Examples of the the word, revelation , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Believed to be written by ancient prophets. Under the doctrine of continuing, revelation , Latter-day Saints believe that Jesus, under the direction of Heavenly Father
  2. Process and the Book of Mormon was not. Joseph Smith told of receiving a, revelation ,condemning the" whole church" for treating the Book of Mormon and the former
  3. Ending The series ends with the awakening of other" Big" megabus and the, revelation ,that the universe is a simulated reality created by advanced virtual reality
  4. To sense-perception, and is thus an objective rather than subjective, revelation ,of beauty. For Arthur Schopenhauer aesthetic contemplation of beauty is the
  5. Wife of the dissipated Arthur Huntington. The book's brilliance lies in its, revelation ,of the position of women at the time, and its multi-layered plot. It is easy
  6. Presents a challenge to the Islamic doctrine of the finality of Muhammad's, revelation , The Bavaria were a Germanic tribe whose name emerged late in Teutonic tribal
  7. Abdul'Baha. The writings of the Bad and Baha'u'Allah are considered as divine, revelation , the writings and talks of ` Abdul'Baha and the writings of Shogi Effendi as
  8. Of His absolute sovereignty, eternity,unity, and in corporeality, as taught in, revelation , especially in the Decalogue; (2) that of the world's creation by Him out of
  9. Toward the mysticism of Nachmanides. Above all, he was a thorough believer in, revelation ,and in a divine providence, and was a sincere, law-observing follower of
  10. Century is marked by figures such as Charles Gore, with his emphasis on natural, revelation , William Temple's focus on Christianity and society, J. A. T. Robinson's
  11. The guise of Anglers is allowed to question about the Asgard and the Æsir. A, revelation ,of the ancient myths follows, but at the end the palace and the people
  12. That he has always been secretly in love with her. Nora tries to deny the first, revelation ,and make light of it, but she is more disturbed by the second. She tries
  13. Of Scripture: Protestant Christians believe that the Bible is a self-sufficient, revelation , the final authority on all Christian doctrine, and revealed all truth
  14. Of the" commander of Yahweh's army" ( 5:13–15) is reminiscent of the divine, revelation ,to Moses in the burning bush (Ex. 3:1–6). *Joshua successfully intercedes on
  15. Children. Her betrothal to the Captain obviously nullified by the unexpected, revelation ,that he's actually her brother, Philia weds Hero; Pseudos gets his freedom
  16. She" senses the drift of history" from intelligence rather than from special, revelation , Abraham Kuiper argues, moreover,that Abigail's conduct indicates" a most
  17. Their deeds and teachings were known publicly after the 1993 incident. The, revelation ,of those things gave others the opportunity to dispute their hold on the Mount
  18. In London. Name "/IN"> Raleigh"/> These reports were the first, revelation ,about the Holocaust and were the principal source of intelligence on Auschwitz
  19. By his followers, who maintained that God revealed Himself in a threefold, revelation , the first in the Biblical patriarch Abraham, marking the epoch of the Father;
  20. In the eighteenth century, mistook this transient state of affairs for a, revelation ,of the permanent nature of art. Brian Assume suggests reconsidering beauty
  21. The hand of Moses that held the“ rod of God” ( Exodus 17:9). When the, revelation ,was given to Moses at Mount Sinai, he headed the elders of Israel who
  22. Command staff. When Winters's portrayer Andrea Thompson left the series, this, revelation , was used to drop the character from the series. Ratings for Babylon 5 continued
  23. Of authority in the religion. At this time Baha'is view Baha'u'lláh's, revelation ,as a binding lesser covenant for his followers; in the Bahá'í writings being
  24. The Justice League of the existence of Batman's murderous creation. The, revelation ,of Batman's creation and his tacit responsibility for Blue Beetle's death
  25. Still stands in the MC2 continuity). The" Clone Saga" culminated with the, revelation ,that the Spider-Man who had appeared in the previous 20 years of comics was a
  26. By the theologian Ludwig Gotthard Rosengarten, who taught that nature was a, revelation ,of God. During this period he also studied literature and aesthetics with
  27. Of the Old Testament, obedience to the law, and the belief in miracles and, revelation , He therefore, in a series of letters (afterwards collected under the title
  28. Comics; the debut of criminal mastermind the Rose, in #253 (June 1984); the, revelation ,in #258 (Nov. 1984) that the black costume is a living being, a symbiote; and
  29. In Utah. He spoke about the issue nine years after the purported original, revelation ,of Joseph Smith, and five years after the Mormon Exodus to Utah following Smith
  30. In the Christian scriptures. Many associate the term" born again" with the, revelation ,of a new concept, or an experience of conversion, defined as mental assent to
  31. Was said to have" instructed Crowley in the magical use of drugs. " The Cairo, revelation ,from Always/Away specifically recommended indulgence in" strange drugs ".
  32. And what it means to one to be a prophet. This section gives us his idea of, revelation ,as an event, as opposed to a process. This relates to Israel's commitment to
  33. Few minutes and contemplates suicide to save her husband from the shame of the, revelation ,of her crime, and more importantly to pre-empt any gallant gesture on his part
  34. S. Monsoon. Individual members believe that they can also receive personal, revelation ,from God in conducting their lives. The President heads a hierarchical
  35. Church. Young opposed this reasoning and motion. Smith had earlier recorded a, revelation ,which stated the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles were" equal in authority and
  36. And athletes, including the trainers of Jason Iambi and Barry Bonds. This, revelation ,lead to a vast criminal investigation into BALCO's connections with athletes
  37. in the USA. I felt I had been working toward the same goal; thus it was a major, revelation ,to me when I actually saw it being done. Influence According to José Perez Kurt
  38. Every one of you (note every one) hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a, revelation , hath an interpretation," and so on. When someone comes to church and
  39. To burn brighter, Maurice looked forward to the possibility of a brighter, revelation ,of faith in the future. Maurice saw the Protestant and Catholic strands within
  40. Of the rabbis in the Mishnah, Talmud and Midrash about the nature of Torah,the, revelation ,of God to mankind, prophecy,and the ways that Jews have used scriptural
  41. Were Spirituals or Inspirations, who believed that they had received direct, revelation ,from the Spirit, and rationalists or anti-Trinitarians, who rebelled against
  42. State to visit upon culprits the penalty of death derives much authority from, revelation ,and from the writings of theologians ", the matter of" the advisability of
  43. First word of the book in Kline Greek: apocalypses, meaning " unveiling" or ", revelation ," (the author himself not having provided a title). It is also known as the
  44. 1961,less than three weeks before the first Boston manned space flight. This, revelation ,caused some speculation whether the Apollo 1 disaster might have been averted
  45. Currently Pope Benedict XVI: With regard to those truths connected to, revelation ,by historical necessity and which are to be held definitively, but are not able
  46. With a study of Jews as a chosen people. Section two deals with the idea of, revelation , and what it means to one to be a prophet. This section gives us his idea of
  47. The historians of the early British India, but James Prince contributed in the, revelation ,of historical sources. Another important historian was British archaeologist
  48. Used and tested positive for methamphetamine in 1997. In response to the latter, revelation , Roger Federer declared himself shocked and disappointed, while Sergei Burka
  49. Of Great Price. Other than the Bible, the majority of the LDS canon constitutes, revelation ,dictated by Joseph Smith and includes commentary and exegesis about the Bible
  50. Madame, tell you a little more about myself. I am Hercules Poirot. ": The, revelation ,left Mrs Summerhouse unmoved.:" What a lovely name," she said kindly. " Greek

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