Examples of the the word, lotus , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lotus ), is the 8952 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Creating what is known locally as" Salk ache Tolled ", literally meaning ", lotus ,Lake ". There is an interesting side to Parashurama's conquest of Kshatriya's.
  2. The flavor. There is the Moon Cake which has a thick filling usually made from, lotus ,seed paste or sweetened red bean paste and surrounded by a relatively thin (
  3. Using a special belt that connected the neck with his knees in a, lotus ,position. Bodies purported to be those of self-mummified monks are exhibited in
  4. And a lion, separated by intervening spoked chariot-wheels over a bell-shaped, lotus , Carved out of a single block of polished sandstone, the capital was believed
  5. On both the old logo and the university crest, but now 'embedded in a stylized, lotus ,flower '. In accordance with the university by-law, the crest continues to be
  6. Printed on their covers associated with a picture of an elephant carrying a, lotus ,flower. Since the 1930s this has raised the possibility of Kipling being
  7. Susthu nisthivanam ca" Since my mind has been engaged in the service of the, lotus ,feet of Lord Kṛṣṇa, and I have been enjoying an ever new transcendental humor
  8. Located slightly above the top of the head. It is an upward facing 12 petaled, lotus , and it is associated with the Guru, that higher force that guides us through
  9. Sriram as a child with a benign smile is in a sitting posture over a blooming, lotus , The deity is carved in white marble from the mines of Marina in Rajasthan, is
  10. The Nāgas, Nanda and Anupananda are shown holding the stem of the lotus . This, lotus ,is the cosmic axis on which the Buddha is seated. Goddess: There is a goddess
  11. Of novel ideas is like putting a gloss on burnished gold or painting the, lotus ,". E. Krishna Dyer said about Rimini Devi,“ There is no need to say that
  12. A follower of the faith. Hinduism associates many symbols, which include the, lotus , chakra and Verna, with particular deities. Mantras are invocations, praise and
  13. Dish of a southern origin, called " Joshua I" in Mandarin, wrapped in, lotus ,leaves and covered in clay. Though usually prepared in ovens, the original and
  14. Head" ). It is a soup brewed using mutton, shanyao (山药, Chinese wild yam), lotus , roots,straggles membranes (黄芪, membranous milk vetch),tuber onions, as
  15. RAM MIT – mixed ingredients, such as chestnuts covered in flour, jackfruit, lotus ,root, tapioca,and lot Chong, in coconut milk. * Sari – multicolored mung
  16. A lake, suckling her baby Amphibious, when she saw the bright red flowers of the, lotus ,tree, formerly the nymph Louis who, when fleeing from Prius, had been changed
  17. The Boatmen, but depictions of a horned or antlered figure, often seated in a ", lotus ,position" and often associated with animals and holding or wearing torch, are
  18. Djoser's mortuary complex, include post and lintel supports in the papyrus and, lotus ,motif. The earliest preserved ancient Egyptian temples, such as those at Giza
  19. By supplemental irrigation. Taro is one of the few crops (along with rice and, lotus ,) that can be grown under flooded conditions. This is possible due to air
  20. Attendant carries her cosmetic bag, and a ... female holds the stem of a giant, lotus ,leaf that serves as her mistress's parasol. The fourth figure is a male
  21. In the gardens include two ponds, one noted for its swans and the other for, lotus ,flowers, the Castle annexed (" Castellated" ), a bronze statue of Maximilian
  22. His name to Nichiren, nichi (日) meaning" sun" and men (蓮) meaning ", lotus ,". This choice, as Nichiren himself explained, was rooted in passages from the
  23. Shown in art as a naked boy with a finger in his mouth sitting on a, lotus ,with his mother. In the form of a youth, Horus was referred to as Inferior.
