ,in Paris. The German and Soviet pavilion sites were opposite each other. On
  22. Of adding to the reading of a biblical passage some patristic commentary or, exposition , Books of homilies were compiled from the writings of SS. Augustine, Hilary
  23. In about 1150,the Hindu mathematician Bhaskaracharya gave a very clear, exposition ,of binomial coefficients in his book Literati. Alternative notations include C
  24. Plot line of Throne Trigger. Though it borrows from Radical Dreamers in its, exposition , Throne Cross is not a remake of Radical Dreamers, but a larger effort to
  25. And communicating knowledge. Aristotle's posterior analytics is a definitive, exposition ,of the classical view. An“ axiom ”, in classical terminology, referred to a
  26. Work, published posthumously, was Essie SUR la philosophies DES sciences, ou, exposition ,analytic d'one classification naturally de touts LES reconnaissances humans
  27. Art) in Paris, The terms style modern and art deco both derive from the, exposition ,'s title, which occurred from July to September 1971. After this event
  28. And an explanation of the processes involved in creating this structure. The, exposition ,A fugue begins with the exposition of its subject in one of the voices alone in
  29. Nature of Hilbert's theorem and rejected the article, criticizing the, exposition ,because it was insufficiently comprehensive. His comment was:: Was is night
  30. By A. J. Layer, London: Fontana,1972. ISBN 0-00-632965-9. A lucid summary, exposition ,of Russell's thought. * The Lost Cause: Causation and the Mind-Body Problem
  31. System is that you turn a profit. Sexual division of labor The clearest, exposition ,of the principles of sexual division of labor across the full range of human
  32. Italian by Vincenzo ICCAT in 1770. Waring's style is not systematic and his, exposition ,is often obscure. It seems that he never lectured and did not habitually
  33. And 7 million by the end of its second and final season in September 1937. The, exposition ,was housed on grounds that are now used by the Great Lakes Science Center, the
  34. Des chances et DES probabilities. Perhaps the first elaborate and systematic, exposition ,was by John Venn, in The Logic of Chance: An Essay on the Foundations and
  35. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Musical outline A fugue begins with the, exposition ,and is written according to certain predefined rules; in later portions the
  36. And not the happiness of any particular person. John Stuart Mill, in his, exposition ,of hedonistic utilitarianism, proposed a hierarchy of pleasures, meaning that
  37. i.e. Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. Parallel with the, exposition ,of the Creed as it was then received in the Church of Jerusalem are vigorous
  38. And eventually Gottfried Leibniz Spinoza's first publication was his geometric, exposition ,(formal math proofs) of Descartes, Parts I and II of Descartes' Principles
  39. Popular with the public, not only because of Eddington’s clear and entertaining, exposition , but also for his willingness to discuss the philosophical and religious
  40. By those of the Vienna Circle and David Hume. His clear, vibrant and polemical, exposition ,of them makes Language, Truth and Logic essential reading on the tenets of
  41. Forum of churches in Canada * Catechism of the Catholic Church, an official, exposition ,(catechism) of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church * Celestial Church
  42. Strand, and a hortatory or strongly urging strand which punctuates the, exposition ,parenthetically at key points as warnings to the readers. Hebrews does not fit
  43. Whom the audience can identify, and serve to further the story by requesting, exposition ,from the Doctor and manufacturing peril for the Doctor to resolve. The Doctor
  44. Of his research output, its influence on future work, and the elegance of his, exposition , He is especially known for his foundational work in number theory and
  45. It is both an extended discussion (and polemic) on Stoic physics, and an, exposition ,of Aristotelian thought on this theme. The main purpose of this work is to give
  46. Eye, Cain featured less heroic protagonists and focused more on psychological, exposition ,than on crime solving; the Cain approach has come to be identified with a
  47. As Milton S. Terry said:" A fundamental principle in grammatico-historical, exposition ,is that the words and sentences can have but one significance in one and the
  48. Are dependent! The randomization-based analysis has the disadvantage that its, exposition ,involves tedious algebra and extensive time. Since the randomization-based
  49. Les reconnaissances humans (" Essay on the philosophy of science or analytical, exposition ,on the natural classification of human knowledge" ). Ammonia is a compound of
  50. It is a complete sonata form. Within this sonata form, the first group of the, exposition ,starts out with a fugue. The contrasting trio section is in D major and in

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