Examples of the the word, unrealistic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unrealistic ), is the 8639 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And trying to impose 35 % Canadian content across North America is quite, unrealistic , They also argue that satellite radio will boost Canadian culture by giving
  2. The same effect on plants, and delineating between -10 °C and -30 °C would yield, unrealistic ,results. In this scheme, climates are classified based on the biological
  3. He has been criticized for his poor military skills. He had a record of issuing, unrealistic ,orders and persistently attempting to fight unwinnable battles, leading to the
  4. They happen. Critics of this approach such as Dirk Moses assert that this is, unrealistic ,and that, for example," Darfur will end when it suits the great powers that
  5. Family, who were not well received by critics or viewers and were dismissed as, unrealistic ,by the Asian community in the UK. Fasteners has been praised for its portrayal
  6. As Fibonacci. Fibonacci considers the growth of an idealized (biologically, unrealistic ,) rabbit population, assuming that: a newly born pair of rabbits, one male, one
  7. Cognitions, assumptions,evaluations and beliefs that might be unhelpful and, unrealistic ,; gradually facing activities which may have been avoided; and trying out new
  8. Is Fn−1,plus the number of male ancestors, which is Fn−2. (This is under the, unrealistic ,assumption that the ancestors at each level are otherwise unrelated. ) Popular
  9. Also invested in the problem-plagued Newton division based on John Sculley's, unrealistic ,market forecasts. Ultimately, all of this proved too-little-too-late for Apple
  10. When designing algorithms, reasoning that if a scheme is secure even against, unrealistic ,threats, then it should also resist real-world cryptanalysis as well. The
  11. With AHIMA. Sri Aurobindo criticized the Gandhian concept of AHIMA as, unrealistic ,and not universally applicable; he adopted a pragmatic non-pacifist position
  12. Becomes ugly and Pan gloss is a stubborn fool. The characters of Candide are, unrealistic , two-dimensional, mechanical,and even marionette-like; they are simplistic and
  13. Like Tolkien or Jordan, makes us care about their fates. " No one is given an, unrealistic ,string of luck, however; so misfortune, injury,and death (and even false
  14. An aromatic ring and a cation. Summary: electrons in chemical bonds In the (, unrealistic ,) limit of" pure" ionic bonding, electrons are perfectly localized on one of
  15. In Rethinking Innateness) have argued that Pinker's claims are biologically, unrealistic , They argue that genes determine the architecture of a learning system, but
  16. Can also be criticized on the grounds of realism. In general, allegedly overly, unrealistic ,assumptions are one of the most common criticisms towards neoclassical
  17. Through self-administered CPR). The sketch also features the cast predicting, unrealistic ,blowout victories for Bears games. The Super Fan sketch has not been brought
  18. Largely a failure because it made sterling silver coinage legal tender at the, unrealistic ,rating in relation to the Spanish dollar of $1 4 shillings and 4 pence.
  19. In the mass media, but it has attracted much criticism in academia as being, unrealistic ,and biased. Facing local revolts and foreign invasions in both the East and
  20. To write it, they concluded that asking for cheese in a chemist's shop was too, unrealistic , Cheese thought that they should instead write a sketch about someone
  21. Was a U-boat correspondent. He has stated that the following film scenes are, unrealistic ,: *In the film, an unidentified member of the crew throws an oil-stained towel
  22. Of time in real markets makes the assignment of" objective" probabilities, unrealistic , as these events are intrinsically unique and not capable of numerical
  23. Cost estimate of $7 billion was generated, but this proved an extremely, unrealistic ,guess of what could not possibly be determined precisely, and James Webb used
  24. Are doubled as well as isolated would have no value at all, which is clearly, unrealistic , The Las Vegas connection: information theory and its applications to game
  25. Additionally, it was determined that maintaining a large holding facility was, unrealistic ,at the time. However, the use of many facilities such as Abu Grain would be
  26. Was criticized by the Royal College of Midwives for being inaccurate and, unrealistic , They claim that Honey should not have been refused an epidural and should not
  27. The common good, and politicians carried this out for them. He argued this was, unrealistic , and that people's ignorance and superficiality meant that in fact they were
  28. Of a lack of financial prudence and criticizing what it describes as ICANN's ", unrealistic ,political and operational targets ". Despite the criticism, the registry
  29. Of 1,001 to 1,501 disaster. In such large juries the unanimity rule would be, unrealistic ,and verdicts were reached by majority. Juries were appointed by lot. Jurists
  30. Clonewheel organs ". Some early emulation devices were criticized for their, unrealistic ,imitation of the Hammond sound, particularly in the way they voice the upper
  31. E. Smith,Ph.D." ) Heinlein reported that E. E. Smith perhaps took his ", unrealistic ," heroes from life, citing as an example the extreme competence of the hero of
  32. Women created what culture analyst Rodger Steamfitter characterizes as an, unrealistic ,image of lesbians packaged by heterosexual men; the trend influenced an
  33. The symbolic AI research program became apparent. For instance, it seemed to be, unrealistic ,to comprehensively list human knowledge in a form usable by a symbolic computer
  34. Having a theoretical complexity less than a brute force attack, require an, unrealistic ,number of known or chosen plaintexts to carry out, and are not a concern in
  35. To model a system as complex as a modern economy by a mathematical model as, unrealistic ,and doomed to failure. A famous answer to this criticism is Milton Friedman's
  36. Kind, they were a natural part of the working life and mentally orientated for, unrealistic ,adventure. In the Finnish case an additional reason for the use of juveniles in
  37. Hardship. " Film critics sometimes use the term" pejoratively to connote an, unrealistic , pathos-filled, campy tale of romance or domestic situations with stereotypical
  38. Without the use of computers, and the size of the grid and time steps led to, unrealistic ,results in deepening systems. It was later found, through numerical analysis
  39. Been a contender scene, Brando convinced Kazan that the scripted scene was, unrealistic , and with Rod Stager, improvised the final product. Brando then took a variety
  40. Second half of 2008 after an extended period of credit-based speculation and, unrealistic ,appreciation in real estate values. The national account deficit for 2007,for
  41. Also criticized the hysterical over-acting of the cast, which he called highly, unrealistic , while acknowledging the cast's acting talent in general. Buckram, after
  42. The dreamer will often invent a memory or a story to cover up an incongruous or, unrealistic ,event in the dream. " That man has two heads! " Is not usually followed with "
  43. Subject. Critics of interdisciplinary programs feel that the ambition is simply, unrealistic , given the knowledge and intellectual maturity of all but the exceptional
  44. A disparity in American professional sports which the Court said was ", unrealistic , inconsistent, or illogical "; professional baseball was exempt from antitrust
  45. As his aim of uniting the realms through conquest became increasingly, unrealistic , The Scots allied with France, who sent reinforcements for the defense of
  46. Germany, united Fatherland ", they were not sung anymore when the increasingly, unrealistic ,idea of achieving a united communist Germany was dropped by the East German
  47. S major novels focused on the idea that utopia and positivist ideas were, unrealistic ,and unobtainable. Later literary career In December 1859,Dostoevsky returned
  48. Criticized for portraying miraculous awakenings with no lasting side effects, unrealistic ,depictions of treatments and equipment required, and comatose patients
  49. Elements in order to mock them or point out their supposedly cliché or, unrealistic ,nature. Indeed, between parody, satire and such subgenres as romantic comedy
  50. Second half of 2008 after an extended period of credit-based speculation and, unrealistic ,inflation of real estate values. The national account deficit for 2007,for

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