Examples of the the word, min , in a Sentence Context

The word ( min ), is the 4310 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of an adjective that is marked (in the weak inflection, with an -e, ) e.g., min ,Lille Bros" my little brother ". This form is reserved for naturally masculine
  2. Mainly used for general and private aviation. Copter line has provided fast (18, min , ) helicopter flights to Tallinn, but discontinued the regular service in
  3. In the plane" ). Note that this does not happen to me (the form of ", min ," or" me-" used before the letter" he" ), therefore mé-ha-matos is a valid
  4. He treated me like a prince: that is, as he would treat a prince): Li traits, min ,Kiel Prince (He treated me like a prince: that is, as a prince would treat me
  5. Is unique and equal to m round (NP) in cases when either or | m − NP | ≤, min ,(except for the case when p ½ and n is odd). Various rules of thumb may be
  6. Just south of the equator in the Pacific Ocean at 0 deg 43 min S,156 deg 13, min , W,southeast of Christmas Island (Kiribati) and from the recovery ship USS
  7. Other radioisotopes. Gallium-68,a positron emitter with a half life of 68, min , .,is now used as a diagnostic radionuclide in PET-CT when linked to
  8. And published in 1955. The first isotope of mendelevium,256Md (half-life 87, min , ),was synthesized by Albert Giorno, Glenn T. Seaborg, Gregory R. Chopin
  9. From the Book and the Life of the Prophet He wrote a book called Alibi, min ,Akita wa-al-Sunna (Medicine from the Book and the Life of the Prophet)
  10. Minutes, making the equinox day 12 h 7 min long and the night only 11 h 53, min , In addition to that, the night includes twilight. When dawn and dusk are added
  11. Aspirin alleviates pain much faster than aspirin in tablets (15–30, min , vs. 45–60 min ). Nevertheless, as a postsurgery painkiller, aspirin is inferior
  12. Acid for neutron capture therapy caused no problems. Fish have survived for 30, min , in a saturated boric acid solution and can survive longer in strong borax
  13. Indexing. For languages that use 0-based indexing (most modern languages), min , and max should be initialized to 0 and N-1. Note 2: The code above does not
  14. To Maimonides and beyond. " Torah min HaShamayim Many consider Heschel's Torah, min ,HaShamayim BeAspaklariya she Hadoop, ( Torah from Heaven in the light of the
  15. Of left child if it has no underflow # In vice-versa situation, retrieve the, min ,element from right Deletion from an internal node Each element in an internal
  16. Or" you ". Personal pronouns take the accusative suffix -n like nouns do:, min ,(me),Lin (him),sin (her). Possessive adjectives are formed with the
  17. Estimate) of 365.24219 ... days = 365 days 5 hours 48 min 45 s by only about 6, min , ). Between the solstice observation of Eton and his own, there were 297 years
  18. Min: = 1; max: = N; repeat mid: = ( min +max) div 2; if x > Amid then, min ,: = mid + 1; else max: = mid - 1; until (Amid = x) or ( min > max); Note:
  19. Often incentive) EK- and imperfection -ADI. Compare, : Tie CI interests, min ,(This interested me) and, : Tie CI interests min key months all mi, ke ... (
  20. Michael Lopez-Alegria holds the American record (10 Evans; 67 hr and 40, min , ). * Christen Fuglesang holds the European (non-Russian) record (5 Evans; 31
  21. The above conversation. ) The splashdown point was 27 deg 32 min N,64 deg 04, min , W,SSW of Bermuda and north of the recovery ship USS Essex. Apollo 7 was the
  22. They had to stop documenting sample collection halfway through the allotted 34, min , During this period Mission Control used a coded phrase to warn Armstrong that
  23. Memory: Bosnia's Cultural Heritage and its Destruction" documentary film 41, min , Haverford, PA: Community of Bosnia Foundation,1994). Arabia Ali and Lawrence
  24. Source: 365 + 1/4 + 1/144 days (365.25694 ... days 365 days 6 hours 10, min , ). It is not clear if this would be a value for the sidereal year (actual
  25. 1st century) is 365 + 1/4 + 1/288 days (365.25347 ... days 365 days 6 hours 5, min , ),but this may be a corruption of another value attributed to a Babylonian
  26. Train via the Channel Tunnel (1hr 51 min ); to Amsterdam, Paris (1hr 25, min , ) and Cologne by the Thales; and to Cologne and Frankfurt by the German ICE.
