Examples of the the word, rebel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rebel ), is the 4304 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 34.3 % of the vote to Social Credit's 30.18 %. The Social Credit Party, led by, rebel ,former Conservative MLA W. A. C. Bennett, formed a minority government backed
  2. On the Bounty: Lieutenant William Bligh and 18 sailors are set adrift and the, rebel ,crew returns to Tahiti briefly and then sets sail for Pitcairn Island. *1792 –
  3. Joseph Severn, English painter (b. 1793) *1916 – Sir Roger Casement, Irish, rebel , ( hanged) (b. 1864) *1917 – Ferdinand Georg Fresenius, German mathematician
  4. Already under Union control in two states. Once the abolition of slavery in the, rebel ,states became a military objective, as Union armies advanced south, more slaves
  5. Generally considered the progenitor of modern sculpture, he did not set out to, rebel ,against the past. He was schooled traditionally, took a craftsman-like approach
  6. The Spanish commander surrendered in order to keep the city out of Filipino, rebel ,hands. * 1898 – Carl Gustav Witt discovers 433 Eros, the first near-Earth
  7. Of China (922). In 927,Abdel-Rahman also launched a campaign against the, rebel ,Band Quasi clan, but was forced to break it off by the intervention of King
  8. Of a mercenary army that included Christians. He first had to suppress the, rebel ,Umar in Hamsun. On 1 January 913 an army, led by the eunuch Bad, conquered
  9. Afonso's cousin) regarded the independent ruler of Portugal as nothing but a, rebel , Conflict between the two was constant and bitter in the following years.
  10. States was the primary source of military and other support for the UNITS, rebel ,movement, which was led from its creation through 2002 by Jonas Saving. The U.
  11. Soon began to unravel. As early as by the end of 1761,the Sikhs had begun to, rebel ,in much of the Punjab. In 1762,Ahmad Shah crossed the passes from Afghanistan
  12. Puritans. They sailed for Boston in 1635. Her father was" the sort of, rebel ,destined to transform colonial America "; as clerk of the court, he was jailed
  13. Befall them. Both used the Khorana to arrest protestors and uproot suspected, rebel ,groups, creating further suppression of personal freedom for the Russian people
  14. To the Crown. The British government at first started treating captured, rebel ,combatants as common criminals and preparations were made to bring them to
  15. 1970s,the Moro National Liberation Front (M. N. L. F.) was the main Muslim, rebel ,groups fighting in Basil an and Mindanao in the southern Philippines. By then
  16. Don Carlos Bell likewise refused orders to move the Army of the Ohio against, rebel ,forces in eastern Tennessee. As a result, Lincoln replaced Bell with William
  17. Never knew Thy posterity shall sway. Ironically, the great anti-imperialist, rebel ,was now identified with the head of the British Empire, and her statue stood
  18. Would be damned. Their apostasy from the Church was conjoined with plans to, rebel ,against the Nephrite government. Alma took two of his sons, the sons of Josiah
  19. IV, King of Hungary (b. 1133) *1554 – Thomas Wyatt the younger, English, rebel , ( b. 1521) *1612 – Emanuel van Metered, Flemish historian (b. 1535) * 1612 –
  20. King Frederick II of Prussia (b. 1712) *1834 – Human Gradaščević, Bosnian, rebel , leader (b. 1802) *1838 – Lorenzo The Monte, Italian librettist (b. 1749)
  21. Australia, now captained by Allan Border, had themselves been weakened by a, rebel ,South African tour, the loss of Terry Alderman being a particular factor.
