Examples of the the word, antitrust , in a Sentence Context

The word ( antitrust ), is the 8637 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Intel IPC/1,IPC/2,IPC/860,Paragon and ASCII Red. Competition, antitrust ,and espionage Two factors combined to end this dominance: the slowing of PC
  2. Antitrust immunity In February 2010,the US DOT granted AA preliminary, antitrust ,immunity to allow the airline to work with British Airways, Iberia Airlines
  3. Within the federal agency resulted in racketeering and in violations of, antitrust ,law. " The order in which new generic drugs were approved was set by the FDA
  4. For computer microprocessors. On November 12, 2009,AMD agreed to drop the, antitrust ,lawsuit against Intel in exchange for $1.25 billion. Anticompetitive
  5. Market. In 2000, they were the defendants in a US Department of Justice, antitrust ,lawsuit. An appeal was upheld in 2004. Examples where two companies control a
  6. This lawsuit, VeriSign sought to reduce ambiguity about ICANN's authority. The, antitrust ,component of VeriSign's claim was dismissed in August 2004. VeriSign's
  7. Theaters in 1953 as settlement of the United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc., antitrust ,case. With the sale of the profitable theaters, the shaky status of the film
  8. The two banks had significant overlap in Western Pennsylvania and had potential, antitrust ,issues in that area. First Niagara took advantage by buying 57 of the 61
  9. The exclusionary zone of the patent and thus could not be redressed by federal, antitrust ,law, in effect upholding Bayer's agreement with its competitors. Black box
  10. Mirror Swing and other newer features in a limited way. In 2002 Sun filed an, antitrust ,lawsuit, claiming that Microsoft's attempts at illegal monopolization have
  11. Company represented over 90 % of the market, it would have been illegal (cf., antitrust ,) had attorney John Quarles not found an exemption for agricultural
  12. Was revealed in testimony by ILL Vice-President Steven McGrady at the Microsoft, antitrust ,trial. Solid-state drives (SSD) On September 8,2008,Intel began shipping
  13. To the naked eye nearly a year later. *1997 – Digital Equipment Company files, antitrust ,charges against chipmaker Intel. *1999 – Crown Prince Mohammed Ben Al-Hassan is
  14. And in doing so had made a" serious and sustained violation of the EU's, antitrust ,rules ". In June 2008,the Fair Trade Commission ordered Intel to pay a fine of
  15. 2,125,000 per year for the entire league. On June 17,the AFL filed an, antitrust ,lawsuit against the NFL, which was dismissed in 1962 after a two-month trial.
  16. Its microprocessors. In June 2008,the Federal Trade Commission also began an, antitrust ,investigation of the case. In December 2009 the FTC announced it would initiate
  17. Into foreign currency. Certification may also mean compliance with Brazil's, antitrust ,legislation. Parties to international franchising may decide to adopt the
  18. Advocated protection of every child regardless of race or gender; created an, antitrust ,division in the Justice Department; required air mail carriers to adopt
  19. Of Competition to investigate alleged unfair methods of competition and other, antitrust ,violations. Media * C. I. D. (1955 film),an Indian Malayalam film starring
  20. In favor of Makovich. Furthermore, the court declared the NFL was subject to, antitrust ,laws. The implications from the Court's ruling were that the legality of the
  21. In the U. S., except in those states awarded to it in the 1911 Standard Oil, antitrust ,settlement. In states where it was restricted from using the Esso name, the
  22. Nvidia, received subpoenas from the Justice Department regarding possible, antitrust ,violations in the graphics card industry, including the act of fixing prices.
  23. View emphasizes the role of minimum wages as a market regulation policy akin to, antitrust ,policies, as opposed to an illusory" free lunch" for low-wage workers.
