Examples of the the word, honour , in a Sentence Context

The word ( honour ), is the 4298 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Announced that the institution had changed its name to Crandall University in, honour , of Rev. Joseph Crandall, a pioneering Baptist minister in New Brunswick.
  2. Was struck down with pain after downing a large bowl of unmixed wine in, honour , of Hercules, and died after some agony, In 2010,however, a theory was proposed
  3. And presented at Milan in (1733). Asteroid 650 Amalasuntha is named in her, honour , Amalia of Ben (Mary de Bène or Mary de Chartres; Americas, Amalricus
  4. The Battle of the River Plate, alongside and. In addition to earning the battle, honour ,'River Plate ', HMNZS Achilles also served at Guadalcanal 1942–43 and Okinawa
  5. Distribution and programming language listed below have been named in his, honour , Anyone Can Whistle is a musical with a book by Arthur Laurent's and music and
  6. Padua Sari in 1984 and the Padua Bhutan in 2001. France's highest civilian, honour , the Knight of the Legion of Honor, was conferred upon him by the French
  7. Alfred State College located in Alfred, NY,are both named after the king. *In, honour , of Alfred, the University of Liverpool created a King Alfred Chair of English
  8. And Maitland clubs, founded by William Barclay Turnbull in 1834 in Scott's, honour , for printing and publishing historical works connected with his writings. Its
  9. Queensland University of Technology in Australia in 2009. But he turns down the, honour , as mark of protest to racial attacks on Indian students. Several books have
  10. In Sing Integrated School in Malawi City (Philippines) are all named in his, honour , In 1980,the former Soviet Union, which then ruled his birthplace Bukhara
  11. The first French satellite, which was launched in 1965,was named Astérix-1 in, honour , of Asterix. Asteroid 29401 Asterix was also named in honor of the character.
  12. Hebrew and other languages. The crater Alien on the Moon is named in his, honour , In honor of Alien, the Aga Khan University (Pakistan) named its
  13. And Epiphanies; that the world, as well as the 365 heavens, was created in, honour , of 'Abraham;' and that Christ was sent not by the Maker of the world but by
  14. Elias III, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, and possibly sent a mission to India in, honour , of Saint Thomas the Apostle, whose tomb was believed to lie in that country.
  15. Archbishop of Canterbury The Archbishop of Canterbury has a precedence of, honour , over the other primates of the Anglican Communion, and for a province to be
  16. British spelling. As in British spelling, the 'u' is retained in words such as, honour , and favor and the -is ending is used in words such as organize and realize
  17. Bath was built during the reign of Emperor Caracalla in the 3rd century AD to, honour , Asclepios, the God of Medicine. Today, only the basement and first floors
  18. To an annalist source for the years 1089–1196,the pretender was received with, honour , and pomp in Zaragoza, Calatayud, and Dakota, which the Battler had conquered
  19. Lake Louise, the Village of Caroline, and Mount Alberta were also named in, honour , of Princess Louise. The current Premier of the province is Alison Redford.
  20. Christie was the first recipient of the Mystery Writers of America's highest, honour , the Grand Master Award, and in the same year Witness for the Prosecution was
  21. Temple and an image, and where a festival called Amanda was celebrated in his, honour , At this festival a couch was set up, on which the panoply of the hero was
  22. The Royal Military College of Canada March for bagpipes, was composed in his, honour , by Pipe Major Don M. Cardigan, who was the College Pipe Major 1973 to 1985. *
  23. Regard his personal expenditure on the Chorus as a civic duty and a public, honour , but Aristophanes showed in The Knights that wealthy citizens could regard
  24. The Archbishop of York, the Archbishop of Canterbury also has a precedence of, honour , over the other bishops of the Anglican Communion. He is recognized as Prius
  25. Discovered regarding the earlier kings. It is likely that the city was named in, honour , of the god of the same name. The upper Tigris River valley seems to have been
  26. And other languages. The crater Alien on the Moon is named in his honor, In,honor, of Alien, the Aga Khan University (Pakistan) named its Ophthalmology
  27. During the Becket controversy. And was north of the high altar, sharing the, honour , with Dunstan's shrine, which was located south of the high altar. A Life of
  28. Imperial propaganda. Claudius was the first to hold magnificent celebrations in, honour , of the city's anniversary, in 48 AD,800 years after the founding of the city.
  29. From Gawker at its northern extent to Slicks Beach in the south. Named in, honour , of Queen Adelaide, the German-born consort of King William IV, the city was
  30. Built the Parthenon on the Acropolis of her namesake city, Athens,in her, honour , ( Athena Parthenon). Origin traditions The Greek philosopher Plato (429–347
  31. King and his heirs, and truth and faith to bear of life and limb and Terrence, honour , and not to know or hear of any ill or damage intended him without defending
  32. That he once painted his face green and rode through town on his bicycle in its, honour , ( and possibly under its influence). When he was drafted into the army in 1894
  33. Shows and wild beast events in the province, and statues were erected in his, honour , by the senate of Carthage and of other senates. Physical appearance There is a
  34. Department (LIFE) at the University of Lille in northern France is named in, honour , of Alan M. Turing (the other amphitheater is named after Kurt Gödel). *The
  35. Honours, such as election to the Royal Society, the Copley Medal, and one, honour , from the British monarch: the Order of Merit. Above all, his role as the
  36. Sport competitions; they also competed in dancing and singing, all to the, honour , of Adonis. The earliest remains hitherto found on the site are tombs of the
  37. Or the radiation generated by accretion onto a compact object, is named in his, honour , He is famous for his work regarding the Theory of Relativity. Eddington wrote
  38. Translates as" light" in English. ) Asteroid 775 Lumiere is named in their, honour , History The Lumiere brothers were born in Besançon, France,in 1862 and 1864
  39. Whom he fitted for the universities. His table, attendance and officers were an, honour , to the nation. He would entertain as many as 500 persons of rank at one time
  40. Of mango, that he used to bring on his journeys to India, has been named in his, honour , and is today sold throughout the world as Alphonso mangoes. Despite his fame
  41. Named after a prison in which Al Capone served his sentence. Also, as an, honour , to Al Capone, a graffiti representation of him exists in the center of Belgrade
  42. Struck, and Protean Boethius. Afrikaans has two monuments erected in its, honour , The first was erected in Burgersdorp, South Africa, in 1893,and the second
  43. Programmer. The modern computer programming language Ada is named in her, honour , Construction Late in his life, Babbage sought ways to build a simplified
  44. Mother was his own sister, Afonso V had not only ambition, but the family, honour , to protect. He proclaimed himself King of Castile and León and prepared to
  45. A main belt asteroid discovered in 1991,9860 Archaeopteryxes, was named in, honour , of the genus. Name Small_GPL/> name Williams/> In one of the "
  46. Community. It is widely considered to be the computing world's highest, honour , equivalent to the Nobel Prize. Breaking the Code is a 1986 play by Hugh
  47. On at least one occasion it helped solve a case that was baffling doctors. To, honour , her many literary works, she was appointed Commander of the Order of the
  48. Just after John Sparrow David Thompson. Namesakes The following are named in, honour , of Alexander Mackenzie: * The Mackenzie Mountain Range in the Yukon & Northwest
  49. Simplified and abandoned. The City Dionysian and the Denied were celebrated in, honour , of Dionysus, a god who represented Man's darker nature (Euripides' play The
  50. Inconclusive. A number of educational establishments are named in Alfred's, honour , These include: *The University of Winchester was named 'King Alfred's College

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