Examples of the the word, postscript , in a Sentence Context

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  1. 1,500-page manuscript Fountain City" complete with cautionary introduction and, postscript ," Charon later said that he took Yardley's criticism to heart, explaining,"
  2. To detect the real evil. But no one ever calls on me to 'broadcast' or do a, postscript , Yet I suppose I know better than most what is the truth about this 'Nordic '
  3. Postscript. Sometimes, when additional points are made after the first, postscript , abbreviations such as PPS (post-post-scriptum, or postquam-post-scriptum)
  4. Note: This was edited by Marker - essentially, this film is a 27-minute, postscript , to Le Jodi Mai assembled from leftover footage and organized around a new
  5. Reality. At the end of the main portion of the story, immediately before the, postscript , Borges stretches this toward its logical breaking point by imagining that,"
  6. May be interpreted in the sense of" that which comes after the writing" ). A, postscript ,may be a sentence, a paragraph, or occasionally many paragraphs added, often
  7. Decided that further efforts were futile. Shortly afterward he dictated a, postscript ,to Hitler's testament: Later on 1 May, Vice-Admiral Hans-Erich Loss saw
  8. Little information is available on how Wolfgang took Leopold's' death, but a, postscript ,he included in a letter to his friend Gottfried von Jacques suggests that
  9. By his wife, Joy Williams. It was published in two volumes, along with a, postscript ,that gives a brief description of what the remaining work would have been.
  10. High School in Ashland Kentucky and Franklin High School in | separator, |, postscript , | access date=April 16, 2011} } Career Judd appeared as Ensign Robin Lefter, a
  11. And death of Odysseus after the events of the Odyssey. In this mythological, postscript , Odysseus is accidentally killed by Telecons, his unknown son by the goddess
  12. Of acknowledged historical difficulties. In this letter, and especially in the, postscript ,to the second edition, Newman answered the charge that he was not at ease
  13. Make it highbrow" which attempts to" square everything with a foreword and, postscript ,moralizing on the gangster as a menace to the public welfare. " At the 4th
  14. A second edition) is called an afterword. An afterword, not usually called a, postscript , is written in response to critical remarks on the first edition. The word "
  15. Of Bacon is uncompromisingly that he was the first scientist, and he provides a, postscript ,to the novel in which he sets forth these views. Central to his depiction of
  16. Under the pretence de cause DEI, and of answering Mr. John Howe's letter and, postscript ,of God's prescience, &c., affirming,as the Protestant doctrine, that God doth
  17. Markup language and also usable by the developer. Genus supports printing to, postscript ,printers, provides a printing queue and also a PostScript interpreter (written
  18. Began in September 1979,and ended the main story on August 30, 2008,with a, postscript ,epilogue the following day. Starting on September 1,2008,the strip began
  19. And as his idol John Barrymore in Too Much, Too Soon (1958). As a curious, postscript ,to his life of adventure, Flynn went to Cuba in late 1958 to meet with the
  20. English Working Class London: Victor Holland (1963); 2nd edition with new, postscript , Harmondsworth: Penguin,1968,third edition with new preface 1980. * Time
  21. Review (ISBN 9780755358182). A novel based on the Great Train Robbery with a, postscript ,by Bruce Reynolds. * The Great Train Robbery - History Making Heist (2011) by
  22. Resembles contemporary direct democracy. Friedrich Engels In the 1891, postscript , to The Civil War in France (1872) pamphlet, Friedrich Engels said:" Well and
  23. Of Physicians in London; it was presented by Darwin in March of that year. A, postscript ,at the end of the published volume of transactions containing Darwin's paper
  24. To publish it by Charles Fleetwood, who had shown it to Cromwell. In a, postscript ,to the work Vane wrote the words" the good old cause ", a coinage that became
  25. Alike. But Thomas Kuhn denied the accusation of being a relativist later in his, postscript , He argued that scientific development is a" unidirectional and irreversible
  26. The idea of the latter-day St. Theresa, presaging the character Dorothea; a, postscript ,or" finale" after the eighth book gives the post-novel fates of the main
  27. The main portion of the story is a fiction set in a naturalistic world; in the, postscript , magical elements have entered the narrator's world. The main portion could
  28. With Celia Johnson in Staying On (1980),an adaptation of Paul Scott's, postscript ,to his Raj Quartet novels. The 1980s saw a revival of Howard's career as a
  29. Charm the girls have put there, Juliet and Pauline bludgeon her to death. In a, postscript ,it is revealed that the next day the Pauline's diary was found, in which the
  30. His name to be" Brigadier Sir Charles Arthur Strong (Mrs.)," and in the, postscript , he states that he" never kissed the editor of the Radio Times. " It then cuts
  31. The story was first published in the Argentine journal SUR, May 1940. The ", postscript ," dated 1947 is intended to be anachronistic, set seven years in the future.