  24. As reminders of the responsibilities of some trades toward the public. Modern, antitrust ,law could be said to derive in some ways from the original statutes by which
  25. Found Intel guilty on a number of violations. On June 27, 2005,AMD won an, antitrust ,suit against Intel in Japan, and on the same day, AMD filed a broad antitrust
  26. Market dominated by Sony and Nintendo. In March 2004 the European Union brought, antitrust ,legal action against the company, citing it abused its dominance with the
  27. Intel's dominance in the x86 microprocessor market led to numerous charges of, antitrust ,violations over the years, including FTC investigations in both the late 1980s
  28. United States v. Microsoft: Microsoft is ruled to have violated United States, antitrust ,laws by keeping" an oppressive thumb" on its competitors. *2004 – Islamic
  29. Department of Justice and European Commission found the company in violation of, antitrust ,laws. Known for its interviewing process with obscure questions, various
  30. As the competition regulator for the single market is responsible for, antitrust ,issues, approving mergers, breaking up cartels, working for economic
  31. As a result of the settlement of the 1974 United States Department of Justice, antitrust ,suit against AT&T. * 1984 – The Sultanate of Brunei becomes independent of the
  32. Department began an antitrust investigation in 1989 and in 1991 filed an, antitrust ,suit against these universities. While the Ivy League institutions settled, MIT
  33. In the company's products. Antitrust litigation Many decisions that led to, antitrust ,litigation over Microsoft's business practices have had Gates' approval. In
  34. Inconsistent, or illogical "; professional baseball was exempt from, antitrust ,laws, but other professional sports were not. The Court suggested it was
  35. An investigation of Intel in January 2008 on whether the company violated, antitrust ,laws in pricing and sales of its microprocessors. In June 2008,the Federal
  36. The leagues to court to negate a player trade, citing the 13th Amendment and, antitrust ,legislation. In 1972, he finally lost his case in the United States Supreme
  37. Football League. Although the verdict was automatically trebled pursuant to, antitrust ,law in the United States, the resulting $3 judgment was regarded as a victory
  38. Consuming funds for need-based scholarships, the Justice Department began an, antitrust ,investigation in 1989 and in 1991 filed an antitrust suit against these
  39. In 2005,which was prompted by takeover scandals, the bank has lost exclusive, antitrust ,authority in the credit sector, which is now shared with Italy's Antitrust
  40. To the Union. *1883 – Alabama becomes the first U. S. state to enact an, antitrust ,law. *1886 – Charles Martin Hall produced the first samples of man-made
  41. By MySQL AB with commercial and GPL versions available until at least 2015. The, antitrust ,of the EU had been" pressuring it to divest MySQL as a condition for approval
  42. Chips for 10 years. On November 4,2009,New York's attorney general filed an, antitrust ,lawsuit against Intel Corp, claiming the company used" illegal threats and
  43. When Time Warner bought out Ted Turner's Turner Broadcasting, a federal, antitrust ,consent decree required Time Warner to carry a second all-news channel in
  44. Channels for commercial programming. News Corporation countered with an, antitrust ,lawsuit against Time Warner for unfairly protecting CNN. This led to an
  45. All practitioners. In September 2005,the U. S. Department of Justice filed an, antitrust ,lawsuit against the National Association of Realtors challenging NEAR practices
  46. Committee, which attempts to prevent company practices from violating, antitrust ,laws. When Microsoft went public and launched its initial public offering (IPO
  47. The Department of Justice is looking into derivatives, too. The department’s, antitrust ,unit is actively investigating 'the possibility of anticompetitive practices in
  48. Been the $1 verdict against the National Football League (NFL) in the 1986, antitrust , suit prosecuted by the United States Football League. Although the verdict was
  49. Two companies have been conspiring to control advertising rates, a violation of, antitrust ,laws. In November 2006,Reilly's attorney presented to U. S. District Judge
  50. Antitrust suit against Intel in Japan, and on the same day, AMD filed a broad, antitrust ,complaint against Intel in the U. S. Federal District Court in Delaware. The

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