Examples of the the word, width , in a Sentence Context

The word ( width ), is the 4309 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rectangle). That is, the area of the rectangle is the length multiplied by the, width , As a special case, the area of a square with side length is given by the
  2. Flows along the northern border, the Danube averages 1.6 to 2.4 kilometers in, width , The river's highest water levels usually occur during June floods; it is
  3. Of Rome upon the classical Greek model. Ancestry style" clear: both;, width ,: 100 %; padding: 0; text-align: left; border: none;" class "/NP"> Warframe">
  4. And approximate parallelogram. The height of this parallelogram is, and the, width ,is half the circumference of the circle, or. Thus, the total area of the circle
  5. Indicates the moments are calculated from the histogram. For constant bin, width ,\Delta x_k \Delta x these two expressions can be simplified using I Am/\Delta x:
  6. Broad emission is used to measure the background absorption over the entire, width ,of the exit slit of the spectrometer. The use of a separate lamp makes this
  7. Element. In general, each wavelength corresponds to only one element, and the, width ,of an absorption line is only of the order of a few picometers (pm),which
  8. At 49°N. The province extends north to south and east to west at its maximum, width , Its highest point is at the summit of Mount Columbia in the Rocky Mountains
  9. Forming the Mobile and Ten saw rivers, which discharge into Mobile Bay. Its, width ,varies from, and its depth from. Its length as measured by the United States
  10. Code pages (even though they are not ANSI standards). Most of these are fixed, width , though some characters for ideographic languages are variable width . Since
  11. System, called ladder bracing, where the braces are all placed across the, width ,of the instrument, is used on all types of flat-top guitars on the back. )
  12. Whole aperture, there is given to a ray with a finite angle of aperture u* (, width ,infinitely distant objects: with a finite height of incidence h*) the same
  13. As marks on a piece of paper or as pixels on a computer screen have a positive, width , So if they were to be extended far enough they would seem to merge together
  14. Atomic absorption lines (compared to atomic emission lines) and their narrow, width ,(a few pm) make spectral overlap rare; there are only very few examples known
  15. Members of the English royal family. Ancestry style" clear: both;, width ,: 100 %; padding: 0; text-align: left; border: none;" class "/NP"> Warframe">
  16. İnciburnu Fewer in the south. The strait is between the limits long, with a, width ,of at the northern entrance and at the southern entrance. Its maximum width is
  17. A CD to have a diameter of style" white-space: no wrap;" >11.5 cm,the, width ,of the then popular compact cassette, while Sony planned a style "
  18. Basic standard commercial book sizes in the United States, always expressed as, width ,× height, are: 4¼” × 7” ( rack size paperback),5⅛” × 7⅝” ( digest size
  19. Its maximum width is between Murder and Bayadère Lima, and minimum, width ,between Kendall Point and Asian. A 45 degree course alteration is required
  20. Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) - the narrow southern part, long,with a, width ,varying from. # Gilgit-Baltistan formerly called Federally Administered
  21. Mathematical entities; the line and the curve are idealized concepts whose, width ,is 0 (see Line). Therefore, the understanding of the idea of an asymptote
  22. The germination mark and the superscript Alex, is by adding the U+200d (Zero, width ,joiner) after the first or second *: Dir" RTL" style" font-size:250 %
  23. In the lower plains and desert regions of North Africa, removed by the great, width ,of the continent from the influence of the ocean, and here, too,the contrast
  24. The width of a closed fist at arm's length. * 20° is approximately the, width ,of a hand span at arm's length. These measurements clearly depend on the
  25. Monochromator. The resolution has to be equal to or better than the half, width ,of an atomic absorption line (about 2 pm) in order to avoid losses of
  26. Sea. Description The Arabian Sea's surface area is about. The maximum, width ,of the Arabian Sea is approximately, and its maximum depth is, in the Arabian
  27. Georgia, however,are typified by a narrow shelf that rarely exceeds 20 km in, width ,and a steep apron that is typically 1:40 gradient with numerous submarine
  28. By Ty, Inc. class" thumb inner" style ", width ,: 262px;" > The bouncing ball animation (below)
  29. To the province of Heart on the south-west, was some in length, with an average, width ,from the Russian frontier to the Hindu Kush of 114 miles (183 km). It thus
  30. Character mode) were created, which was quite high for the time. The" double, width ," mode of the TRS-80 was also supported, so 256 x 192 pixels (in 32x16
  31. Detachable keyboard. The second incarnation was a much smaller unit the, width ,of two 5¼" floppy drives stacked on top of each other, and the third
  32. A width of at the northern entrance and at the southern entrance. Its maximum, width ,is between Murder and Bayadère Lima, and minimum width between Kendall
  33. Depth, Milwaukee Deep with, is in the Puerto Rico Trench. The Atlantic's, width ,varies from between Brazil and Sierra Leone to over in the south. Cultural
  34. Also, the common practice of rendering Unicode with a mixture of variable, width ,fonts is likely to make predictable display hard if more than a tiny subset of
  35. Ucayali-Apurímac river system is considered the main source of the Amazon. The, width ,of the Amazon varies between at low stage, but expands during the wet season to
  36. Dwelt into a palace and enclosed it with three circular moats of increasing, width , varying from one to three Stadia and separated by rings of land proportional
  37. Photons emitted by the atoms. ) Spectroscopic measurements of the strength and, width ,of spectral lines allow the composition and physical properties of a substance
  38. Iceland in the north to approximately 58° South latitude, reaching a maximum, width ,of about. A great rift valley also extends along the ridge over most of its
  39. The Sea of Marmara and the Aegean Sea, is approximately long and increases in, width ,toward the south. Unlike the Bosporus, the Dardanelles has fewer settlements
  40. Objects in degrees from their point of observation. * 1° is approximately the, width ,of a little finger at arm's length. * 10° is approximately the width of a
  41. Lamp. The emission from an EDL is higher than that from an HCL, and the line, width ,is generally narrower, but Eds need a separate power supply and might need a
  42. Rectangles For a rectangle, the aspect ratio denotes the ratio of length to, width ,of the rectangle. An aspect ratio of 1:1 is a square. From left to right: * 1.
  43. Which links the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea, is about long and averages in, width ,but narrows in places to less than. There are two suspension bridges over the
  44. The width of a little finger at arm's length. * 10° is approximately the, width ,of a closed fist at arm's length. * 20° is approximately the width of a
  45. Deposited structure is the ratio of the height of its vertical side wall to its, width , *** HARMS High Aspect Ratios allow the construction of tall structures
  46. Are fixed width , though some characters for ideographic languages are variable, width , Since these characters are based on a draft of the ISO-8859 series, some of
  47. As well as now being expressed in millimeters, and with height preceding, width , Thus, the UK equivalent of 6⅛” × 9¼” is 234 × 156 mm. British conventions in
  48. Is an island country in the Lesser Antilles. It is in length and as much as in, width , amounting to. It is situated in the western area of the North Atlantic and 100
  49. Makes islands is Hiroshima Island,26.5 miles long and 13.5 miles in extreme, width ,(). It is situated about 32°20'N,130°E,on the west of Yamamoto Prefecture (
  50. To create the roof. An adobe roof is often laid with bricks slightly larger in, width ,to ensure a larger expanse is covered when placing the bricks onto the beams.

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