Examples of the the word, plaintiff , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plaintiff ), is the 4306 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Legal reasons (see: cause of action) that the filing party or parties (the, plaintiff ,(s) ) believes are sufficient to support a claim against the party or parties
  2. Punitive damages for the tort committed in lieu of the injury or harm to the, plaintiff , Damages in tort are awarded generally to place the claimant in the position in
  3. Facts in a case, between ordinary people, and obtained as of right by the, plaintiff , " The only characteristic of the English jury which the Islamic laid lacked
  4. Looks for, or could obtain, such approval. As a procedural alternative, plaintiff ,'s counsel may attempt to sign up every similarly-situated person that counsel
  5. Who engages in widespread harm but does so minimally against each individual, plaintiff ,must compensate those individuals for their injuries. For example, thousands of
  6. Similar persons from pursuing a course of action such as that which damaged the, plaintiff , Punitive damages are awarded only in special cases where conduct was
  7. Damages in the United Kingdom, are not awarded in order to compensate the, plaintiff , but in order to reform or deter the defendant and similar persons from
  8. To make on the evidence. The appellant in the new case can be either the, plaintiff ,(or claimant),defendant, third-party intervene, or respondent (appealed)
  9. Answer is the first pleading by a defendant, usually filed and served upon the, plaintiff ,within a certain strict time limit after a civil complaint or criminal
  10. The funds recovered from the defendant; # Defendant payment of the successful, plaintiff ,'s expenses and attorney's fees, and; # Employment protection for
  11. Files an appeal arguing that he should not have to pay any money, then the, plaintiff ,might file a cross-appeal arguing that the defendant should have to pay
  12. Such as New Jersey, require each plaintiff to approve the settlement of that, plaintiff ,'s own individual claims. Austria The Austrian Code of Civil Procedure (
  13. In a civil case. After the civil complaint was served to the defendants, plaintiff ,must as soon as practicable initiate a conference between the parties to plan
  14. Local government election authorities and two witnesses each representing the, plaintiff ,(Pan-Blue Coalition) and the defendant (Pan-Green Coalition). Disputed
  15. Civil contempt have been perceived as intending to harm the reputation of the, plaintiff , or to a lesser degree, the judge or the court. Sanctions for contempt may be
  16. To litigate on behalf of a group of similarly-situated persons. Not every, plaintiff ,looks for, or could obtain, such approval. As a procedural alternative
  17. Is a foreign state or a citizen or subject of a foreign state. Nationwide, plaintiff ,classes are possible, but such suits must have a commonality of issues across
  18. After much argument, the judge resolves the case by marrying the lovely, plaintiff ,himself. With Sullivan's brother, Fred,as the Learned Judge, the opera was a
  19. Him for not paying his bills, for seducing Jenny (who presents herself as a, plaintiff ,) to commit a" carnal act" with him for money, and for inciting the crowd
  20. Company was caught corrupting the judicial process by making a deal with the, plaintiff ,'s attorney to throw the case, in part by not disclosing damaging evidence to
  21. Within the statute rather than calculated based on the degree of harm to the, plaintiff , Lawmakers will provide for statutory damages for acts in which it is difficult
  22. This intervention expresses the Government’s intention to participate as a, plaintiff ,in prosecuting that count of the complaint. Fewer than 25 % of filed quit tam
  23. Thomas G. Tucker suggests a root in" cry" words and refers to English plaint, plaintiff , and so on. The meaning" offense punishable by law" dates from the late 14th
  24. Against whom the claim is brought (the defendant (s) ) that entitles the, plaintiff ,(s) to a remedy (either money damages or injunctive relief). For example
  25. The traditional common law rule through most of the 19th century was that a, plaintiff ,could not recover for a defendant's negligent production or distribution of a
  26. That damages should be slight, since " he is such a very bad lot," while the, plaintiff ,argues that she loves the defendant fervently and seeks" substantial damages.
  27. By the respondent. For example, suppose at trial the judge found for the, plaintiff ,and ordered the defendant to pay $50,000. If the defendant files an appeal
  28. And early 20th century was the abolition of common law pleading requirements. A, plaintiff ,can initiate a case by giving the defendant" a short and plain statement" of
  29. Losses in practice expert evidence It may be useful for the lawyers for the, plaintiff ,and/or the defendant to employ forensic accountants or forensic economists to
  30. Settle all of the many claims brought via a mass action. Some states permit, plaintiff ,'s counsel to settle for all the mass action plaintiff s according to a majority
  31. According to the defendant's gain rather than the plaintiff 's loss. The, plaintiff ,thereby gains damages which are not measured by reference to any loss sustained
  32. Access to appellant status A party who files an appeal is called an appellant, plaintiff ,in error, petitioner or pursuer, and a party on the other side is called a
  33. Proposed class members in a typical manner. After the complaint is filed,the, plaintiff ,must file a motion to have the class certified. In some cases class
  34. Canada Provincial laws in Canada allow class actions. All provinces permit, plaintiff ,classes and some permit defendant classes. Quebec was the first province to
  35. Compensate the claimant for the quantifiable monetary losses suffered by the, plaintiff , For example, extra costs, repair or replacement of damaged property, lost
  36. For $6,600,000USD ($US8,000,000 after interest was added) in favor of the, plaintiff , The ASPI was held to be liable, and was financially strained by the case. It
  37. To a majority vote, for example. Other states, such as New Jersey, require each, plaintiff ,to approve the settlement of that plaintiff 's own individual claims. Austria
  38. To prove that an impairment is protected under the ADA. Therefore,the, plaintiff ,must offer evidence that the extent of the limitation caused by the impairment
  39. See 31 U. S. C. 3730 (e) (4) (A). # Original Source Requirement. A, plaintiff ,may overcome the public disclosure bar outlined above if they qualify as an “
  40. Remedy that is measured according to the defendant's gain rather than the, plaintiff ,'s loss. The plaintiff thereby gains damages which are not measured by
  41. In legal shorthand) is any party who is required to answer the complaint of a, plaintiff ,or pursuer in a civil lawsuit before a court, or any party who has been
  42. 9 F. Ca's. 342 (1841),in which the defendant had copied 353 pages from the, plaintiff ,'s 12-volume biography of George Washington in order to produce a separate
  43. Also named Day as a co-defendant, describing her as an" unwilling, involuntary, plaintiff , whose consent cannot be obtained ". Rosenthal claimed that millions of dollars
  44. The Latin word Rex or Regina, or the King or Queen, who is the presumed, plaintiff ,in all criminal trials. Acquittals in criminal cases in Canada also are
  45. Damages This type of damages are rarely awarded. They are given when the, plaintiff ,'s suit is trivial, used only to settle a point of honor or law. Awards are
  46. The silence of the books is an authority against the defendant, and the, plaintiff ,must have judgment. " Inspired by John Locke, the fundamental constitutional
  47. Fences (1994),and Boston Legal (2005); in each case, there was a dying, plaintiff ,petitioning a court for the right to elective cryopreservation. Cryonics was
  48. Action is called a bilateral class action. Mass actions In a class action,the, plaintiff ,seeks court approval to litigate on behalf of a group of similarly-situated
  49. Expects them to. Typically, these damages cannot be recovered unless the, plaintiff ,can prove that they are reasonably likely to occur. Quantification of personal
  50. Damages Speculative damages are damages that have not yet occurred, but the, plaintiff ,expects them to. Typically, these damages cannot be recovered unless the

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