  24. Elephant are recognized as the state bird and animal while sandalwood and the, lotus ,are recognized as the state tree and flower respectively. Karnataka has five
  25. The relief, the Nāgas, Nanda and Anupananda are shown holding the stem of the, lotus , This lotus is the cosmic axis on which the Buddha is seated. Goddess: There is
  26. Emblem The emblem of the university is a three-flamed lamp encircled by, lotus ,petals. The lamp represents knowledge. The three flames represent Intellectual
  27. Hibiscus, frangipani,bougainvillea, poinsettia,oleander, jasmine,water lily, lotus , roses, begonias,orchids and hydrangeas exist. On higher grounds that receive
  28. Superhydrophobicity Super hydrophobic surfaces, such as the leaves of the, lotus ,plant, are those that are extremely difficult to wet. The contact angles of a
  29. Spinach, scallions,garlic, chili peppers, seaweed,zucchini, mushrooms and, lotus ,root. Several types of wild greens, known collectively as chinampa (such as
  30. Inscription that Hughes chose for her:" Even amidst fierce flames the golden, lotus ,can be planted. " Biographers variously attribute the source of the quote to
  31. Of its kind to its numerous motives" Egyptian" papyrus capitals, frieze, lotus , bud,etc. Art Square William Barracks, renamed barracks Major Sable after the
  32. Plants are Charles, pond weed, hornworts and water lilies. Also, common is, lotus ,which was brought to the area from Africa. Belosaraysk, Krivaya Fauna Limns
  33. To preside over the coronation of Hardship I or II. The figure is standing on a, lotus , with a batsman in hand and with a glorious around his head. Until the 1920s
  34. Persian prince who travels to the ends of the Earth in a quest to find the, lotus ,flower of immortality, coming across its guardian, the Per (fairy). Because
  35. Their last testaments and their students accordingly buried them sitting in, lotus ,position, put into a vessel with drying agents (such as wood, paper,or lime)
  36. Image for 54,for instance thinking of a friend called" Laura" ( 54) in the, lotus ,position looking very Zen-like in order to remind yourself that element 54 is
  37. Avoided while eating pork, including Chinese bellflower (Dora, 도라지 ) and, lotus ,root (Leon PPRI, 연뿌리 ), as the combinations have been thought to cause
  38. Of Emotions and Imagination, and Spiritual Development. Petals of the, lotus ,on the periphery represent Fine Arts and Culture. The logo was designed by
  39. Of the common era, and the show culminates in the globe opening like a, lotus ,blossom to reveal a twentieth torch, representing the now-completed 20th
  40. Padmaraga sapphires are rare. The name derives from the Sinhalese word for, lotus ,blossom. The rarest of all padmaragas is the totally natural variety, with no
  41. By a capital, which consists of a canopy representing an inverted bell-shaped, lotus ,flower, a short cylindrical abacus with four 24-spoked Dharma wheels with four
  42. Right hand is a key, a symbol of prosperity and openness, and in its left is a, lotus ,flower, a symbol of peace, equality,and purity. In its talons it is holding a
  43. The hieroglyphic sign for a throne. Sometimes she was depicted as holding a, lotus , or, as a Sycamore tree. One pharaoh, Thutmose III, was depicted in his tomb as
  44. Are used as decorations or in dried flower arrangements, such as unicorn plant, lotus , wheat, annual honesty and milkweed. Ornamental trees and shrubs are often
  45. And became aware of his intentions. In another account, she was changed into a, lotus ,tree to escape Prius; later, Dryope picked a flower off the tree Louis had
  46. JPG | Image: Number lute 170803. JPG | Image: Egyptiantiger lotus . JPG|Nymphet, lotus ,Image: NymphoidesPeltata-flower1. JPG|Nympho ides Poltava Image: Annulus
  47. As the corrupt police chief of the international settlement in the blue, lotus ,who he exposed and sent to prison guilty of mingling with opium dealers.
  48. In all the depictions Vishnu is holding four objects: a conch, a wheel,a, lotus ,and a mace. These can be held in any of the icon's hands, making possible
  49. Adherents departs from this world, they are placed by Guanine in the heart of a, lotus ,then sent home to the western pure land of Sukhāvatī. It is generally accepted
  50. Earthquake; stumps and other remains of a once dense forest, together with the, lotus ,bed covering the shallow waters, give the lake an eerie beauty. Climate Most of

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