Examples of the the word, lesion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lesion ), is the 8464 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By a combination of increased intracranial pressure due to a space-occupying, lesion ,(headache, vomiting,confusion, coma ), infection (fever, fatigue etc.) and
  2. Or even on intracranial devices. Endocarditis is characterized by a prototypic, lesion , the vegetation, which is a mass of platelets, fibrin,microcolonies of
  3. Animal that resembles a fish scale * Scale (dermatology),a secondary skin, lesion ,in humans that resembles animal scales * In botany, any flat epidermal
  4. Epilepsies are divided by the location in the brain of the epileptic, lesion , since the symptoms of the seizures are more closely tied to the brain location
  5. Widespread injury to the brain. Cryogenic epileptics involve a presumptive, lesion ,that is otherwise difficult or impossible to uncover during evaluation. The
  6. Diameter of a lesion is the longest line segment whose endpoints are within the, lesion , Diameter symbol The symbol or variable for diameter, is similar in size and
  7. May become sources of infection if left in place. The location of the primary, lesion ,may be suggested by the location of the abscess: infections of the middle ear
  8. Contrast material can not pass through the capsule, it is collected around the, lesion ,and looks as a ring surrounding the relatively dark lesion ). Lumbar puncture
  9. Progress to severe weakness within hours. (Because of the acuteness of this, lesion , signs of spinal shock may be evident, in which the lower limbs will be flaccid
  10. A cause can be difficult in many cases. There is almost always a primary, lesion ,elsewhere in the body that must be sought assiduously, because failure to treat
  11. And adulthood, the causes are more likely to be secondary to any CNS, lesion , Further, idiopathic epilepsy is less common. Other causes associated with
  12. The headaches which afflicted Pascal are generally attributed to his brain, lesion , Legacy In honor of his scientific contributions, the name Pascal has been
  13. Epilepsies arise from the effects of an epileptic lesion , whether that, lesion ,is focal, such as a tumor, or a defect in metabolism causing widespread injury
  14. Phase of the inflammation (which is referred to as celebrities),the immature, lesion ,does not have a capsule, and it may be difficult to distinguish it from other
  15. Are surrounded with a capsule, which gives the lesion the famous ring-enhancing, lesion ,appearance on CT examination with contrast (since intravenously applied
  16. Upper limbs, and exclusively upper motor neuron signs in the lower limbs. * A, lesion ,of the thoracic spinal cord (T1-12) will produce upper motor neuron signs in
  17. And I always will. " Breast cancer In October 1987,a mammogram detected a, lesion ,in Nancy Reagan's left breast, and she was subsequently diagnosed with breast
  18. The epileptics. Symptomatic epileptics arise from the effects of an epileptic, lesion , whether that lesion is focal, such as a tumor, or a defect in metabolism
  19. Depends on which cerebellar structures have been damaged, and whether the, lesion ,is bilateral or unilateral. * Dysfunction of the vestibulocerebellum impairs
  20. The circle, which has eccentricity e = 0. In medical parlance the diameter of a, lesion ,is the longest line segment whose endpoints are within the lesion . Diameter
  21. Concomitant dead brain tissue are surrounded with a capsule, which gives the, lesion ,the famous ring-enhancing lesion appearance on CT examination with contrast (
  22. Is only the MRI or CT that discloses the presence or absence of a compressive, lesion , A family physician seeing such a patient for the first time should immediately
  23. Motor neuron signs in the lower limbs, presenting as a spastic diplopia. * A, lesion ,of the lower part of the spinal cord (L1-S5) often produces a combination of
  24. The process by which a normal brain develops epilepsy after trauma, such as a, lesion ,on the brain. One interesting finding in animals is that repeated low-level
  25. Commonly used as a synonym for a neoplasm (a solid or fluid-filled (cystic), lesion , that may or may not be formed by an abnormal growth of neoplastic cells) that
  26. Three to 90 days after the initial exposure (average 21 days) a skin, lesion , called a chancre, appears at the point of contact. In the classic form, it
  27. The body that must be sought assiduously, because failure to treat the primary, lesion ,will result in relapse. In cases of trauma, for example in compound skull
  28. Or agent sustained under one or more of the conditions listed above. A physical, lesion ,is not required; however, the wound for which the award is made must have
  29. Are more closely tied to the brain location rather than the cause of the, lesion , Tumors, atriovenous malformations, cavernous malformations, trauma,and
  30. Collected around the lesion and looks as a ring surrounding the relatively dark, lesion ,). Lumbar puncture procedure, which is performed in many infectious disorders
  31. Cases, there is almost total paralysis and sensory loss below the level of the, lesion , In other cases, such loss is only partial. * If the upper cervical cord is
  32. In fact, a direct result of the damage to the affected side of the brain. The, lesion ,involved in this syndrome is thought to be in the posterior thalamus on either
  33. Of bacterial brain abscesses. The location and treatment of the primary, lesion ,also crucial, as is the removal of any foreign material (bone, dirt,bullets
  34. Arteriovenous malformations, which,in the process of treating the underlying, lesion , often result in control of epileptic seizures caused by these lesion s. Other
  35. Vascular steal phenomenon. Presence and nature of deficit depend on location of, lesion ,Genetics Pathophysiology Arteriovenous malformations, also known as Arms, are
  36. A symptomatic localization-related epilepsy that is a progressive, inflammatory, lesion , affecting children with onset before the age of 10. Seizures start as separate
  37. Among others. History: the discovery of vitamins and the biochemical, lesion ,Thiamine was the first of the water-soluble vitamins to be described, Switching
  38. And middle temporal lobe or gyrus and the temporoparietal cortex can produce a, lesion ,to Bernice’s area and may cause fluent aphasia, or Bernice’s aphasia. If
  39. Abscess either within or around the kidney, or the presence of an obstructing, lesion ,such as a kidney stone or tumor. Recurrent Women with recurrent simple Otis may
  40. After treatment with thiamine, Peeters introduced the concept of biochemical, lesion ,When Lehman and Schuster (1937) showed that the phosphorylated thiamine
  41. This has proven to be a reasonably reliable sign of the level of the, lesion , Bladder paralysis often occurs, and urinary retention is an early manifestation
  42. Cultivars right down to" ... a large fig leaf with a prominent fungal scorch, lesion ,resembling anthracite (Globally cingulate). " Caravaggio left Cesar in
  43. Of the diseased spinal segments—so-called" articular pain. " Thus,a, lesion ,at the T8 level will produce pain radiating from the spine laterally along the
  44. Oriented“ upright” when the body is actually tilted to the side of the brain, lesion , In addition, patients seem to show no disturbed processing of visual and
  45. Osteogenesis. This localization focuses the radiation exposure on the cancerous, lesion , 90Sr has been used as a power source for radioisotope thermoelectric
  46. An ischemic stroke, DWI is highly sensitive to the changes occurring in the, lesion , It is speculated that increases in restriction (barriers) to water diffusion
  47. A tumor can be benign, pre-malignant,or malignant, or can represent a, lesion ,with no cancerous potential whatsoever. Etymology The term tumor/tumor is
  48. Other basic memory functions like remembering, recall and recognizing. Amygdala, lesion ,studies Adolph, Cahill and Schulz completed a study showing that emotional
  49. Therapy following a stroke and slows thereafter. Location and size of the brain, lesion ,may also play a role in the prognosis of aphasia. It has been seen in receptive
  50. Of the experiment. Persistence at subsequent MR scan was reduced from 18 to 1, lesion , and evolution to black holes was reduced from 28 to 6 lesion s. The

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