Examples of the the word, robbery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( robbery ), is the 8644 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Allowing any Fiji citizen to call themselves" Fijian" would be" daylight, robbery ," inflicted on the indigenous population. In an address to the nation during
  2. And members of his crew are killed by a posse of 200,following a botched bank, robbery ,in Clinton, Indiana. *1937 – Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe attempt to escape from
  3. Most complex pieces. The Miraculous Mandarin, a modern story of prostitution, robbery , and murder, was started in 1918,but not performed until 1926 because of its
  4. Budget would have been adjusted to 2,000,000 euros annually. Although ETA used, robbery ,as a means of financing its activities in its early days, it has since been
  5. Killed in a military ambush. *2006 – At least six men stage Britain's biggest, robbery , stealing £53m (about $92.5 million or €78 million) from a Security depot in
  6. Texas 7" escape from the John Connally Unit near Kennedy, Texas and go on a, robbery ,spree, during which police officer Aubrey Hawkins is shot and killed. *2001 –
  7. Arkansas. *1869 – American outlaw Jesse James commits his first confirmed bank, robbery ,in Gallatin, Missouri. *1900 – Max Planck, in his house at Grunewald, on the
  8. 1,517 people are killed. *1920 – Two security guards are murdered during a, robbery ,in South Braintree, Massachusetts. Anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti would be
  9. Is to be a father; the two thieves gambling for the spoils of their prospective, robbery ,; Marie and Wolf posing for their portrait while the broken-hearted Julie stands
  10. Twist. At one point in this work, Dickens had Oliver become embroiled in a, robbery , That particular monthly installment concludes with young Oliver being shot.
  11. They also felt it would be difficult to set Liliom's motivation for the, robbery ,to music. The pair continued to work on the preliminary ideas for a Idiom
  12. Henry Unman. The first Sheriff, Mr Samuel Smart, was wounded during the, robbery , and on 2 May 1838 one of the offenders, Michael McGee, became the first person
  13. In the 2008 film The Bank Job, telling the story of a government-approved bank, robbery ,in the 1970s. In a covert rendezvous at Paddington Station, Mountbatten is
  14. About it.: Moss No.: Aaron ow Talking about it as a ...: Moss No.: Aaron ow As a, robbery ,.: Moss As a" robbery ? " No. Mamet dedicated Glengarry Glen Ross to Harold
  15. In modern parlance:" theft" ) as a tort. Similarly, assault and violent, robbery ,involved trespass as to the pater's property (so, for example, the rape of a
  16. Civilization and commerce of the world, a " bloody city all full of lies and, robbery ," (Nahum 3:1),for it had robbed and plundered all the neighboring nations.
  17. Helped more to give this impression than the fat knight’s account of the double, robbery ,at Gad shill. Even his name invites humor, as it is a sort of pun on impotence
  18. Separate mortuary chapels nearby, an approach which was less vulnerable to tomb, robbery , By the beginning of the New Kingdom even the pharaohs were buried in such
  19. And the non-integrated units continue to conduct arbitrary arrests, rapes, robbery , and other crimes and these human rights violations are" regularly" committed
  20. Scenes that were cut out of the film, such as the Federal Reserve Depository, robbery ,that results in Snake's incarceration. The novel provides motivation and
  21. Encampment concludes at Brownsea Island in southern England. *1925 – A train, robbery ,takes place in Keyword, near Lucknow, India *1930 – Betty Book made her cartoon
  22. New name. *1968 – Japan's biggest heist, the still-unsolved" 300 million yen, robbery ,", is carried out in Tokyo. *1978 – Arab-Israeli conflict: Prime Minister of
  23. To America and a better life, Liliom conspires with lowlife Fissure to commit a, robbery , but it goes badly, and Idiom stabs himself. He dies, and his spirit is taken
  24. Of lead criminal charges resulting from FBI investigations were: # Bank, robbery ,and incidental crimes (107 charges) # Drugs (104 charges) # Attempt and
