Examples of the the word, lofty , in a Sentence Context
The word ( lofty ), is the 12470 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- It is an outstanding example of Regionalist Revival Architecture, a bizarre and, lofty ,mixture of diverse historic styles, such as Art Deco and Neo-Mudéjar and
- Is the Mus Valley, west of Lake Van. Narrow valleys also lie at the foot of the, lofty ,peaks along river corridors. Southeast Anatolia is south of the Anti-Taurus
- Own, and can be used to discuss any topic, from the simple and concrete to the, lofty ,and abstract. Sign languages, like oral languages, organize elementary
- The capital, who already has both hands full of things to do, has turned to our, lofty ,piety in order to reorganize the entry and exit of all ships through the
- The eastern part of the country, where the two mountain ranges converge into a, lofty ,region with a median elevation of more than 1,500 meters, which reaches its
- In China. Topography The topography varies greatly in China, a vast land of, lofty ,plateau, large plains, rolling land and big and small basins surrounded by
- Sacred precinct in the city of Nipper. The name" mountain house" suggests a, lofty ,structure and was perhaps the designation originally of the staged tower at
- Eden seems to be a natural conclusion. Cf Gen 1:29-30 Micah expresses similarly, lofty ,thoughts, adding that Jerusalem will be the Lord’s capital in those days:: :Out
- Principal towers (at To accommodate the tower, Barry was forced to lower the, lofty ,ceiling he had planned for the Central Lobby and reduce the height of its
- James' challenge of explaining the reason why universal conceptions are more, lofty ,than those of particulars - there is the moral/political answer, the
- Prayer may be directed towards a deity, spirit,deceased person, or, lofty , idea,for the purpose of worshiping, requesting guidance, requesting
- Only universal cooperation under conditions of intellectual freedom and the, lofty ,moral ideals of socialism and labor, accompanied by the elimination of
- That being the solemn and grave The Dark Crystal and the more whimsical and, lofty ,Labyrinth (film). Meanwhile, Robert Yemenis helmed Who Framed Roger Rabbit
- And of the Karenina Range as belonging to" the world of Gothic Europe, its, lofty , crags studded with crusader castles. " Rich copper deposits were discovered in
- And vegetation and merge eventually with the desert. In the southwest,the, lofty ,Mount Sermon (Jamal ash Shaykh),also on the border between Syria and Lebanon
- Whom Sir William Chambers built several garden structures. One of these,the, lofty ,Chinese pagoda built in 1761 still remains. George III enriched the gardens
- Is part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China. It is the, lofty ,duty of the entire Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan, too
- Every side. Lamentable to behold, in the midst of the streets lay the tops of, lofty ,towers, tumbled to the ground, stones of high walls, holy altars, fragments of
- Of the disciples. Their whole discipline is represented as encouraging a, lofty ,serenity and self-possession, of which, there were various anecdotes in
- And Vietnam in a changing configuration of broad plains, expansive deserts, and, lofty , mountain ranges, including vast areas of inhospitable terrain. The eastern half
- Of The Book of Wonder in 1912,in which he almost seems to be parodying his, lofty ,early style. Each of his collections varies in mood; A Dreamer's Tales varies
- Was also associated with Ninhursag's temple which was called Sagging," the, lofty ,head house" ( E, house,sag, head,Ila, high; or Akkadian goddess = Ila),a
- And entered the eternal City. After a sleepless night, I trod, with a, lofty ,step the ruins of the Forum; each memorable spot where Romulus stood, or Fully
- God, who suffered them, though He restrained them they landed with horror, with, lofty , deed,in their cloud of mighty combat of specters, upon a mountain of Contains
- Amadeus tells travelers who have ventured up to King Solomon's grand, lofty ,palace that the Seal of Solomon was thrown into the sea. He then convinces them
- Large number of the mountain torrents locally called games, which often form, lofty ,waterfalls, surpassed in Europe only by those of Scandinavia * the frequency
- The“ University of the Masses” was unable to lift all its students to the “, lofty , elite positions” enjoyed by previous generations of academics. Many students
- Sleeping. There is a distinct taste or flavor when a meditator reaches this, lofty ,stage of meditation, as one experiences absolute peace and tranquility inside
- Pursuit of devotion to" a great idea, a good cause, a doctrine, a system,a, lofty ,calling," saying that the egoist has no political calling but rather" lives
- Charles's imperial policy was focused on the dynastic sphere and abandoned the, lofty ,ideal of the Empire as a universal monarchy of Christendom. In 1353,he granted
- Land formed, as already observed, like detached islands, amongst which the, lofty ,mountain, discovered in the afternoon by the third lieutenant, and in
- His wife Molly Bloom and Stephen Daedalus, parodically contrasted with their, lofty ,models. The book explores various areas of Dublin life, dwelling on its squalor
- Like the oriental monasteries generally, is surrounded by a strong and, lofty ,blank stone wall, enclosing an area of between 3 and 4 acres (12,000 and
- To be attending the celebration of some grievous mystery ... This grave and, lofty ,melancholy shines with a dull light ... plaintive and profound like a melody by
- Plateau, large plains, rolling land and big and small basins surrounded by, lofty ,mountains. All the five basic topographic types in the world exist in China to
- Queen of Heaven, Mother of the Church, Our Lady, Star of the Sea, and other, lofty ,titles. Marian devotion similar to this kind is also found in Eastern Orthodoxy
- One family in Tokyo. This was a highly prestigious Japanese family, so, lofty , that the older and more powerful noble, Saionji Kimchi, addressed the young
- River (or classical Pyramus river) and near its tributary the HEMPAS SU. A, lofty ,isolated ridge formed its acropolis. Though some masonry in the ruins is
- Coastal plain. The Cordillera system on the western side of the continent is, lofty , broad and complicated having two branches, the Rocky Mountain System and the
- And James were advocates of the divine right of kings, but whilst James ', lofty ,ambitions concerning absolute prerogative were tempered by compromise and
- Hand, : And lie unburied on the barren sand!: (ll. 890-892) Alexandrine: Her, lofty ,courser, in the court below, : Who his majestic rider seems to know, : Proud of
- Their divine contemplation and be compelled to run the city according to their, lofty ,insights. Thus is born the idea of the" philosopher-king ", the wise person
- In the 1970s. The industry regard for Rundgren's production work has been a, lofty ,one: Jim Seaman, with whom Lindgren worked on Bat Out of Hell, has said in
- On the Sabbath hymn of Asking Seeds, composed by the Rizal based on this, lofty ,concept of the Zohar). This is the simple understanding of that phrase in the
- In Hell's Canyon, a cascade of dams produces hydroelectricity from the river's, lofty ,decrease in elevation over a comparatively small distance. Finally, a third
- Of Guzman. The man who established the Dominican Order offered his followers a, lofty ,and abiding cause. Dominic inspired his followers with loyalty to learning and
- Perdix, the partridge. This bird does not build his nest in the trees, nor take, lofty ,flights, but nestles in the hedges, and mindful of his fall, avoids high places
- The Stoic and Ciceroni an training of his youth, enabled him to promulgate a, lofty ,standard of Christian ethics. Thus, we have the De official ministrorum, De
- Or, the foolishly impractical pursuit of ideals, typically marked with rash and, lofty ,romantic ideals. Plot summary Don Quixote, the protagonist of the novel, is a
- Which may in any way disturb the soul in its career. As Barack says,the, lofty ,ethical-religious ideal of the attainment of man's perfection in union with
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