Examples of the the word, geography , in a Sentence Context

The word ( geography ), is the 4296 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Semantics. It analyzes language in context of anthropology, biology,evolution, geography , history, neurology,psychology, and sociology. It also takes the applied
  2. Quickly became associated with the distinctive Annals approach, which combined, geography , history, and the sociological approaches of the Anne Sociologize (many
  3. The Angles took a geographic name, they likely had other names not based on, geography , Strabo's mention of the Battle of Teutoburg Forest places his knowledge in
  4. North. The first three mainly consist of history and the last one is mainly on, geography , Adam based his works in part on Reinhard, Cassiodorus, and other earlier
  5. Description insula rum Aquinas, completed approximately in 1075,is about the, geography , people and customs of Scandinavia, as well as updates of the progress of
  6. Historical time: l'history quasi immobile (motionless history) of historical, geography , the history of social, political and economic structures (la tongue puree)
  7. Physics. Name ns1728_77/> name psT112_1_20/> In, geography , arable land (from Latina rare, to plow) is an agricultural term, meaning
  8. Of Bremen allowed him to gather all kinds of information on the history and the, geography ,of Northern Germany. A stay at the court of Send Stimson gave him the
  9. And its eastern border is largely defined by the Mississippi River. Its diverse, geography ,ranges from the mountainous regions of the Ozarks and the Ouachita Mountains
  10. He created a map of the world that contributed greatly to the advancement of, geography , He was also involved in the politics of Miles and was sent as a leader to
  11. Of the customs of peoples considered" different" from themselves in terms of, geography , John of Plano Carping reported of his stay among the Mongols. His report was
  12. Closely tied with the structure of Acts. Both books are most easily tied to the, geography ,of the book. Luke begins with a global perspective, dating the birth of Jesus
  13. And making notes on the peoples and languages he encountered as well as the, geography , flora, and fauna. On 12 July 1852,Wallace embarked for the UK on the brig
  14. Of economic history. Bloch was highly interdisciplinary, influenced by the, geography ,of Paul Vidal de la Blanche (1845–1918) and the sociology of Émile Durkheim (
  15. Statements, or what one commentary calls a" progress report ". Just before the, geography ,of the scene shifts to a new location, Luke summarizes how the gospel has
  16. Acknowledging that each group has its own sense of community that is based on, geography ,and ethnicity. The best way to market the census process toward any of the
  17. Alexei was confined to the care of educated foreigners, who taught him history, geography , mathematics and French. One of his teachers named Kyle Holland, influenced
  18. Of his eyes" and compared the meridians to the meridians of longitude used in, geography ,– an imaginary human construct. Mann attempted to join up his medical knowledge
  19. Roman priests of Rhea Cybele. Another theory is that, as the knowledge of, geography ,extended, travellers brought back reports of tribes ruled entirely by women
  20. Of Caracalla, you would search in vain for Alemannic in the moderately detailed, geography ,of southern Germany in Claudius Ptolemy, written in Greek in the mid-2nd
  21. And downplayed the importance of specific events and individuals. It stressed, geography ,but not mentality. It was widely admired, but most historians did not try to
  22. And literally encyclopedic knowledge of topics such as logic, theology,botany, geography , astronomy, astrology,mineralogy, chemistry,zoology, physiology,phrenology
  23. And their greater differences from the Hohokam and Catalan is due to both the, geography ,and the variety of climate zones in the Southwest. Aalborg Municipality is a
  24. Preamps in France, the Jury Mountains in Switzerland and France. (See Alpine, geography , ) The geologic subdivision is different and makes no difference between the
  25. The metric tensor G, : \cos \theta = \franc. Angles in geography and astronomy In, geography , the location of any point on the Earth can be identified using a geographic
  26. And Penned rivers. The Eastern Ghats are a major dividing line in the state's, geography , The Ghats become more pronounced towards the south and extreme north of the
  27. Rams bottom, subject of a number of humorous monologues by Stanley Holloway In, geography ,it may refer to: * Albert (electoral district),a federal electoral district
  28. Htm On the Physical Geography of the Malay Archipelago. Paper on the, geography ,and possible geographic history of Indonesia with concluding remarks on
  29. Systems vary among farms depending on the available resources and constraints;, geography ,and climate of the farm; government policy; economic, social and political
  30. Calculating every meter traveled, and mapping distances to the real-world, geography , he began in northern Germany, passed through Asia by a southern route before
  31. By the Graywacke zone. The Western Alps is commonly subdivided with respect to, geography ,: Series of lower mountain ranges run parallel to the main chain of the Alps
  32. Author William T. Hollman * Atlas (magazine),Turkish monthly magazine on, geography , environment, history and culture * The World Atlas of Wine, resource on wine
  33. Stimson gave him the opportunity to find information about the history and, geography ,of Denmark, and the Scandinavian countries. Bremen was a major trading town
  34. About the concept, which allowed them to keep their European identity in, geography ,as well as other cultural heritage. Tatishchev announced that he had proposed
  35. Named Kyle Holland, influenced young Alexei the most. He taught Alexei how, geography , mathematics, etc. can be used in war. Military career In 1703,Alexei was
  36. Waldseemüller in 1507 in Cosmographiae Introduction, a book on tomography and, geography , as Quarter America Vespucci navigationes (Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci
  37. Institutionally linked with scholars of folklore, museum studies, human, geography , sociology, social relations, ethnic studies, cultural studies, and social work
  38. Fraser's Magazine, and The Edinburgh Review. In addition, they read history, geography ,and biographies. Those readings fed the Bronzes' imaginations. The children's
  39. 1912,with his sweeping doctoral thesis on Philippe II et la Franche-Comté. The, geography ,and social structure of this region overwhelmed and shaped the king's policies
  40. Preferred to stress inertia and the tongue puree. Special attention was paid to, geography , climate, and demography as long-term factors. They believed the continuities
  41. Second most free economy amongst U. S. states and Canadian provinces. Economic, geography ,Alberta has a small internal market and is relatively distant from major world
  42. Communications * broadcasting, radio broadcasting using amplitude modulation In, geography ,In media In music * Adam Goldstein, better known as" DJ AM ", an American club
  43. Gij are the components of the metric tensor G, : \cos \theta = \franc. Angles in, geography ,and astronomy In geography , the location of any point on the Earth can be
  44. Other fantasy subgenres when the use of actual, though altered, history and, geography ,decreases, although a culture may still be clearly the original source; Barry
  45. Culture Marco Polo's systematic observations of nature, anthropology,and, geography ,are another example of studying human variation across space. Polo's travels
  46. To: *Alfred Tethering (died 1036),son of King Ethelred II of England In, geography ,: *Alfred Town, a village in New South Wales, Australia In fiction: *Alfred, a
  47. Wells, Colin Michael, The Roman Empire, Harvard University Press,2004. The, geography ,of Antarctica is dominated by its south polar location and, thus,by ice. The
  48. Long-term trends, often using quantification and paying special attention to, geography ,and to the intellectual world view of common people, or " mentality" (
  49. Realized that the New World was not connected to the Old (but before it's true, geography ,was fully mapped),they considered the Americas to be a single, fourth
  50. A supporter's attachment to a football club has become less dependent on, geography , Consequently, Arsenal have a significant number of fans from beyond London and

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