  32. As it later became known (see below). In 1905,Trotsky quotes from a, postscript ,to a book by Milyukov, The elections to the second state Dump, published no
  33. Is written in response to critical remarks on the first edition. The word ", postscript ," has, poetically,been used to refer to any sort of addendum to some main work
  34. Imprint (ISBN 9780756543600). A novel based on the Great Train Robbery with a, postscript ,by Bruce Reynolds. Movies of the Great Train Robbery and the Robbers * The 1966
  35. Pope Alexander, writing in 2005 from" The Seventh Terrace of Purgatory ". In a, postscript ,to the introduction," Alexander" requests additional prayers for the sake of
  36. Utah's law against polygamy. For the programming language, see PostScript. A, postscript , abbreviated P. S., is writing added after the main body of a letter (or other
  37. Foreword by Francis Crick; ISBN 0-486-68117-3; revised in 1994,with a 9-page, postscript , *Robert Colby; Oxford National Dictionary article: ‘ Crick, Francis Harry
  38. From the top floor of the five-story building to his death. An interesting, postscript ,: when the terrace block was extensively refurbished into luxury apartments in
  39. Good-natured and based on the egalitarian nature of watching sports. (As a, postscript ,to the" booing the Members" phenomenon, even when the Members stand was
  40. Have a USA connection giving them information about past 'Flintstones' shows. A, postscript ,to the arc occurred in the third episode of the fourth season, in which the
  41. Liberty, in which Tucker added http://praxeology.net/BT-SSA.htm#SSA.37 a, postscript ,to http://praxeology.net/BT-SSA.htm" State Socialism and Anarchism ", which
  42. From the point of view of 1940,the year the story was written and published. A, postscript ,is from the point of view of the same narrator, anachronistically writing in
  43. In either country and then distributed. Devices were used such as ending a, postscript ,with" etc." which meant spaces were actually written in white or invisible
  44. As a warning against the nuclear arms race, as the original (but removed), postscript , makes clear: Originally, the manuscript contained a preface by Martian
  45. Silly Bird man, David Hunt; Crew Helm,1985. ISBN 0-7099-3724-5 (foreword and, postscript ,) *Bird in the Yorkshire Museum, Michael Denton; North Yorkshire County Council
  46. A personal interpretation! I suppose it really serves as a musical and lyrical, postscript ,to the rest of the songs on the album. Credits Wilson Pickett (March 18, 1941
  47. Hieroglyphs, for not only the alphabet chart and the main text, but also the, postscript ,in which Champollion notes that similar phonetic characters seemed to occur in
  48. Alterations or additions that would incriminate Abington and Mary. In the new, postscript ,an offer was made by Mary to take an active part in the assassination::" I
  49. S world. The main portion could certainly be seen as a false document; the, postscript ,dissolves the illusion. * The land of Unbar is fictional from the point of view
  50. 4-87187-857-0 * Balzac,1946 – written, as Richard Credential describes in a, postscript , by Swag in the Brazilian summer capital of Petrópolis, without access to the

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