  22. 1363 – Beginning date of the Battle of Lake Loyang; the forces of two Chinese, rebel ,leaders — Chen Fouling and Zhu Yuanzhang — are pitted against each other in
  23. On the way, to command the 3rd (Iron) Infantry Division. On hearing of the, rebel ,defeat in April 1939,Montgomery said," I shall be sorry to leave Palestine in
  24. The Pant hay Rebellion, Arabic replaced Chinese as official language of the, rebel ,kingdom. In 1844" The Chinese repository, Volume 13" was published, including
  25. Abandons its capital, Dili, and flees to Atari Island, leaving control to a, rebel ,group. *1979 – A Provisional Irish Republican Army bomb kills British World War
  26. Of the dynasty. Dynasty The members of the Antigenic dynasty were: The Greek, rebel ,against Rome and last King of Macedonia, Andriscus, claimed to be the son of
  27. Warlord (b. 1548) *1691 – Richard Talbot,1st Earl of Personnel, Irish, rebel , ( b. 1630) *1704 – Roland Lahore, French Protestant leader (b. 1675) *1727
  28. Test news broke that prominent England players had agreed to take part in a ", rebel ,tour" of South Africa the following winter; three of them (Tim Robinson, Neil
  29. Of their father Abdallah. Al-Mutarrif had accused Muhammad of plotting with the, rebel ,Umar in Hamsun, and Muhammad had been imprisoned. According to some sources
  30. Most of them, more than 340,000 since 1993,are in Tanzania. Some Burundian, rebel ,groups have used neighboring countries as bases for insurgent activities. The
  31. Near the city of Arequipa. On the same field, the Chilean and Peruvian, rebel ,army surrendered unconditionally and signed the Paucarpata Treaty. The treaty
  32. Inaugurated a governor, and gained recognition from the Confederacy. The, rebel ,government soon went into exile and never controlled Kentucky.
  33. Linked Patriots in all 13 colonies and eventually provided the framework for a, rebel ,government. In early 1773 Virginia, the largest colony, set up its Committee of
  34. Russian counter-revolutionary (b. 1878) *1937 – Michał Drzymała, Polish, rebel , ( b. 1857) *1943 – Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Russian theater director (
  35. Was Edward IV's nephew. The Earl of Lincoln backed him for the throne and led, rebel ,forces in the name of the House of York. The rebel army fended off several
  36. United States) supplied arms and technical knowledge to numerous countries and, rebel ,forces in a global struggle between the Warsaw Pact nations and their allies
  37. To democracy. The current President of Burundi is Pierre Nkurunziza, a former, rebel ,leader of the Hutu National Council for the Defense of Democracy-Forces for the
  38. Then ":: Do you renounce Satan and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that, rebel ,against God?: Do you renounce the evil powers of this world which corrupt and
  39. For only a single day, for ABD Brahman soon discovered his collusion with the, rebel ,governor of Cardona. Muhammad was sent to prison, where he later met his death.
  40. Of the city from its population, after promising them immunity, although 4,000, rebel , men escaped in a night sally. The city surrendered on 2 August 932,after a
  41. Down any dissent from the others.; The Hens: The hens are among the first to, rebel ,against Napoleon: in response to their being forced to give more eggs, they
  42. Humanitarian Ceasefire Agreement is signed by the Sudanese government and two, rebel ,groups. *2005 – Over four million people attend the funeral of Pope John Paul
  43. The city of Uruk, under the ruler Lugalanne, has rebel led against Sargon. The, rebel , Lugalanne, has even destroyed the temple Anna, one of the greatest temples in
  44. Manuela Khan was forced to abdicate in January 1929 after Kabul fell to, rebel ,forces led by Abdullah Katakana. Prince Mohammed Nadir Shah,Amanullah's
  45. Party SWAP sought to support the ruling party MPA in Angola against the, rebel ,movement UNITS, whose stronghold is in southern Angola, bordering to Namibia.
  46. Vice President Andrew Johnson had taken a hard line and had spoken of hanging, rebel ,Confederates. In late April 1865,he was noted telling an Indiana delegation
  47. He afterwards discovered to be false representations, Afonso declared Peter a, rebel ,and defeated his army in the Battle of Alfarrobeira, in which his uncle (and
  48. Him for the throne and led rebel forces in the name of the House of York. The, rebel ,army fended off several attacks by Northumberland's forces, before engaging
  49. Plastic Urgulanilla, first wife of Claudius; consul 45 and 74 AD * Alliance (, rebel ,), leader of the Baghdad peasant rebel s Alliance Tactics () was a Greek
  50. Deep, they would not have extended the length of Boudica's line: by now the, rebel ,forces numbered 230,000. However, this number should be treated with skepticism

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