  27. Splashdown point was just south of the equator in the Pacific Ocean at 0 deg 43, min ’S,156 deg 13 min W, southeast of Christmas Island (Kiribati) and from the
  28. Equipped to reenter the Earth's atmosphere. The splashdown point was 23 deg 15, min , N,67 deg 56 min W,180 miles (290 km) east of the Bahamas and within sight of
  29. Arrays, because it attempts to access an element before checking to see if, min ,> max. Note 4: After exiting the loop, the value of mid-does not properly
  30. A, is canonically isomorphic to a finite direct sum: A = \rigorous_ A e where, min ,A is the set of min imal nonzero self-adjoint central projections of A. Each
  31. Actual value (modern estimate) of 365.24219 ... days = 365 days 5 hours 48, min ,45 s by only about 6 min ). Between the solstice observation of Eton and his
  32. The accusative case, as in the following example from Don Harlow:: Li traits, min ,Kiel rincón (He treated me like a prince: that is, as he would treat a prince
  33. Alleviates pain much faster than aspirin in tablets (15–30 min vs. 45–60, min , ). Nevertheless, as a postsurgery painkiller, aspirin is inferior to ibuprofen
  34. On the Svensktoppen chart by staying there for 243 weeks with the song Du AR, min ,man (" You Are My Man" ), sung by Helen Stockholm. New compositions Andersson
  35. Times and in various schools, from the Leonid to Maimonides and beyond. " Torah, min ,HaShamayim Many consider Heschel's Torah min HaShamayim BeAspaklariya she
  36. Constructed law. Began and Lorentz also showed that all the optimally (max, min ,) statements have limited ad-hoc applicability, and are unified under the
  37. 32D: 90 01 90 01 (400,400) - ... to right bottom 331: 00 - end 332: 08 8 LAW, min ,code size 333: FF 255 255 bytes LZW encoded image data follow 334: data 433: FF
  38. To buy Shirr in the above conversation. ) The splashdown point was 27 deg 32, min , N,64 deg 04 min W, SSW of Bermuda and north of the recovery ship USS Essex.
  39. These two effects add up to almost seven min utes, making the equinox day 12 h 7, min , long and the night only 11 h 53 min . In addition to that, the night includes
  40. And for the greatest cumulative duration spent in EVA (16 Evans; 82 hr and 22, min , ). * Michael Lopez-Alegria holds the American record (10 Evans; 67 hr and 40
  41. Fuglesang holds the European (non-Russian) record (5 Evans; 31 hr and 55, min , ). Camp-out procedure For Evans from the International Space Station, NASA now
  42. Year to 365 + 1/4 - 1/300 days (365.24666 ... days 365 days 5 hours 55, min , which differs from the actual value (modern estimate) of 365.24219 ... days
  43. Overflow) from Nicklaus Wirth's in standard Pascal:, min , : = 1; max: = N; repeat mid: = ( min +max) div 2; if x > Amid then min : = mid +
  44. If x > Amid then min : = mid + 1; else max: = mid - 1; until (Amid = x) or (, min ,> max); Note: This code assumes 1-based array indexing. For languages that use
  45. The longest in the Swedish Radio Svensktoppen charts; the songs" Du AR, min ,man "," You Are My Man ", sung by Helen Stockholm, spent 278 weeks there between
  46. Jj Array set_byte ii Array set_byte;: rc4_unit (Leader Karen --) 256, min , TO Karen TO Leader 256 0 DO i Array set_byte LOOP reset_IJ BEGIN ii
  47. Compare, : Tie CI interests min (This interested me) and, : Tie CI interests, min ,key months all mi, ke ... (This caught my interest and showed me that ...).
  48. Rail links: to London by the Eurostar train via the Channel Tunnel (1hr 51, min , ); to Amsterdam, Paris (1hr 25 min ) and Cologne by the Thales; and to Cologne
  49. The Earth's atmosphere. The splashdown point was 23 deg 15 min N,67 deg 56, min , W,180 miles (290 km) east of the Bahamas and within sight of the recovery ship
  50. Way) to the full matrix algebra Dim (e) (C). The finite family indexed on, min ,A given by e is called the dimension vector of A. This vector uniquely

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