Examples of the the word, indictment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indictment ), is the 8958 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Suspects to coordinate their stories so that the Emperor would be spared from, indictment , " According to John Dower," This successful campaign to absolve the Emperor
  2. Nor a lithograph of the subject were permitted to be shown in France. As an, indictment ,of formalized slaughter the paintings look back to Goya, and anticipate Picasso
  3. Ordinary way persons charged with commission of this offense were dealt with by, indictment , In 1966 the Law Commission recommended that this offense be abolished. They
  4. About 1 % of the time) or narrow (about 3 % of the time) the counts in the, indictment ,as well. Usually, fifteen or so grand jurors are required to report to meetings
  5. Instrument presented to and authorized by a grand jury is referred to as an, indictment , United States Virtually every U. S. state has some forms available on web for
  6. Prosecutor Michael Consenting (1936–2010) sought and received a criminal, indictment ,against the Ford Motor Company and took the company's executives to trial in
  7. A certain strict time limit after a civil complaint or criminal information or, indictment ,has been served upon the defendant. It may have been preceded by an optional "
  8. 1650 out of a population of only 5.1 million, or 3.6 % of the population. The, indictment ,against the king therefore held him" guilty of all the reasons, murders
  9. Using" the cream" and" the clear ". Perjury investigation and federal, indictment ,On November 15, 2007,Bonds was indicted on four counts of perjury and one
  10. Charles's reign, defendants were regularly brought before the Court without, indictment , due process of the law, or right to confront witnesses, and their testimonies
  11. In the Crown Court). Additionally, if a Defendant has been charged on an, indictment ,with assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH),or racially/religiously
  12. Terrorists, for various plots and attacks. One of the entries was for an, indictment ,dating back to the June 14, 1985,hijacking of TWA flight 847 by Hezbollah (
  13. Be denounced by the professional medic who discovers it, leading to automatic, indictment ,of the person who caused it. Austria §90 of the criminal code declares bodily
  14. Court. Thus originated the modern grand jury that presents information for an, indictment , The grand jury was later recognized by King John in Magna Carta in 1215 on
  15. Procedure," arraignment shall ... consist of an open ... reading of the, indictment ,... to the defendant ... and call on him to plead thereto. He/she shall be
  16. Met. The grand jury's decision is either a" true bill" ( resulting in an ", indictment ,"),or" no true bill ". The grand jury right may be waived, including by plea
  17. And call on him to plead thereto. He/she shall be given a copy of the, indictment ,... before he/she is called upon to plead. "" America the Beautiful" is an
  18. Can be tried either way, and faces three years imprisonment and/or a fine on, indictment ,; six months imprisonment and/or a fine summarily. In recent years, the option
  19. Released from a military hospital he pleaded not guilty to the charges of the, indictment ,served on his person. Kaltenbrunner stressed during cross-examination that all
  20. Question was rendered moot in November when a Portland grand jury returned an, indictment ,against" John Doe, aka Dan Cooper" for air piracy and violation of the Hobbs
  21. Fewer than nine yes votes either causes a no true bill or a narrowing of the, indictment ,(depending on the votes per count). The rules are very similar to the federal
  22. Held in the assembly, but only in a court. In 416 BC the grape paranoia (", indictment ,against measures contrary to the laws" ) was introduced. Under this anything
  23. By a lawyer, whereas a defendant in a criminal case (particularly a felony or, indictment ,) is usually obliged to post bail before being released from custody and must
  24. Term, that had been coined the year before by Raphael Remain, appeared in the, indictment ,of the 24 Nazi leaders, Count 3,stated that all the defendants had" conducted
  25. Presented as being innocent of any formal acts that might make him culpable to, indictment ,as a war criminal, he was turned into an almost saintly figure who did not even
  26. __NOT__ A grand jury is a type of jury that determines whether a criminal, indictment ,will issue. Currently, only the United States retains grand juries, although
  27. On perjury and obstruction of justice charges on November 15, 2007. The, indictment ,alleges that Bonds lied while under oath about his alleged use of steroids. In
  28. Or prosecution may appeal as of right from a trial court's dismissal of an, indictment ,in whole or in part or from a trial court's granting of a defendant's
  29. In Latin, crimen could have signified any one of the following:" charge, indictment , accusation; crime, fault,offense ". The word may derive from the Latin
  30. Not guilty in matters of conspiracy for aggression concerning the charge of the, indictment , However, Kaltenbrunner was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against
  31. Answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or, indictment ,of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the
  32. Family connection with King Hezekiah may have also legitimized his harsh, indictment ,of the royal city in 3:1-7. Some question whether the translation" You, also
  33. Aka Dan Cooper" for air piracy and violation of the Hobbs Act. In effect the, indictment ,formally initiated prosecution of the hijacker that can be continued, should he
  34. Categories of terrorist attacks over the two decades, based on each fugitive's, indictment ,history. For organization and ease of reference here, the relevant major
  35. Takes nine yes votes to the question of probable cause to sign a true bill of, indictment , Fewer than nine yes votes either causes a no true bill or a narrowing of the
  36. Stages in a criminal trial, and involves the clerk of the court reading out the, indictment , The defendant is asked whether he or she pleads guilty or not guilty to each
  37. Allowed such abuses to exist, but flourished as a result. His most strident, indictment ,of this condition is in Hard Times (1854),Dickens's only novel-length
  38. Hastings’ alleged misconduct and crimes as had been Burke’s intent. Burke's, indictment , fuelled by emotional indignation, called Hastings the 'captain-general of
  39. Fawkes explained his not guilty plea as ignorance of certain aspects of the, indictment , On 31 January 1606,Fawkes and three others Thomas Win tour, Ambrose Rook wood
  40. Community and was one of the legal bases of the Nuremberg Trials (the, indictment ,of the 24 Nazi leaders specifies in Count 3 that the defendants" conducted
  41. J; j’accuse:" I accuse "; used generally in reference to a political or social, indictment ,(alluding to the title of Émile Zola’s exposé of the Dreyfus affair, a
  42. Legal basis to ask for more from the Sudanese since, at the time, there was no, indictment ,out-standing. Refuge in Afghanistan After the Soviet withdrawal, Afghanistan
  43. Juries to be composed of 16 to 23 members and that 12 members must concur in an, indictment , A grand jury is instructed to return an indictment if the probable cause
  44. Of Hell' and a 'ravenous vulture devouring the carcass of the dead '. The, indictment ,was such a philippic that, whereas it had previously seemed that Hastings would
  45. Responsibility for the murders were far more pervasive than his current, indictment ,record represents. On August 17, 1988,President of Pakistan Gen. M. Via UL Had
  46. Croat forces attacked Bosniak population in Poor. According to Drank Public, indictment , HVO forces cleansed most of the Muslims from the town of Poor and several
  47. By him, was discovered hidden in the convent privy. When he learned that an, indictment ,was being prepared against him in Naples he fled, shedding his religious habit
  48. Philosophical analysis, and historical investigation, and its unrelenting, indictment ,of communist ideology made The Gulag Archipelago one of the most consequential
  49. Meeting usually going through 20-30 cases in a four to five-hour period. The, indictment ,rate is about 98-99 %; the grand jury can broaden (about 1 % of the time) or
  50. Members must concur in an indictment . A grand jury is instructed to return an, indictment ,if the probable because standard has been met. The grand jury's decision is

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