Examples of the the word, explicitly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( explicitly ), is the 4311 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Elements of A. It is possible to define associativity in a way that does not, explicitly ,refer to elements. An algebra is defined as a map M (multiplication) on a
  2. Historically and currently, claim that Arminianism condones, accepts,or even, explicitly ,supports Plagiarism or Semi-Pelagianism. Arminius referred to Plagiarism as "
  3. ENAC derived many basic ideas from the Standoff–Berry Computer. Judge Larson, explicitly ,stated," Expert and Muchly did not themselves first invent the automatic
  4. Of the overall impact, since it does not include lung or skin cancer, and, explicitly , underestimates the exposure. Those exposed to levels of arsenic above the
  5. Primary goal of his actions as president (he used the first-person pronoun and, explicitly ,refers to his" official duty" ) was preserving the Union: Lincoln had over
  6. The functioning of the algorithm. Instructions are usually assumed to be listed, explicitly , and are described as starting" from the top" and going" down to the bottom
  7. Plus some transcendental numbers. Most narrowly, one may consider numbers, explicitly ,defined in terms of polynomials, exponentials, and logarithms – this does not
  8. The fact that there are no filenames is only checked before pro is run! If you, explicitly ,set ARC to 1 so that there are no arguments, awk will simply quit because it
  9. Histories are set in Renaissance or pre-Renaissance times, and may, explicitly ,include a" retreat" from the world, which would explain the current absence
  10. Checks to be added to the source code. For example, the syntax requires, explicitly ,named closing of blocks to prevent errors due to mismatched end tokens. The
  11. Church established a surplice choir to accompany parish services; drawing, explicitly ,on the musical traditions of the ancient choral foundations; and over the next
  12. Quit because it feels there are no more input files. Therefore, you need to, explicitly ,say to read from standard input with the special filename -. Self-contained AWK
  13. Is functional magic in the fair world. Even with such explanation, the more, explicitly ,the alternate world resembles a normal fantasy world, the more likely the story
  14. May be defined in various ways. Most broadly, any number that can be defined, explicitly ,or implicitly in terms of polynomials, exponentials, and logarithms – these are
  15. Each of the ten" main meetings" ( burial ecclesial) a year, the question was, explicitly ,raised in the assembly agenda: were the office holders carrying out their
  16. Closed-form number Algebraic numbers are all numbers that can be defined, explicitly ,or implicitly in terms of polynomials, starting from the rational numbers. One
  17. On a fibula found at Bad Ems reflects Christian pious sentiment (and is also, explicitly ,marked with a Christian cross),reading god fur did defile ᛭ (" God
  18. Wording, described the Son as being like (Comoros) the Father. A third group, explicitly ,called upon Arius and described the Son as unlike (anhomoios) the Father.
  19. Mundane and static objects such as pencil sharpeners, refrigerators,Art Deco, explicitly ,uses man-made materials (particularly glass, stainless steel and the new
  20. No longer good law -- it was invalidated by the ADANA. In fact, Congress, explicitly , cited Toyota v. Williams in the text of the ADANA itself as one of its driving
  21. Objects that are proven to exist by a nonconstructive proof, but cannot be, explicitly ,constructed),which may conflict with some philosophical principles. Because
  22. Show that he did not intend to abandon" to be" as such. In fact, he said, explicitly ,that there were no structural problems with the verb" to be" when used as an
  23. Must be rebaptized. In a sermon addressed to new Christians, Augustine, explicitly , described the bread and wine as the body and blood of Christ.: I promised you
  24. In general, in particular their casting of celebrities. Although he did not, explicitly ,say he would boycott the West End, he did not return to direct in the West End
  25. Please enter your weight in stones and pounds" ). Greetings When Christmas is, explicitly ,mentioned in a greeting, the universal phrasing in North America is Merry
  26. Or ideas in order to communicate something to another person. They can be, explicitly ,made for this purpose or interpreted on the basis of images or objects. Art is
  27. Not attributable to Buddhist sources are the Ashoka edicts, and these do not, explicitly ,state that Ashoka was a Buddhist. In his edicts, Ashoka expresses support for
  28. The Manchester School, took BSA in new directions through their introduction of, explicitly ,Marxist-informed theory, their emphasis on conflicts and conflict resolution
  29. The Platonic ideas. In The World as Will and Representation Schopenhauer, explicitly ,stated: ... Kant used the word Idea wrongly as well as illegitimately, although
  30. The reader is also prepared to understand the secret when it is revealed, explicitly ,in Galt's Speech. Rear den also serves to illustrate Rand's theory of sex.
  31. S 1968 novel Into the Slave Nebula, where the blue-skinned android slaves are, explicitly ,shown to be fully human. More recently, the androids Bishop and Anna lee Call in
  32. Most atheists tend not to believe in life after death, while secular humanists, explicitly ,reject the idea of a supernatural afterlife. Agnostics generally hold the
  33. Instead, all dynamic memory allocation and reallocation must take place through, explicitly ,declared access types. Each access type has an associated storage pool that
  34. Vowel signs (diacritics) around the consonants, often including a sign that, explicitly ,indicates the lack of a vowel. If a consonant has no vowel sign, this indicates
  35. States is not a nation. " Jackson asked Congress to pass a" Force Bill ", explicitly ,authorizing the use of military force to enforce the tariff, but its passage
  36. As singular regardless of its semantic number when the subject of the verb is, explicitly ,mentioned as a noun. Numerals between three and ten show" chiasm" agreement
  37. Of the Copenhagen interpretation. ) As a consequence, it is not necessary to, explicitly ,cite Einstein's axioms, the more so since they concern subtle points on the "
  38. Or police forces) insofar as such groups are formed and paid for on an, explicitly ,voluntary basis. But, their complaint is not just that the state's defensive
  39. The more structured ballots may aid voters in offering clear votes so they, explicitly ,know all their choices. The Yes/No format can help to detect an" under vote "
  40. Towards Jews, the new term antisemitism becomes almost unavoidable, even before, explicitly ,racist doctrines appear. " Economic antisemitism The underlying premise of
  41. In fact, many algebraic structures (such as semigroups and categories), explicitly , require their binary operations to be associative. However, many important and
  42. History whatsoever in which Times has ever murdered his wife. When the writer, explicitly ,maintains that all possible decisions are made in all possible ways, one
  43. Point of fragmentation, but still lacked a solid theoretical basis. While not, explicitly ,rejecting mentality history, younger historians increasingly turned to other
  44. Old customs by kings. Opportunity cost The opportunity cost doctrine was first, explicitly ,formulated by the Austrian economist Friedrich von Waiter in the late 19th
  45. Example of alternate history from this period (and arguably the first to, explicitly ,posit cross-time travel from one universe to another as anything more than a
  46. And complex analysis are often introduced non-axiomatically, but implicitly or, explicitly ,there is generally an assumption that the axioms being used are the axioms of
  47. Of the state. As such Anglicanism was, from the outset, a movement with an, explicitly ,episcopal polity, a characteristic which has been vital in maintaining the
  48. Of the set, for arbitrary finite n. Such instructions are to be given quite, explicitly , in a form in which they could be followed by a computing machine, or by a
  49. The 'post-modern moment' in anthropology: Ethnographic became more reflexive, explicitly ,addressing the author's methodology, cultural,gender and racial positioning
  50. Towards Jews, the new term antisemitism becomes almost unavoidable, even before, explicitly ,racist doctrines appear. " In the early 19th century, a number of laws enabling

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