Examples of the the word, obscure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( obscure ), is the 4990 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Supra, one of the Mahayana Buddhist surreys, is a highly" difficult and, obscure ," text whose basic thrust is to emphasize" the inner enlightenment that does
  2. Words. Sometimes the whole space is taken up with the inscription. In certain, obscure ,magical writings of Egyptian origin ἀβραξάς or ἀβρασάξ is found associated with
  3. The movie, like the TV series, is strongly influenced by the comparatively, obscure ,1940s serials of Batman, such as the escapes done almost out of luck. Vehicles
  4. Dating. These kingdoms emerged probably in the early sixteenth century from, obscure ,origins veiled by legend featuring a heterogeneous set of warrior figures. From
  5. Powder to fire projectiles, and created thick clouds of white smoke that would, obscure ,the targets, betray the positions of guns and make aiming impossible. In 1846
  6. They attribute this important but nearly always overlooked distinction to an, obscure ,1883 book by L. E. Hicks. Seeing little sense in a principle requiring
  7. Although the work is commonly attributed to Cranmer, its detailed origins are, obscure , A group of bishops and divines met first at Theresa and then at Windsor in
  8. And prestige, academics may over-complicate problems and express them in, obscure ,language (e.g., the Skoal affair, a hoax by physicist Alan Skoal attempting
  9. Ptolemy may also have offered this explanation in his Optics, but the text is, obscure , Alhazen's writings were more widely available in the Middle Ages than those
  10. For a British soldier has been Tommy Atkins or Tommy for short. The origins are, obscure ,but most probably derive from a specimen army form circulated by the
  11. Monoamine oxidase inhibitor. Nevertheless, iproniazid remained relatively, obscure ,until Nathan Kline, the influential and flamboyant head of research at Rockland
  12. Have been dated back to 1.6 to 1.7 billion years ago. Etymology and study is, obscure , Although some speculate that it is related to Latin Alger," be cold ", there
  13. Of playing and sampling stuff as we're playing, and also sampling pretty, obscure ,records. " The tentative title for the record was Tadlock's Glasses, of which
  14. Decoration. Biography Andreas Scouter was born in Hamburg His early life is, obscure ,as at least three different persons of that name are documented. The records of
  15. Thalia I around 1400 BC. Tarawa has been associated with the much more, obscure ,Assume generally located to its north - it probably bordered it, and may even
  16. Majority of the Beagle's bloodline, but the origin of the Harrier is itself, obscure , Honeywood's Beagles were small, standing at about at the shoulder, and pure
  17. Films for screen and television; the first attempt in the early 1970s for the, obscure ,Swedish movie The Seduction Of Inca: the film flopped, but the 'Bjorn & Benny '
  18. Narrative of oral history ", as well as certain characteristics like the use of, obscure ,rhythms such as 3/8,5/8 and 10/8. The first compilation of Albanian folk music
  19. Local favorites, as is a loganberry-flavored beverage that remains relatively, obscure ,outside the Western New York and Southern Ontario area. Weber's mustard is
  20. And a conical bore that doubles back on itself. The origins of the Duncan are, obscure , but by the mid-16th century it was available in as many as eight different
  21. Experimented with higher resolution visual formats such as the innovative but, obscure ,Remote Imaging Protocol. Many systems became quite sophisticated in graphic
  22. Are now used instead. See code (cryptography). Secret codes intended to, obscure ,the real messages, ranging from serious (mainly espionage in military
  23. Faded quickly after his death. For a long time, he was treated as a relatively, obscure ,figure in the history of science. There has also been a web page created that
  24. Friend Heracles, but this work has been lost, leaving the details of his life, obscure , It is unknown, for instance, whether he ever married or had children. During
  25. The underlying retinal blood vessels show through where there is no pigment to, obscure ,it. File: Albino Macro pus rufogriseus. JPG|Albino Red-necked
  26. To aux ". This switched the SHE to a backup power supply. The switch was fairly, obscure ,and neither the Flight Director, CAPCOM, nor Commander Conrad immediately
  27. Winter, storms blowing from the Sahara sometimes form dense dust clouds that, obscure ,the sun; however, sunny days are the norm year round. The ocean near Cape Verde
  28. Und Gesellschaft. History Origins The historical origins of BDSM are, obscure , During the ninth century BC, ritual flagellation were performed in Artemis
  29. The game's main attributes. Details of the game's origins in Australia are, obscure ,and still the subject of much debate. Australian rules football became
  30. Also cannot be traced to adventitious reinforcement and its details are still, obscure ,(Station,1977). Negative criticism J. E. R. Station As understood by Skinner
  31. Has been perhaps more influential than any printed book. The previously, obscure ,works of Abu Dhabi Roy, Starhawk, and John German, in particular, inspired a
  32. 1893,he wrote: I thus learned my first great lesson in the inquiry into these, obscure ,fields of knowledge, never to accept the disbelief of great men or their
  33. We assume that dz is sufficiently small that one particle in the slab cannot, obscure ,another particle in the slab when viewed along the z direction. The
  34. Beech runes and birth runes, ale runes, and magic runes. The meaning of this is, obscure , The first part of Sorry Sturluson's Skáldskaparmál is a dialogue between
  35. And chaotic reforms. Changing his name to Akhenaten, he touted the previously, obscure ,sun god Ten as the supreme deity, suppressed the worship of other deities, and
  36. CPC models. Its enhanced features are only available after a deliberately, obscure ,unlocking mechanism has been triggered, thus preventing existing CPC software
  37. To understand the details of corporate business, allowing management to, obscure ,problems. * The same directors who appointed the present CEO oversee his or her
  38. Had been fought with the management for its restitution, without success. The, obscure ,writing under the picture mentions non-existent places and names: ADDITIVE is
  39. Probably owed its name to the mineral; the origin of the mineral name is, obscure , The" Oriental" alabaster was highly esteemed for making small perfume
  40. Of Hipper, and therefore funnel and gun smoke from his own ships tended to, obscure ,his targets, while Hipper's smoke blew clear. Also, the eastern sky was
  41. And seasonal August winds blow from the west, carrying sand and dust, which can, obscure ,visibility. Environment Current environmental issues in Botswana are
  42. Were charlatans, and the tradition itself nothing more than a fraud. The, obscure ,and secretive writings of the alchemists was used as a case by those who wished
  43. Contracts, or laws that are thought to be excessively complex, indirect,or, obscure ,in language, to the extent of concealing or confusing their meaning. The word
  44. Bronze. Other works The popularity of Rodin's the most famous sculptures tends to, obscure ,his total creative output. A prolific artist, he created thousands of busts
  45. Statement, so at first glance seems merely a minor convenience, substituting, obscure , machine instructions by easily remembered names. However, consider a
  46. The Athenian tradition, which he follows in the main, would naturally seek to, obscure ,their services. It was to Regina rather than Athens that the prize of valor at
  47. For the remainder of his life he appeared — less and less frequently — in, obscure , low-budget features. From 1947 to 1950,he performed in summer stock, often in
  48. To the physical manipulation of apparatus and chemicals, and claims that the, obscure ,language of the alchemical texts were an allegorical guise for spiritual, moral
  49. Is not related to the pig; rather, it is the sole recent representative of the, obscure ,mammalian order Tubulidentata, in which it is usually considered forming one
  50. Ahmad Shah's ascendancy, the Pashtuns included many groups whose origins were, obscure ,; it is commonly believed they descended from ancient Aryan tribes, some,such

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