Examples of the the word, familiarity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( familiarity ), is the 8648 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Depending on the listener's relative social position and the degree of, familiarity ,between the speaker and the listener. When used in different social
  2. Meaning of being" tight" with someone coupled with a more salacious physical, familiarity , Explicit contents led to blues sometimes being called dirty blues. Lyrical
  3. Indirect elections at larger geographic levels to ensure that some first-hand, familiarity ,among potential elected can exist at these levels (i.e., among the elected
  4. Were three separate individuals. Differences in style, theological content, and, familiarity , with Greek between the Gospel of John, the epistles of John, and the Revelation
  5. Wanted to use duralumin, an aluminum alloy, throughout the aircraft due to its, familiarity , cost and ease of construction. The highest temperature that aluminum could
  6. And Properties a generation later. His collection, for example, shows a, familiarity ,with the usual Alexandrine style of terse epigram and a wealth of mythological
  7. May at most coincide. Some understanding needed by the mind depends on, familiarity ,with the object. To know what a given sign denotes, the mind needs some
  8. Then civilly" but" keep them at a proper distance, for they will grow upon, familiarity , in proportion as you sink in authority ". In 1769, he became more politically
  9. Of ethnic minorities and the programme's portrayal of the cozy, familiarity ,of a bygone era. Some newspapers ran headlines such as Coronation Street shuts
  10. And his interpretations of his experiments show particular deficiency in his, familiarity ,with the principles of true science ..." The violence of his language worked
  11. Chapels and post theaters during the Second World War, and returning soldiers ', familiarity ,with the instrument may have helped contribute to its popularity in the
  12. Style The variety of Chaucer's tales shows the breadth of his skill and his, familiarity ,with countless rhetorical forms and linguistic styles. Medieval schools of
  13. Declares himself to be an" Uppsala ", and in another he demonstrates a close, familiarity ,with Buddhist texts. He erected rock pillars at Buddhist holy sites, but did
  14. Optimization in sleep. The EC is also responsible for the pre-processing (, familiarity ,) of the input signals in the reflex initiating membrane response of classical
  15. Psychological safety for the individual. Attachment feeds on body contact and, familiarity , Later Mary Ainsworth developed the Strange Situation Protocol and the concept
  16. Map, it fills a rectangular wall space with more map, and clearly because its, familiarity ,breeds more popularity. " Presumably wall map publishers liked the projection
  17. Many were attracted to Guam due to its proximity, environmental,and cultural, familiarity , Over the years, it was claimed by some in Guam that the territory has had to
  18. Sometimes even within the same sentence. Arabic speakers often improve their, familiarity ,with other dialects via music or film. The issue of whether Arabic is one
  19. Cities to attract young people to live and work there. Regional cities offered, familiarity ,to those from nearby areas, lower costs of living, shorter commutes, and,in
  20. Ability to rearrange or construct a higher dimension of creativity. Due to such, familiarity ,or advanced knowledge experts can develop more abstract perspectives of their
  21. With electricity later became a stock theme in horror films. As the public, familiarity ,with electricity as the lifeblood of the Second Industrial Revolution grew, its
  22. That represents an idea or concept. Some ideograms are comprehensible only by, familiarity ,with prior convention; others convey their meaning through pictorial
  23. With his soldiers, he absorbed a knowledge of local dialects and customs. This, familiarity ,engendered a lasting mutual respect, enhanced by his own personality. In April
  24. Mother the nymph Aretha. Internal evidence from the poems gives evidence of, familiarity ,with the topography and place-names of this area of Asia Minor, for example
  25. Gibbon had a different opinion:" The power of Placid; and the indecent, familiarity ,of her brother, which might be no more than the symptoms of a childish
  26. Of the first while developing and diversifying the material without sacrificing, familiarity , Many people agree that it is richer and more profound. Parts One and Two were
  27. Cyril. According to lexicographer William Smith," She was accused of too much, familiarity ,with Orestes, prefect of Alexandria, and the charge spread among the clergy
  28. Areas of trouble that might have been overlooked or passed over because of, familiarity ,with the system. Test users can also provide feedback from a targeted audience:
  29. Lived in London for a few years after his birth, and he obtained an early, familiarity ,with the English language from his mother. Before he was nine, his parents
  30. But this quickly proved too difficult for many reasons, including the, familiarity ,natives had with the land. The solution was importing slaves from Africa. In
  31. The same thing with success. As they were also epidemiologists, they had some, familiarity ,with the anti-aggression effects of this drug. Carbamazepine would be studied
  32. Towards him with what Edward Gibbon, following Acanthus, calls " licentious, familiarity ,". The Roman people did not give enough deference to his supreme authority; it
  33. Borrowed large numbers of words from French, which for reasons of prestige and, familiarity ,kept their French spellings. The spelling of Middle English, such as in the
  34. Kings, and they provided his narrative with a model of episodic structure. His, familiarity ,with Athenian tragedy is demonstrated, for example, in a number of passages
  35. A pastoral England. This, along with the public is increasing lack of, familiarity ,of Greek mythology at the time led to the figure of Pan becoming generalized as
  36. Available to reprise their respective roles. Further, subtracting from the, familiarity ,was the fact that the legendary Clamped mansion was unavailable for a location
  37. The novel version of Planetary, set during World War II, suggests intimate, familiarity ,with explosives and munitions manufacturing. Some biographers cite as fact that
  38. Of dimensions is, thus,partly a convention, resulting in increased utility and, familiarity , It is, however,important to note that the choice of the set of dimensions
  39. Present little risk of conflict of interest. On the other hand, they might lack, familiarity ,with the specific issues connected to the organization's governance. Recapping
  40. As are Diminutives, which are commonly used and are often used to indicate, familiarity , Some common examples are Argo (afternoon),barbie (barbecue),smoke (
  41. For TADS and ADRIFT, followed by a smattering of games for other systems. While, familiarity ,with a programming language leads many new authors to attempt to produce their
  42. Greatest living composer. Some strains in Aida suggest at least a superficial, familiarity ,with the works of the Russian composer Mikhail Link, whom Franz Liszt, after
  43. TDF operations and to provide eligible institutions with an opportunity to gain, familiarity ,with term deposit procedures. " After three of the offering auctions were
  44. Criticism Although mimicked by many languages because of its widespread, familiarity , C's syntax has often been criticized. For example, Kernighan and Ritchie say
  45. Geoffrey's description of Carlton is probably based on his personal, familiarity ,with the town and its impressive Roman ruins; it is less clear than Carlton
  46. Are widely available in Ireland, giving people in Ireland a high level of, familiarity ,with cultural matters in Great Britain. A few cultural events are organized for
  47. Acts, so as early as 59 or 60. The author of the Gospel of Luke acknowledges, familiarity ,with earlier gospels (1:1). Although Semitism exist throughout the Gospel of
  48. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of, familiarity , and also a sense of" eeriness "," strangeness "," weirdness ", or what
  49. Included significant numbers of French and Métis guides recruited for their, familiarity ,with the terrain. Idaho, as part of the Oregon Country, was claimed by both the
  50. Business microcomputer, which used an Intel processor and peripheral ICS;, familiarity ,with these chips and the availability of the Intel 8088 processor was a

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