  25. 2007,crime decreased by 10.7 percent. Among violent crimes (homicide, rape, robbery , and aggravated assault),Dayton saw a decline of 17.3 percent over the five
  26. To undermine Alex's status as leader of the gang. He later dies from a botched, robbery ,attempt during Alex's stay in prison. *Pete: The most rational and least
  27. Certain serious crimes, including murder, manslaughter,kidnapping, rape,armed, robbery , and serious drug crimes. All such retrials must be approved by the Director of
  28. Out as unjustified all activities such as murder, homicide,rape, trespass, robbery , burglary, theft,and fraud, the ethics of private property is also
  29. Karl LaG rand, a German national convicted of murder during a botched bank, robbery , in spite of Germany's legal action to attempt to save him. * 1999 – A China
  30. Caused numerous incidents known collectively in Croatia as the" Privatization, robbery ," (Croatian:" privatizacijska place" ). Nepotism was endemic and during
  31. That constitutes the crime of robbery exists only in the common law, and the, robbery ,statute only sets the punishment. Virginia Code section 1-200 establishes the
  32. On the severity of the offense. Serious crimes such as murder and tomb, robbery ,were punished by execution, carried out by decapitation, drowning,or impaling
  33. Discussion. ) Small work-type utility knives have also been used to commit, robbery ,and other crimes, and some schools ban their possession on school grounds.
  34. Have also taken to stoning and using petrol bombs. In addition, other assaults, robbery , tiger kidnapping, extortion,fuel laundering and smuggling were undertaken by
  35. Carousel. " In seeking to establish through song Liliom's motivation for the, robbery , Rodgers remembered that he and Hart had a similar problem in Pal Joey. Rodgers
  36. Civil of El Salvador showed lower numbers in homicide and extortion as well as, robbery ,and theft of vehicles. In 2007 homicides in El Salvador were reduced by 22 %
  37. Purposes; they serve to incapacitate a victim in cases of drug assisted rape or, robbery , Overall, anecdotal evidence suggests that diazepam may be the most
  38. In El Salvador were reduced by 22 %, extortions were reduced by 7 %, and, robbery , and theft of vehicles had gone down 18 %, in comparison with the same period in
  39. Bernard Ziegler When Bernard Ziegler was imprisoned for five years for armed, robbery ,in France, he assembled an" ensemble of disciplines," which he called (in
  40. Hijackings of land vehicles or ships, skyjacking is not usually committed for, robbery ,or theft. Most aircraft hijackers intend to use the passengers as hostages
  41. Aaron ow Talking about it as a ...: Moss No.: Aaron ow As a robbery .: Moss As a ", robbery , " No. Mamet dedicated Glengarry Glen Ross to Harold Pinter, who was
  42. In Virginia, the definition of the conduct that constitutes the crime of, robbery ,exists only in the common law, and the robbery statute only sets the punishment
  43. In Rio, where police can not enter. Crime in Fortaleza boils down to isolated, robbery ,and homicides. Violence is higher in some peripheral neighborhoods such as
  44. External threats was exacerbated by internal problems such as corruption, tomb, robbery , and civil unrest. The high priests at the temple of Amen in Thebes accumulated
  45. Are made his first on-screen appearance as a weapons dealer in the 1996 bank, robbery ,movie Set It Off. In 2001,Dr. Dre also appeared in the movies The Wash and
  46. Homicide (voluntary manslaughter),forcible rape, aggravated assault, and, robbery , ; while Part I property crimes include burglary, arson,larceny/theft, and
  47. Millworker Julie Jordan comes at the price of both their jobs. He attempts a, robbery ,to provide for Julie and their unborn child; when it goes wrong, he has a
  48. Of forcible rape, aggravated assault, property crime, motor vehicle theft, robbery , burglary, theft and arson all showed declines for 2009. Overall, crime in
  49. Store in Irving, Texas. Police officer Aubrey Hawkins is murdered during the, robbery , *2003 – The Spanish police thwart an attempt by ETA to detonate 50 kg of
  50. Strike, the largest farmworker strike in U. S. history, begins. *1973 – A bank, robbery ,gone wrong in Stockholm, Sweden,turns into a hostage crisis; over the next

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