Examples of the the word, advocacy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( advocacy ), is the 4301 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the Native Americans by the Spanish colonists. He became famous for his, advocacy ,of the rights of Native Americans, whose cultures, especially in the Caribbean
  2. Of economics. Chinese economist Zhang Wain, who is known in China for his, advocacy ,of free market reforms, supports some Austrian theories such as the Austrian
  3. Analysts (e.g., Keith Ansell-Pearson) have suggested that Schopenhauer's, advocacy ,of anti-egalitarianism and eugenics influenced the neo-aristocratic philosophy
  4. Hybridization. Wallace was strongly attracted to unconventional ideas. His, advocacy ,of Spiritualism and his belief in a non-material origin for the higher mental
  5. Epistemology was a foundational branch of philosophy and considered the, advocacy ,of reason to be the single most significant aspect of her philosophy, stating
  6. Huxley (1825–1895),English biologist, known as" Darwin's Bulldog" for his, advocacy ,of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Third winner of Darwin Medal. *Carl
  7. Of value. So, Rothbard sought to meld 19th century American individualists ', advocacy ,of free markets and private defense with the principles of Austrian economics:
  8. This notion as a" myth" promoted principally by Roger Bate of the pro-DDT, advocacy ,group Africa Fighting Malaria (AFM). Criticisms of a DDT" ban" often
  9. Use in the United States. New Haven's cycling community, organized in a local, advocacy ,group called ElmCityCycling, is particularly active. According to the U. S.
  10. As representing a new fundamentalism within Anglicanism. Others see the, advocacy ,for these proposals as representing a breakdown of Christian theology and
  11. Rupture. " By August 1996,the FDA had not taken action, and the consumer, advocacy ,group Public Citizen filed a petition with the FDA prompting the agency to act.
  12. As manipulating the price and supply of ciprofloxacin. Numerous other consumer, advocacy ,groups joined the lawsuit. On 15 October 2008,five years after Bayer's patent
  13. Include: donor priorities, aid architecture, and the lack of evidence and, advocacy , Furthermore, demand in the developing world for improved educational access is
  14. Form of" rational self-interest" which is the idea behind most philosophers ', advocacy ,of ethical egoism. Egoists have also argued that one's actual interests are
  15. Rights *California Coalition for Immigration Reform, a California political, advocacy ,group for immigration reduction *Canadian Center for Investigative Reporting
  16. Barristers with narrow specializations or who are only really trained for, advocacy ,are not equipped to provide general advice to members of the public.
  17. The all-purpose attorney. Attorneys specializing in court procedure, combining, advocacy , and case preparation, are called trial attorneys. Some state appellate courts
  18. In the United States, BMI is also used as a measure of underweight, owing to, advocacy ,on behalf of those suffering with eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa
  19. An NGO in the USA *Canadian Coalition for Democracies, a non-governmental, advocacy ,organization in Canada Other *Census county division, a term used by the United
  20. Or standard of living. This argument was central, for example, to Adam Smith's, advocacy ,of letting a free market control production and price, and allocate resources.
  21. Citizens may say and hear ... The ability of American society to tolerate the, advocacy ,of even hateful doctrines ... is perhaps the best protection we have against
  22. The role of women, the theological direction of his work and his alleged, advocacy ,of 'satanism ', his experience of drug-induced states of mind, the figure of
  23. Darwin. This, combined with Darwin's (as well as Hooker's and Lyell's), advocacy , on his behalf, would give Wallace greater access to the highest levels of the
  24. And the Lake Endured shared path. The Ballarat Bicycle Users Group provides, advocacy ,for the growing number of cyclists in the city. The popularity of cycling in
  25. Of Tammany Hall's activities – such as aid to the sick and unemployed, and, advocacy , for tenants and workers – foreshadowed later developments in the U. S. labor
  26. Morris had difficulty getting them on the air. Eventually the liberal, advocacy ,group Modern PAC paid to air a few of the commercials. Morris eventually wrote
  27. Federal election political campaign * Association of British Counties,an, advocacy ,group * Anti-Bases Campaign, an organization campaigning to remove foreign
  28. Jurisdictions with split legal professions. Barristers specialize in courtroom, advocacy , drafting legal pleadings and giving expert legal opinions. They can be
  29. Assembly, which was vainly awaiting deeds to substantiate Velasco's rhetorical, advocacy ,of social justice, the mercurial chief executive condemned and then repudiated
  30. Media * Americans for Democratic Action, an American liberal political, advocacy ,organization * Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,a U. S. law that
  31. Originating from RSS 0.92,releasing in 2002 a version called RSS 2.0. Winer's, advocacy ,of web syndication in general and RSS 2.0 in particular convinced much news
  32. Opposition party in Taiwan. It has traditionally been associated with strong, advocacy ,of human rights and a distinct Taiwanese identity, including promotion of DE
  33. Programs in nutrition, water and sanitation, food security, health care, and, advocacy , serve more than 5 million people in over 40 countries. History Action Against
  34. While avocados represent the substantive claims of the litigant through trial, advocacy , Essentially, Procuradores are court agents and their practice is confined to
  35. His media activities made him unpopular with many other scientists. Scientific, advocacy ,Sagan's ability to convey his ideas allowed
  36. Spiritual uncertainties of the time, his criticisms of the bourgeois, and his, advocacy ,of modern music and painting (e.g., Wagner,Delacroix) Anthologies of French
  37. With the Humane Society of the United States and continues to be a leading, advocacy ,organization. In 2004,she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from
  38. On Arbitrary Detention and has been conducting political and public relations, advocacy ,on her behalf. * Sung San Sub FYI has been an honorary board member of
  39. Capital of West Germany. The choice of Bonn was made mainly due to the, advocacy ,of West Germany's first chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, a former Cologne Mayor
  40. Include parents' groups, politicians,organized religious groups, and other, advocacy ,groups. Various games have been accused of causing addiction and even violent
  41. Headquarters does not. Recovery of attorney's' fees by non-profit legal, advocacy ,organizations is common practice. The pro-life Thomas More Law Center, for
  42. Agency, a development aid agency * Australian Digital Alliance, a copyright, advocacy ,group Air travel * Airline Deregulation Act, a 1978 US bill removing
  43. De Morgan, and the Scottish publisher Robert Chambers. Wallace's very public, advocacy ,of spiritualism and his repeated defense of spiritualist mediums against
  44. It was more interested in finding targets for satire than in any kind of, advocacy , During the City Dionysian, a statue of the god was brought to the theater from
  45. Program. However, Islamic reservations about contraception made forthright, advocacy ,and implementation of birth control programs politically hazardous, and
  46. Egalitarianism, redefining galactic boundaries of sexual relationships, and, advocacy , of Israel accepting conversions that are non-halakhic even by Conservative
  47. Friar and a bishop, who achieved fame for his comprehensive knowledge of and, advocacy ,for the peaceful coexistence of science and religion. Those such as James A.
  48. Popular mind of his attempted scientific explanation of pederasty as a personal, advocacy ,of a phenomenon Schopenhauer otherwise describes, in terms of spiritual ethics
  49. Speech at the 1964 Democratic National Convention. Goldwater's provocative, advocacy ,of aggressive tactics to prevent the spread of communism in Asia led to
  50. Requirements. In tandem with" Running on Empty," a new, non-partisan, advocacy , coalition--http://www.computinginthecore.org/ Computing in the Core (

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