Examples of the the word, mi , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mi ), is the 4987 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The city's population density was 3,848 inhabitants per km² (9,966/sq, mi ,). The urban area of Berlin stretches beyond the city li mi ts and comprises
  2. And passenger traffic. The road system totaled 1.98 mi llion km (1.23 mi llion, mi ,) in 2002. The total of paved roads increased from 35,496 km (22,056 mi ) in
  3. Track was 30,875 km (19,186 mi ) in 2002,as compared with 31,848 km (19,789, mi , ) in 1970. Most of the railway system belongs to the Federal Railroad Corp.
  4. me, but across the center inland it was two thousand Stadia about 370 km; 230, mi , " Fifty Stadia 9 km; 6 mi from the coast was a mountain that was low on all
  5. Construction began in 1941 of two airbases consisting of 5.8 km² (2¼ sq, mi , 1,400 acres) of land, largely reclaimed from the sea. For many years, Bermuda
  6. The Baltic Sea is about 1600 km (1000 mi ) long, an average of 193 km (120, mi , ) wide, and an average of 55 m (180 ft,30 fathoms) deep. The maximum depth
  7. Night to kill Absalom again. * Heinrich Schultz (1585–1672) composed" Film, mi , Absalom" as part of his Sinfonia Sacra, op.6 * The single verse,2 Samuel
  8. Highway construction. The total length of railway track was 30,875 km (19,186, mi , ) in 2002,as compared with 31,848 km (19,789 mi ) in 1970. Most of the
  9. Mundgati. Et gear u air entire want since. Land alt. Haf i sir host blot an, mi ,full. Ellar had i her RI inner. Sir. En Sheri ING had u mi nor blot an me file
  10. The central island itself was five States in diameter about 0.92 km; 0.57, mi , In Plato's myth, Poseidon fell in love with Plato, the daughter of Evener
  11. Of mi litary ships in the harbor of Praia the Vitória, three kilometers (2, mi , ) southeast of Lakes Field. The airfield also has a small commercial ter mi nal
  12. In the southeastern plains to about ten per square kilometer (25 per sq., mi ,) in the central highlands. As of 2006,the population is increasing about 1.45
  13. In and the county seat of Brown County, South Dakota, United States, about 125, mi , ( 200 km) northeast of Pierre. Settled in 1880,it was incorporated in 1882.
  14. me) in 2002. The total of paved roads increased from 35,496 km (22,056, mi , ) in 1967 to 184,140 km (114,425 mi ) in 2002. Brazil's railway system has
  15. Airport,Adelaide's second airport, located eighteen kilometers (11.2, mi , ) north of the CBD, is used for small aircraft, pilot training and recreational
  16. Scenery and good rock-climbing. The city extends to 184.46 km² (71.22 sq, mi ,), and includes the former burghs of Old Aberdeen, New Aberdeen, Woodside and
  17. Into neighboring Croatia and Serbia. The country has only 20 kilometers (12, mi , ) of coastline, *The Save is the largest river of the country, but it only
  18. The western edge of the Sargasso Sea, roughly 580 nautical mi les (1070 km,670, mi , ) east-southeast of Cape Hatteras on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and
  19. Who lived 3.2 mi llion years ago, and was discovered in 1974 just 74 km (46, mi , ) away from Ardi's discovery site. Researchers infer from the form of her
  20. Benin covers an area of approximately 110,000 square kilometers (42,000 sq, mi ,), with a population of approximately 9.05 mi llion. Benin is a tropical
  21. Is situated in the western area of the North Atlantic and 100 kilometers (62, mi , ) east of the Windward Islands and the Caribbean Sea; therein, it is about east
  22. 20,000 km³ (5040 cubic mi les). The periphery amounts to about 8000 km (4968, mi , ) of coastline. Etymology While Tacitus called it Mare Sebum after the
  23. Jutland. Forests reach from the south into the city to within a kilometer (0.6, mi , ) of the city center, because the city has grown around the forest, and some
  24. The Outer Banks of North Carolina and roughly 590 nautical mi les (1100 km,690, mi , ) southeast of Martha's Vineyard. The island lies due east of Fri pp Island
  25. Inland it was two thousand Stadia about 370 km; 230 mi . " Fifty Stadia 9 km; 6, mi , from the coast was a mountain that was low on all sides ... broke it off all
  26. Per year. The radar station has a range of up to 6,000 kilometers (3,728, mi , ),and was designed to detect intercontinental ballistic mi ssile launches as
  27. Swedish side of the center. The surface area is about 377,000 km² (145,522 sq, mi ,) and the volume is about 20,000 km³ (5040 cubic mi les). The periphery
  28. Consists of 181 islands, with a total area of 53.3 square kilometers (20.6 sq, mi ,). The largest island, Main Island, sometimes itself called Bermuda. Compiling
  29. The south" extending in one direction three thousand Stadia about 555 km; 345, mi , but across the center inland it was two thousand Stadia about 370 km; 230 mi .
  30. Borough (the part east of 141° W longitude; 12,506.53 km² / 4,828.80 sq, mi , or about 63.12 percent of the borough) It includes the Tongans National
  31. Roads increased from 35,496 km (22,056 mi ) in 1967 to 184,140 km (114,425, mi , ) in 2002. Brazil's railway system has been declining since 1945,when
  32. Publishing 1994). Music * Joaquin DES Prey composed the motet" Absalom, fili, mi ," on the occasion of the death of Juan Borgia. * Leonard Cohen's poem" Prayer
  33. The Armed Forces have to defend 8.5 mi llion km2 (around 3.2 mi llion sq., mi , ) of land and patrol 4.4 mi llion km2 (around 1.7 mi llion sq. mi . ) of
  34. Angola consists of: * Three separate railway systems totaling 2,761 km (1,715, mi , ) Travel on highways outside of towns and cities in Angola (and in some cases
  35. It has of coastline next to the South China Sea, and it shares a 381 km (237, mi , ) border with Malaysia. It has of territorial waters, and an 200 nm exclusive
  36. Nome, of which it was the capital city. It is located about 11 kilometers (6.8, mi , ) west of the Nile at latitude 26° 10' N, near the modern Egyptian towns of
  37. Conversion factors *1 AU = 149,597,870.700 ± 0.003 km ≈ 92,955,807.273 ± 0.002, mi , ≈ 8.317 light mi nutes ≈ 499 light-seconds An artist is a person engaged in one
  38. Center of the country, sometimes exceeding 48 per square kilometer (125/sq., mi , ). Hundreds of thousands of Suriname mi grate to Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, many
  39. Has a population density of about 50 people per square kilometer (127 per sq, mi ,); 70 % of its total population is concentrated in urban areas. Minsk, the
  40. Montenegro to the southeast. It borders the Adriatic Sea along its 23 km (14, mi , ) coastline. The most striking features of the local terrain are valleys and
  41. Kingdom. There were thirty-three total spaced approximately 30 kilometers (20, mi , ) distant, enabling the mi litary to confront attacks anywhere in the kingdom
  42. The island lies due east of Fri pp Island, South Carolina. It has 103 km (64, mi , ) of coastline. There are two incorporated municipalities in Bermuda: the City
  43. During the last few Ice Ages. Dimensions The Baltic Sea is about 1600 km (1000, mi , ) long, an average of 193 km (120 mi ) wide, and an average of 55 m (180 ft
  44. Where RI is the position vector of particle i from the reference point, mi ,is its mass, and Vi is its velocity. The center of mass is defined by::
  45. Atlantic with its adjacent seas is 354,700,000 cubic kilometers (85,100,000 cu, mi ,) and without them 323,600,000 cubic kilometers (77,640,000 cu mi ). The
  46. Cu mi ) and without them 323,600,000 cubic kilometers (77,640,000 cu, mi ,). The average depth of the Atlantic, with its adjacent seas, is; without them
  47. Per hour. Unusually for a major city, it is located only seven kilometers (4.4, mi , ) from the Adelaide city center. The airport is serviced by five international
  48. Of ten barren rocky islets, with no vegetation, totalling 0.2 km² (.077 sq, mi ,) in area. Those on the north and east sides are 2.1 to 3 m high, and those on
  49. In the Azores. *In 1999,after rowing for 81 days and 4,767 kilometers (2,962, mi , ),Tori Murder became the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by rowboat
  50. Oc. Stafgar a. OC a HAI in GU. blot u air synonym OC drum sinus OC file i., mi ,mate OC mandate. Et gear u air entire want since. Land alt. Haf i sir host

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